
That Cheap?

Remembering the day he had had and the positive comments people had made, Luck rolled over in his bed laughing.

It will be so easy to make money in Gliese, hahaha!

Whatever I buy at the grocery store I can sell there! Hahaha!

"Luck, shut up, I'm trying to sleep!" Luck stopped giggling when his mother's angry voice sounded from inside.

Luck was filled with excitement as he thought about all the things he had bought and hidden in his closet after returning from Gliese.

I'd better find a bigger bag, no, maybe a big suitcase!


Victory Town, Market Square

Watching Luck's stall from a distance, surrounded by a crowd of people, the duo had mixed emotions.

"Is it good that he's selling all this stuff so cheap?"

"I don't know, Halt, I don't know."

"He's even selling stuff we have a deal on! Coke, salt, sugar! He sells it all!"

"Yes, you're right, but there's nothing in our agreement that says otherwise."

"But but but... How can we sell? He sells what he calls a can of Coke for 50 bronze! 50 bronze!

Disposable salt for 5 bronze each, it's a joke!"

"No problem, let him take over the market here, we can target more distant, profitable markets."

"What do you mean?"

"According to his deal with us, he's already supplying us with much more than he's currently selling, look, he brought 25 liters of coke and 10 kilos each of various spices in one go."

"But salt... Restaurant owners don't like it, especially Ivan."

Letting out a breath of desperation, Horace said, "Yes, we need to talk to Luck about the salt or he'll be in trouble."


Inside an Inn Room

Senna was looking at the red can in his hand with great desire. 

When she opened the lid of the red can, there was a hissing sound, and the smell of the black liquid that she had an irresistible desire to drink reached her nose.

'Coke, yes, according to the stall owner, this drink is called cola.'

As soon as he took his first sip of Coke, he squinted his eyes in pleasure at the strange sensation of bubbles bursting in his mouth and the taste of Coke.

"Senna, save some for me!" 

The blue-haired woman who had just entered the room was furious when she saw Senna drinking the Coke.

"We only got one can! I want to drink it too!"

"Okay, I didn't finish it!" Senna looked with regretful eyes at Elsa who entered the room.

'I should have drunk it much faster.

"You've already drunk half of it, if I hadn't come you would have finished it all, right?"

"No, of course not." It was obvious that Senna was lying as she looked up at the ceiling as if there was something very interesting to avoid making eye contact.

"I thought the stall owner advised you to drink Coke cold..."

"HAAA" His eyes widened with sudden realization.

"If you had waited for me, you could have had a cold Coke, you idiot, but you lost your chance."

Elsa snapped her finger and an icy draft filled the room.

Senna, shivering from the cold, said, "Did you have to do that? You could have just chilled the Coke."

"Then it would have been no fun hehe."

Taking a sip of the cooled cola, Elsa's eyes widened.

"Oh my god. It's really good."

Seeing Elsa's expression, Senna knew she was not trying to deceive her.

"Can you leave me a sip of the cold Coke?"

Before he could finish his sentence, Elsa had already finished the Coke and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Damn, we have to buy more Coke tomorrow."


As the days passed, Luck and his stall became famous in the town. 

A stranger walking around the town would have noticed that the townspeople, rich and poor alike, were always talking about Coke, cakes, and candy with delight.

"I wonder how many cans of Coke you will bring today, last time they were all gone before I could buy them."

"Those sodas are all so good, the black ones, the yellow ones, even the transparent ones, they are all so good."

"Especially those cakes are so sweet!"

"I want to buy salt!

"I want sugar, it even makes my porridge good to eat!"


Halt's Shop

Cheerful laughter echoed through the shop.

"Cheers! Hahaha!"



Horace and Halt were at a table, eating and drinking and celebrating their winnings.

"Those sodas are selling like hotcakes!" 

Horace was drunk with happiness.

"There are even rumors that even the Bright Moon royal family likes Coke. "

Halt couldn't stop chuckling as he thought about the gold he had won.

"The clothes he brought are also very popular with the nobility, tracksuits, suits..."

"We are rich! Rich! HAHAHA!"

"Calm down Halt, the end of the month is coming and we have to prepare our share to pay Luck."

Halt's face fell as he remembered that he had to pay Luck.

"Yeah, I know..."

"Don't look so glum, we're still making a pretty good profit, Halt."

Halt scratched his head in annoyance "I know but it bothers me Horace that I'm going to give all this money to that guy."

Horace frowned "We have a deal Halt we can't break it and keep those thoughts to yourself if Luck hears what you said he'll have good reason to break it." He said.

"I know I'm not a child, I'll pay according to the agreement."


After Horace left, Halt and his wife Cate met alone to discuss the payment to Luck at the end of the month.

"We're coming up on our contractual payment date, Cate, you're all set, aren't you?"

"Yeah, don't worry."

"Good, the less I know the better, arrange the payment."

"You're right, hahaha."



By the end of the month, he was shuttling back and forth between Earth and Gliese to deliver the goods to Horace and Halt as agreed in their contract, even going back and forth 5 or 6 times a day.

He was also bringing supplies so that he could sell at his stall.

"I'm dead, I've become an interplanetary courier to get rich."

Despite Luck's whining, he continued his work without hesitation.


The reason is very simple

He enjoyed making money!

At the end of the month, an excited Luck walked into Halt's shop to collect his first money from the deal.

"Welcome Mr. Luck, Halt and Mr. Horace are waiting for you inside." 

As usual, it was Halt's 'secretary' wife who greeted Luck.

He nodded to her and then went into the room where Horace and Halt were.

"Welcome Luck, we've been expecting you.

Halt pulled up a chair for Luck to sit in.

"Here you are Luck, I hope you brought a trunk or something, hahaha."

"A crate?" Luck was confused.

"Yes Luck, how else are you going to carry all that gold? Hahahah."

Halt thought it was a joke when he pulled out a big bowl of gold.

"Here Luck, according to our agreement, here is your rightful share of the sales of clothes, 340 gold coins!"

 Horace was surprised to see Halt pull out the bag of gold, but he said nothing and took out his share.

Luck's eyes widened when he saw Horace pull out a medium-sized chest.

"Are you kidding?"

"No, I never joke about business, Luck.

Luck felt like Smaug when the lid of the chest opened and he saw the glittering gold sparkle.

*Smaug, the dragon from The Hobbit.

"Six hundred gold, no more, no less, Luck."


Luck's brain short-circuited for a moment as he tried to calculate his winnings.

'Did I really win 940 gold coins? Did I win 14 million dollars?'

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