
5 x 14 Famine

I was walking around the latest place of Famine's influence, Famine had infected a teenage boy who had the desire to get revenge on the bullies that had tormented him at school, he came to school with a gun and I'm sure you know what happened next.

"So many dead bodies. What could possibly make a person do something this horrific? Vincent lamented as we watched as paramedics cover up the bodies.

"Many things, every human has a breaking point before they snap, but all of this was Famine's handiwork in this entire town." Pointing to the the couple who were in the middle of having sex.

"I thought Famine meant Starvation, droughts, food shortages, not influencing a kid to start a school shooting incident."

"Famine can mean something more than physical hunger, it could be something spiritual, or a base desire that you crave inwardly. Sex, drugs, violence, an author that works hard to get good comments on the latest chapter of his book, etc." Listing to Vincent what someone's desires would be.

"Is that why your disciples and the other human co-workers, are showing signs of stir-crazy back at home? Vincent was referring to the mess earlier this morning.

"Yes, every human has this spark of hunger in their soul, my disciples are made of 90% grace and the rest is the remnant of their soul." Explaining to Vincent how I turn humans into angels.

Earlier this morning

I was making a pot of coffee with some toast, when came barging in the kitchen and threw the pot of coffee to the ground.

"Peter, you better have a good reason to destroy a perfectly good pot of coffee, this early in the morning at 5 am." I was still shocked at the sheer audacity of Peter.

"My lord, I will protect you from this vile poison, nothing will harm you while I am here!! Peter pulled out his sword and started to flail his arms around.

"Vincent remind me, we did take care of Gabriel's stash of happy drugs right? Because I must be hallucinating right now."

"Yea, I'm pretty sure we destroyed all of it before anyone found out, and I'm seeing the same thing that you are." John, James, and Mary came into the room.

James was holding a school of fish in his arms, and then proceeded to eat them like a uncultured barbarian.

John was babbling something about Valentine day, Christianity, and his entire life story since he met me.

Mary was the weirdest out of the three, she was wearing a nun's outfit, while giving me a sultry smile and touching me all over.

"It's too early for this crap." Both me and Vincent thought as we looked at the broken coffee pot.

"I will never look at nuns the same way ever again without thinking back to that moment." I muttered as I went to a Starbucks to get some coffee.

"So, this is pretty much all of Famine's fault, right? But, why is he eating all the souls of his victims if he's some powerful Horseman?

"And then will come Famine riding on a black steed, he will ride into the land of plenty and great will be the Horseman's hunger, for he is hunger." Quoting a passage from revelations.

"Due to humanity's breakthrough in improving the environment, Famine has been getting weaker to the point where he needs to be closer to influence and devour, his victims. Good riddance, to that disgusting prick."

"Did you know that aside from Death, the Horsemen have influenced various points in human history for their own depravity?

"War has influenced both world wars, Pestilence the Black Death and the Spanish Flu, and the Great depression is Famine's doing." Thinking back to when I last interacted with Famine in 1935

It was in the middle of the Great depression, I was watching a group of farmers struggling to grow food, while a dust bowel was approaching.

"America is nothing but a bunch of locusts aren't they? Consume, consume, until there's nothing left and their fighting for the scraps." An old and grotesque voice sounded in my ears as I faced the source.

"Famine, I knew that your decrepit self was behind all of this." Pointing to the oncoming storm as people scattered away.

"It was even remotely difficult, I just let them enjoy themselves, investing on the stock markets, partying until they collapse, it was so enjoyable when their precious lifestyles were ruined by my Famine." Famine gave me a toothy grin as people were getting caught in the storm.

"Why? What's the point of going this extreme? Not even the others are causing this much harm? Disgusted at Famine behavior as I helped the people out of the storm.

"Because it hurts you, because you and God spend all of your attention on a bunch of sad, lonely, greedy, people who desperately crave something they will never fill." Famine lraughed one last time before disappearing.

I left the Starbucks, and went straight to Greece, the weapon that I would need to dispatch Famine was in an abandoned temple.

I grabbed the weapon that was the Flute of Temperance, and flew to Plainville, the recent town that Famine had infected.

I started to play the flute by recalling a song that soothe the soul, the music was powerful enough to heal the injuries they received under Famine's influence, and even cancel the urges entirely.

I walked into the Biggerson restaurant, and continued to play the flute, the dead patrons began to wake up as their injuries were healed and their mind cleared, much to the anger of Famine.

"No! Those are my souls! Mine! You think that pathetic instrument can stop me? I am Famine, you can't destroy me! I am Famine! The black Horseman body started to deteriorate to dust, as more and more of the town was healed from Famine effects.

I lit up my eyes, as the demons that were holding Dean were destroyed, giving back control to the innocent human souls.

"Twice, this is the second time that I have healed your brother from his demonic tendencies, next time this happens, I will send him to hell right where he belongs. So stop it or I will." Disappearing from Dean's sight as I returned to the pavilion.

Hope you guys are enjoying the new year, check put my newest book. Seraph of the end:Blood for the Blood God.

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