
Business idea

The stuttering guy could feel his cheek heating up. His ears burning and his heartbeat palpitating excitedly. Feeling it was abnormal, he promptly ditched her hand and held his chest as though he was experiencing a severe heart attack but even after a while, he didn't fall or pass out like he expected.

"Are you ok?" Lisa asked out of concern. She didn't bother to ask him how he became her fan.

"Y– Ye– Yes, I– I'm fine." His stuttering got worse.

"Oh, I'm glad… ehm, do you mind lending me a few minutes of your time? I have something to discuss with you."

The quiet one suddenly looked up at her. She still had some strands of hair outlining her gorgeous face. Trailing his gaze down her outfit, his eyes widened and he quickly lowered his gaze.

"You should go back in and change your–" he was saying when his stuttering friend interrupted.

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