
New Fruits

When Nikolay Luck's voice was heard outside his door, he put the 'unripe' fruit he was holding on his table and got up from his desk.

Nikolai was about to open the door when he heard the low voice of the fruit seller he had met at the market.

"...The lord of the settlement is known for his ruthlessness, the devil!"

For a moment Nikolai did not know what to feel.

Was it bad to be a leader who spread fear? 

Of course not! Having people fear him gave him authority and power.

But for a moment he was unhappy at the devil comparison he heard.

What devil? 

Am I not the one who protects you in this compound and makes sure you eat?

What did I do to be likened to the devil?

I mean, I did chop off the limbs of a few people alive to make an example of them, but they were traitors!

Yes, I shoved a hot iron in a few people's eyes, but they were rapists!

Can you call what I did evil!

I don't touch the innocent!

The sound stopped as soon as the door opened.

The poor fruit vendor almost peed his pants at the prospect of being overheard.

Nikolai ignored the fruit vendor and looked at Luck with smiling eyes.

"Luck! There you are! Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Oh I just got here, I was on my way to you."

Putting his arm around Luck's shoulder Nikolai pulled Luck towards his room.

"What a coincidence Luck, I've just collected some of the seeds you wanted! Come and take a look at them!"

No matter how much his body and strength had improved lately, Luck had no chance to resist Nikolai's power.

After Nikolay pulled Luck into his room, he went straight to a closet in his room and took out a box and brought it in front of Luck.

"I was a bit confused when you asked for seeds but I didn't want to disappoint you Luck, so I collected almost all the seeds I could find!"

Luck looked at the square box Nikolai handed him with skepticism in his eyes.

How many seeds could there be in such a small box?

Nikolay laughed as if he had read Luck's mind.

"Hahaha Luck what is that strange look in your eyes? Inside that box is just a paper with seed samples and descriptions, I'll bring you sacks and sacks of the seeds you like!"

When Luck opened the box in front of him, he saw dozens of different seeds and a paper divided into compartments just as Nikolai had said.

On the paper was a detailed description of each seed, separated by numbers.


Growing Time 10-15 days

Description: Arugula is an herb that likes cool weather and is often used in salads. The seeds can be harvested about 10-15 days after sowing.


Growing Time 12-30 days

Description: Radish is one of the fast growing root vegetables and can be harvested 20-30 days after sowing. It is known for its crunchy texture and slightly bitter taste.


Growing Time 18-25 days

Description: Lettuce is a leafy vegetable that grows rapidly in cool climates. The leaves can be harvested about 18-25 days after sowing the seeds.


Growing Time 20-30 days

Description: Spinach is one of the fast growing leafy vegetables and likes cool weather. It can be harvested 20-30 days after sowing.

Green Onion

Growing Time 20-40 days

Description: Green onions are a fast-growing vegetable and can be harvested 20-40 days after planting. Both the green leaves and the white root are edible.



Growing Time 2-3 months

Description: Strawberry plants can start to bear fruit 2-3 months after planting under the right conditions. They produce abundant crops in spring and summer.


Growing Time: 50-60 days

Description: Cowpea is a fast growing legume and can be harvested 50-60 days after sowing. It can be consumed both fresh and dried.


Growing Time: 30-50 days

Description: Peas grow fast in cool climates and can be harvested 30-50 days after sowing. They can be consumed both fresh and frozen.


Growing Time: 30-40 days

Description: Cucumber is a fast growing plant that loves warm weather. It starts to bear fruit 30-40 days after planting.

Tomato (Cherry Tomato)

Growing Time 20-40 days

Description: Cherry tomatoes grow faster than other types of tomatoes and can be harvested 20-40 days after planting. They are consumed both in salads and as snacks.

Glancing briefly at what was written on the paper, Luck was inwardly surprised.

Compared to the fruits and vegetables on his world, the fruits and vegetables grown on Gliese seemed to grow much faster!

If this is true, I won't have to wait long and I can have my first harvest!

A happy smile on his face, Luck closed the lid of the box in front of him.

"These are very good! Can I have a sack of seeds from each one?"

Nikolai laughed, happy that Luck was happy with the seeds.

"hahaha! Of course Luck, I can even give you more if you want...look at these, I've never seen these fruits before, would you be interested in them?"

This time Nikolay handed another box to Luck.

"Fruits you've never seen before?"

Luck curiously opened the other box Nikolay had given him.

Taking the fruits in the box and looking at them one by one, Luck involuntarily muttered "These are..."

Dragon fruit!



Do they have these fruits in Gliese?

I wonder what they taste like?

Nikolai was curious as he watched Luck examine the fruits as if he knew them.

"Luck, do you know these fruits?"

Luck nodded his head approvingly.

"Yes, I know them, they are beautiful and sweet fruits!"

Nikolay nodded his head like a chicken.

"Yes, sweet like honey! Juicy and sweet! Like a fruit full of sugar!"

Nikolai took out a knife and cut the pineapple and put one piece in his mouth and offered the other to Luck.

Nikolai sighed with pleasure as he ate the pineapple.

"You don't know how sorry I am that I didn't know this flavor before."

Luck's eyes widened with pleasure as he popped the piece of pineapple into his mouth.

Oh my God...this heavenly taste....all the pineapples I've had in the world taste like shit compared to this!

If this pineapple was sold in the world, no one would look at the other pineapple!

Looking at the other fruits in front of him, Luck's mouth started to water.

"Hehehe you have a big appetite like me!"

Nikolai cut up the other fruit, took a piece for himself and then offered the other to Luck.

"Oh my God, these are so good!" Luck said, enraptured by the fruit.

"Isn't it so, I love these fruits too! I wouldn't have known they existed if I hadn't bumped into that fruit vendor outside at the market!"

Luck nodded gratefully.

"Then it's a good thing you ran into that fruit vendor! Hahahah!"

Nikolai smiled for a moment and then the smile disappeared as if cut with a knife.

"Yes, I thought he was a good salesman, but I realized that he was trying to cheat people by selling unripe fruit! Now I don't know what to do with him!"

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