


Magedelene had to resume school again, She couldn't afford to fail this Semester and besides staying at home was beginning to derail her mentally.

She walks to the Lecture Room quietly, Surprisingly, nobody looked or started gossiping.

Her Eyes meets with Philip immediately, She quickly adverts her face away from Him.

She could bear to look him in the Eye, He's been sending messages, Calling. She had been avoiding him.

She walks towards Amanda, Who's smiling as their eyes meet.

"How are you feeling now." Amanda gives her a little hug.

Magedelene could feel Philip eyes on her, she turns to Amanda, answering her "I really don't know."

Amanda grabs her gently and taps on it. Magedelene could tell, Amanda didn't know how to help her, She was doing her best.

"Thank you Amanda, for bring there, even when I pushed you away." Magedelene gives Amanda a brief smile as she speaks.

Amanda beams with smile too "And do you know, who else you pushed away?" Amanda asks.

Amanda tilts her head towards Philip direction, Magedelene eyes follows suit, she could see Philip concentrating on his Phone.

Amanda faces her " You should speak to him." Amanda says as she picks up her phone.

How can Magedelene let Philip know that she's scared?

How could she let Him know that her Father's surfacing is bringing back memories she'd like to forget.

Her eyes moves towards his direction, She brings out her Phone and begins to type shakily,

"Let's meet outside." She quickly turns the screen of her phone down.

Looks up at the Projector, placed Infront of the lecture room, she looks at the door, still no presence of the lecturer.

A message chimes in immediately, She looks at it, it was from Sam.

Magedelene turns her screen away from her, she didn't open the message.

She looks at Philip again, Still on his Phone, but He hasn't responded to her message.

She couldn't stay in the class, She tells Amanda she's getting out to get fresh Air, Amanda nods and smile at her.

She walks out of the class quietly, Still nobody turns to her direction or said anything about that day.

She smiles as she walks out "I guess the world truly doesn't revolve around me."

She found a Spot behind a tree, there's a long chair, She walks over there and sits there, relaxing her head on the big stem of the tree as she takes in the fresh air.

A voice disrupts her thought, she could tell who's voice is that, She smiles lightly.

"Hey Loner." Philip says as he stands Infront of her smiling, not breaking eye contact.

"Hey." Magedelene looks straight up and flashes a smile at him.

Philip sits down with her as puts his bag beside him,

"Amanda said you didn't seem like you were coming back to class." He says as he hands her bag.

She faces him, He was still looking taller even as they were both seated.

This time she really smiles deeply, She didn't remember how long she has smiled that way.

"She really guessed right." She collects her bag, and turns to face him and speaks in a low voice "Thanks for everything."

Philip takes his hands over to hers and tightens his fingers around hers, He relaxes on the chair as they seat quietly.

"So, I guess this is our new spot." Philip breaks the silence as he looks at the sky then returns his eyes to her face.

Magedelene breathes in deeply, faces him "What do think about it?" She plays along.

"I think I like it." Philip makes a funny face as he says it. Magedelene let's out a chuckle.

"Philip." She begins to speak, "Am sorry for pushing you away." She looks away as she speaks.

Their fingers still intertwining, "I am not gonna lie, I was worried sick, it was really hard to just stay here, knowing I could have been with you and take away all your pains." Philip says as he brings her face gently to his direction.

"I just got." Magedelene voice breaking

" Hey you don't have say anything now." Philip says gently.

"No Philip, I want to really tell you how am feeling." She clears her voice and fight the tears that are building up away.

"Philip, My Birth Dad is actually alive, He's been searching for me all over. Well my Mom supposedly has been keeping me away from him all these while." She finally blurts the words out.

"I thought highly of my Her, I just don't know how to react anymore, Who to trust anymore." She couldn't stop the tears anymore.

Philip brings her into an embrace, hugging her tightly. Magedelene burst out crying all over.

With her in Philip arms, She's forgotten that everything exist, all she could feel and see at that moment was just them.

She stays in his embrace for a little while.

She lets go off him, Philip offers her a tissue.

"I am sorry, that you're going through all these internally and I can't help you at all."

Philip says as he watches her clean off her tears.

"Philip, it isn't your fault please, I pushed you away, I shouldn't have, you've been nothing but good to me." Magedelene says as she rest her head on his shoulders.

"It's okay,

It's okay." Philip assures her as he plays with her hear gently.

They both in silence again, Philip offers to get both of them Snacks.

They both went together, On their way back to their spot

"Do you still want us to stay here?" Philip asks. "I just want to be with you." Magedelene didn't know when the words slips out of her mouth.

Their eyes both meets, they laugh out loud as they both sit, Magedelene rests her head on his shoulders and munch into her snacks hungrily.

Magedelene faces him "How have you been?" She asks him genuinely.

Philip looks at her and smiles "Aside from missing you, My parent called me and said they've found my sister."

Magedelene smiles very big at his word "Look at us, I found out my dad been searching for me and You found out about your sister." She says as she leans on him again

"Isn't that something?" Philip says as he sips his drink. Philip puts his arms round her

"Hey, would you be able to pull through at my place, I and my friends, we do this thing called the round table,

Where we talk about stuff and we contribute by giving out help financially, emotionally, physically. You know that kind of stuff."

Magedelene looks up at him and smile "On one condition, Amanda comes along."

Philip lets out a chuckle as he agrees to it.

They both sit in silence, feeling both seen and safe in each other's arms.

Next chapter