
Don't Even Think About That.

"Yes, Mom, I rented the farmland and soon we will plant the first seed."

Luck couldn't help smiling when he heard his mother's excited voice on the phone telling him that she had rented the farmland.

"What are you going to plant? When can we expect our first harvest?"

"You don't know anything about farming land! Have you found someone who does?"

"The land also needs to be fertilized! Did you buy fertilizer?"

Luck: ( ಠ ಠ )

"Mom, I have everything under control, don't worry."

"What do you mean, don't worry!"

Luck's smile was gone when he heard his mother's screeching voice.

I was going home unannounced!

I made trouble for myself!

"the place where I rented the farmland recommended a competent person to take care of the land. "

Luck thought his explanation would calm his mother, but he was very wrong.

"You're going to entrust the farmland to someone else!"

"Yes? What else am I supposed to do, you want me to stay here?" Luck said mockingly.


"Good idea! You can stand there until the first crop comes out!"

Luck : ⊙△⊙

"mom you must be joking, it will be months before we harvest the first crop! What am I going to do here."

"You do what you do here! You'll be wandering around!"

Luck: ( -⌓- )

"Mom, you're so bad!"

"I was bad the day I gave birth to you."

Luck: (...)

"You can come back after you see with your own eyes that the seeds have been planted."

"Thank you for the permission, m'am."


After hanging up the phone, Luck checked into the hotel room he had reserved earlier.

"I'm officially banned from coming home by my mom, even though I can come back anytime I want!"

Placing 'a backpack full' of his belongings in his closet, Luck quickly changed out of his clothes into the clothes he had used on Gliese and headed for the bathroom door.

"Did they ever harvest any seeds for me?"

As soon as the familiar feeling of stepping into darkness and emptiness passed, he found himself leaving an inn in the Blood adventurers' compound.

"It wouldn't hurt to walk around a bit before stopping by Nikolai's place." Luck thought as he wandered through the compound's marketplace.

Although the marketplace was not as big as the one in Victory Town, it was much more varied.

There were various kinds of star beast meat, bones and other valuable parts for sale.

Many medicinal and poisonous plants that would have started a war on Earth were displayed on the stalls as if they were nothing.

While examining the various plants on the counter, Luck caught a pinch of a plant in a glass jar.

Pointing with his head to the plant in the glass jar, Luck asked the stall seller.

"Sir, what is this plant?"

"This plant is called dream herb, mister. If you inhale the smoke after burning this plant, you will feel drunk and you will see the sweetest dreams!"

Luck was surprised by the unexpected answer.

This plant is a narcotic!

"Mister, isn't the sale of this plant forbidden? Isn't it harmful to people?" asked Luck in confusion.

The herbalist tilted his head in confusion and said, "Forbidden, why would it be forbidden? Harm?

People have been using this plant for centuries! No harm is known so far!"

"Isn't it addictive?" Luck asked curiously.

"What addiction? After using this plant once, the human body becomes immune to its effects for a month! Even if a person wants to become addicted, they can't!"

Luck was stunned.

This is a harmless drug! 

Even some of the most harmful drugs in the world were sold in some countries with government permission!

If this plant had appeared in the world, it could have been sold like cigarettes without having to be banned!

It should not be forgotten that cigarettes were a gold mine that sold like hot cigarettes all over the world and the supply was always struggling to meet the demand!

"Sir, then why do you keep this plant in a glass jar? Is this plant very valuable?"

"Valuable? Well, it costs ten silver pieces per kilo. Even if you don't burn the plant, it will naturally give off some odor! No one wants to be immunized again before using the dream herb!"

Cheap! Very cheap!

What if I buy it and sell it around the world?

It's a harmless recreational drug! How much money would it make?


And how much danger would he be in?

Would all those companies and wealthy families who make money from cigarettes leave this weed to him?

Of course not!

It's not like selling hamburgers! 

If he tried to sell dream weed in the world, he wouldn't even realize when he was in his grave!

Shaking his head and shaking off thoughts of selling the dream herb, Luck started looking at the other herbs.

"The blue moon grass and red devil's flower I've been using are becoming less and less effective, any idea why?"

The herbalist looked Luck up and down.

"Have they completely lost their effect or are they less effective?"

"Significantly less potent.

Shaking his head, the herbalist held out his hand to Luck, "can I have your hand?"

Luck raised one eyebrow and looked meaningfully at the herbalist.

Feeling Luck's meaningful gaze, the man became angry.

"I'm going to take care of your star power, man! I have no other intentions!"

Luck breathed a sigh of relief and extended his hand.

After the herbalist took Luck's hand, a weak wave of power emanating from the man penetrated Luck.

"Hah...you have the power of 1 star, young man, not bad."

"Thanks, but what's the result?"

The man took out some plants from his bench and handed them to Luck.

Luck was confused as he looked at the plants the man handed him.

"These are the same plants I use?"

The herbalist chuckled "For someone like you who is ignorant about herbs, yes they are!"

Luck: (0_o)

Clueless? I came here to buy some plants! Not to be insulted!

"these plants are older plants, richer in mana! The ones you used before were probably only a few days old!"

"But even so, they worked before! Why did they suddenly lose their potency?"

The herbalist looked at Luck like an idiot.

"You must have recently made a breakthrough in your star power...the higher your star power, the more mana-rich the herbs you use should be! This is a known fact!"

"Oh, so that's why!" exclaimed Luck in realization.

"Yes that's why, so are you going to buy these herbs or don't bother me anymore!"

"I'll buy it, I'll buy it! How much?"

Raising one finger, the vendor said firmly, "One silver a bunch!"

Gritting his teeth, Luck nodded his head in agreement.

"I'll take three bunches each."

Even though it was the same herb, even though it was many times more expensive than what he was going to buy now, he had no choice but to buy it.

Handing the silver coins to the herb seller, Luck said, "These better work."

"If it doesn't, you can come and see me here, sir!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

PuckGoodfellowcreators' thoughts
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