
Melting Gold

"We'll be fine....what more can happen...I won't get us in trouble...these are all famous last words!"

"I'll pay double!"

There was a moment of silence on the phone.

"When do you need the guns?"


Luck: (゜▽゜;)

'how his behaviour changed when it came to money ...'

"As soon as possible, this time don't try to bring the guns home, I'll send you an address and you can bring them there."

"Understood, what about bullets? How much do you need?"

"Bring as much as you can."




"If you want to start a war, start it somewhere else, okay?"

Pitter, pitter, pitter, pitter, pitter...

Not wanting to say anything more to Zack, Luck hung up the phone in Zack's face.

Checking the money in his bank account on his phone, Luck said, "Oh, I need more money..."

It seemed like a lot for about 10 million dollars in his bank account, but he had no doubt that all his money would suddenly run out.

Thinking about the gold he had in Gliese, Luck said, "I wonder if I should continue selling gold?

He dismissed this thought by shaking his head.

"Otherwise, if someone wonders where these gold coins come from, I'll be the first source to come forward, but if..."



"Why! Why doesn't it work!"

Luck looked angrily at the gold coin, which showed no sign of melting even though it had turned red from the heat.

Luck had the following idea;

1) Melt the gold coins.

2) Turn the molten gold into gold bars.

3) Sell gold bullion around the world and make money!

Luck's 'ingenious' plan failed at the very first step!

The flames from the 'spark' of the artefact he had bought did not seem to be enough to melt the gold coin.

"Damn it!"

Luck, whose hand was burnt because he forgot that the gold coin was hot and held it, cried out in pain and threw the gold coin.

"Boss, something happened!"

Hearing Luck's cry, Velma rushed into the room, thinking that something had happened to Luck.

Velma, who looked at the gold coin, which was obviously hot, and Luck, who was waving his hand painfully, looked at Luck in astonishment.


Luck, who did not know what to say to Velma who looked at him with questioning eyes, was stunned for a moment.

"Well I..."

Looking at the obviously hot and steaming gold coin on the floor, Velma realised that Luck had burnt his hand. 

"Boss, you burnt your hand! I'll go get a healing potion right now!" he said and ran away without waiting for Luck's reply.

"Don't go..." Luck was in tears as he looked helplessly after Velma.

"How do I explain this now?



Nikolay laughed and tears started to come from his eyes.

Meanwhile, Senna and Elsa were sitting in their seats with smiles they tried to hide on their faces.

"Tell me again, what did you do? Muhahahah!"

Luck whispered, "I tried to melt the gold coin."

"He tried to melt the gold coin muahhahaha!"

Elsa, who could not stand it anymore, also let out the laughter she could hardly hold in her mouth. 


"How could I have known?" said Luck, bowing his head in shame. 

"How could you know muhahahaha!"

When Velma worriedly ran to ask Elsa for a healing potion for Luck, Elsa, who thought Luck was seriously injured, ran to ask her father for a top-tier healing potion.

Later, when Nikolai came to Luck's room with his daughters and Velma, he was confused to see Luck healthy and uninjured.

(?_?) 'I thought Luck was injured?'

Later, when he explained what had happened, Nikolai laughed until tears came to his eyes, which confused Luck very much.

"Do you think you can melt a gold coin infused with star power by a 10-star star mage? Why? If you want gold, go to a jeweller, it's not the gold that makes a gold coin valuable, it's the star power in it!"

Nikolai's explanation was like a bucket of cold water poured over Luck.

"Isn't gold valuable?"

"Gold is valuable? Muhahahahaha! It's a metal used as a conductor of mana, but it's not even the best! It's just a lowly metal used for making money! And an ornamental material for women, that's all!"

Luck: '`( ꒪Д꒪),、 Is gold a worthless metal?"

"Muhahahahah you can buy close to a kilo of ordinary gold with one gold coin!"

Luck stared at the gold coin he was trying to melt.

סּ_סּ 'can I buy a kilo of gold with this?'

Luck began to doubt life.

"Have I worked all this time for nothing?

'I went to all that trouble thinking I'd get caught trying to launder gold coins!

"A kilo of gold for a gold coin! How much money can I make!'

Next chapter