
Where did he go?

Senna, who could find no trace of Luck no matter how much he searched the room where Luck was staying, was full of questions.

Where is this guy?

Was he here 1 minute ago?

He shuddered with a thought that came to his mind... Or can he be invisible?

But he dismissed this thought by shaking his head.

Someone like him who had just awakened his star power could not escape the range of his perception.

Turning the room upside down one last time, Senna did not find any trace of

Luck, so she quickly made her way to the guild master's room.

"My father... and... the guild master wanted to meet Luck... what am I going to tell him?"

Nikolay Nakova, starfighter with 5-star power, guild master of the Blood

Adventurers and father of Senna and Elsa...

Nikolai Nakova, though cruel and violent towards others, was becoming the most patient and loving person he could be with his daughters, and he wondered about the man who had been the talk of both of them lately, and about the food he was selling.

What kind of a man would be able to impress my daughters so much with food alone? Or... his brow furrowed as he thought of one possibility... is that man after my daughters?

Knock, knock, knock!

It was a knock on the door of his room that roused Nikolai from his thoughts.

"You may come in."

When the door opened and he saw the person who had come in alone, a brief smile appeared on his face that only his daughters could see. 

Nikolai raised one eyebrow, thinking that he had come in alone before introducing that man Luck to her father, "Do you have something to tell me before you introduce that man to me?"

Senna was looking at the floor without looking at the Guildmaster's-father's-face, she had a constipated expression.

"He just disappeared."

Nikolai looked at Senna, who was standing in front of him, staring at the ground, victimized, and said, "He just disappeared? How?

"I went out because Luck wanted to get dressed... When I came in, he was nowhere to be found."

Nikolay paused for a moment "I remember that man saying that he had just awakened his star power when he was injured..."

"Yes, Guildmaster..." Feeling Nikolai's stern gaze on him, he fell silent for a moment before continuing.

For some reason, Nikolai's daughters always addressed him as Guildmaster, and Nikolai felt a stab of pain in his heart whenever his beloved daughters called him Guildmaster in a formal way.

So he warned his daughters many times that they should not call him guild master when they were alone together.

"Yes, Dad, Luck had just awakened his star power when we found him injured.

"Then how did he suddenly disappear?"

Senna bowed her head in shame, "I don't know, Dad."

"Did you take everything off that man?

Senna nodded quickly "Yes, I took everything off him! I made sure there were no artifacts on him!"

Suddenly, an aura of blood filled the air "You took everything off? Why do I take it that you personally took off that man's clothes?"

Senna shuddered for a moment at the aura of Blood emanating from her father.

It was this blood aura that gave their guild its name, and her father only released it when confronting star monsters or enemies.

Nikolai immediately withdrew his aura when he noticed Senna flinch.

"I apologize...I couldn't help myself for a moment."

Senna shook her head "It's okay dad... I took Luck's shirt off to examine his wounds..."

Nikolay exhaled through his nose "Couldn't someone else have done it? Anyway, there's nothing to do since that Luck guy has suddenly disappeared..."

Nikolai secretly hoped that the man who was the talk of my daughters would never appear again.

"Before he disappeared, he said he would be here tomorrow at noon."


Luck opened the door in a cold sweat and walked in.

Black lay cowering in a corner with his tail between his legs while his mother sat on the sofa with piercing eyes looking at him.

Cockatiel spoke. "Run, luck, run!

"Shut up or I'll tear you up and grill you!"

The clever 'Cockatiel' ducked his head and moved under the cage so that Luck could not be seen by his mother.


"Stop sucking up!"

Luck bowed his head and prepared himself for what was to come.

I'd rather fight Flame Claw ten more times than piss off my mum...

But contrary to her expectations, nothing happened, her mother turned her back without saying anything and went to the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?"

"Huh?" Luck was so surprised that his mother was not angry with him that he stayed where he was without moving.

When Luck didn't answer her, his mum shouted from the kitchen "I said are you hungry, Luck!"

Luck, who hadn't eaten anything during his stay in Gliese, was really hungry.

"Yes, Mum! I'm hungry!"


After a while, as he and his mother sat across from each other and ate their meals without talking, Luck kept giving his mother furtive glances.

Finally, Luck's mother, who could not stand Luck's glances, said, "Stop looking at me like that, I won't be angry with you."

Luck was surprised and said, "You won't be mad at me this time? Are you serious?"

Luck's mother's eyebrows furrowed at his question.

His mother said aggressively, "What do you mean, are you serious? Do I get angry with you all the time?"

Luck : (`・・ゝ・・・)ゞ

There you go, getting angry again!


After taking a deep breath, his mother calmed down and said, "Luck, now you have your own business and you are an adult person who can take care of yourself..."

His mother seemed to be trying hard not to cry. "I realize that I was very protective and strict with you after your father died, maybe that's why you had self-confidence problems, but you seem to be much more confident now, you make me proud."

Luck was touched to see the tear dripping from his mother's eye and said "Mum


"I'm also aware that you've been trying to hide things from me for a while now, and if you can't move freely here, you have every right to go to your own home."

Luck got up from his chair and hugged his mother "You are the best mother I could ever have..."

His mother, who could no longer hide her tears, said "I will always love you son...I would have preferred you to have a girlfriend but...I respect you and every choice you make."

Luck froze for a moment as he hugged his mother and cried. He was trying to understand the last thing his mother had said.

Would she rather I had a girlfriend? Does she respect my choices? What the hell does that mean?

Luck: ( ・ㅂ・ ).... ( ̄ー ̄)

Luck's eyes widened when he realized what his mother was implying.

Luck: (/゚Д゚)/ 

Mum! I'm not like that! I love girls!"


The next day his mum didn't ask Luck if he was coming to work, but went off on her own and went to the Monster Burger.

It seemed like she wasn't really going to interfere with Luck anymore.

After his mum left, Luck quickly got ready and went through the door back to Gliese.

When he returned to the room where he had left Senna behind the other day in a daze, there was no one in the room.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

PuckGoodfellowcreators' thoughts
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