


After the case at court that day, and the disturbing call She got from Amanda.

She's contemplating travelling down to Magedelene school, but she couldn't because of case she has at hand.

She decides to ring Magedelene Phone, still no answers,

She keeps on ringing until Magedelene picks it up.

"Baby, How are you doing?" Steph asks feeling so concerned.

Magedelene doesn't reply.

"Baby, what's wrong, You can talk to me, You know Amanda called me and told me how the inspector was harassing you in school." Steph pauses when she hears Magedelene clearing her voice.

No response from Magedelene still, Steph becomes confused

"Baby, You don't need to worry anymore, I am sueing him for harassment and defamation of my character."

Steph hears Magedelene gasps "Why would you do that, Ma?"

Steph becomes Speechless "I totally don't understand you right now baby, You've been avoiding my calls, Your friends calls, I really."

Magedelene cuts her short "Ma, that's not the issue here, I feel like shit right now."

Magedelene about to cry for the thousandth time.

"Then What's the issue?" Steph asks gently.

There is a pause from both end.

"I really don't know what to believe anything anymore, I can't trust anybody anymore."

Steph is shocked this time "You mean to say You don't trust me?" She asks

Magedelene goes mute for a second, then speaks "Ma, I want you to tell me the truth here, Did you know my Birth Dad, have been searching for me all this while?"

Steph goes silent, she couldn't speak

"Magedelene, to be truthful, I might have heard of it but I never took it serious, Why should I have bothered I adopted you legally." Trying to make Magedelene understand.

Steph could tell Magedelene gasp again "So, You're confessing to have hidden me from my birth Dad, is that it Ma?" Magedelene asks, as she cleans her tears.

"Baby, that's defamation of my Character, Why would I deny you that." Steph stammers as she speaks.

"Then what exactly is the truth here, Ma?" Magedelene asks on the Phone desperately on the Phone

"I really want to believe you but everything is pointing towards you."

"I did all this, to protect you." Steph voice goes a bit over the hedge.

Steph could hear Magedelene take a deep breath as she speaks,

"Ma, on a second thought, Tell me again what you were protecting me from, Because I can't seem to remember a thing."

"Magedelene, Are you being for real this time?" Steph couldn't believe her.

She waits for Magedelene to speak, then she realizes the line had been hung up.

Steph looks at her Phone with her mouth wide open, She looks at the letter she had prepared to send to Inspector Spark.

This time She has all the Power

on this case, Steph knew they didn't have anything on her but to allegedly accuse her,

Since the family wants war, she's prepared to go into War with them.

How could they defame her character?

They even went to Magedelene school?

This was the height of it all.

She checks her schedule for the next two hours, she's free. She picks up her car key as she drives down to where Inspector Spark was lodging.

Her informant had told her that he was still at Abuja. Steph didn't know what he was still roaming around Abuja for, When he was suppose to be at Lagos.

As she gets to the Hotel, she could see him, Entering his Car, She quickly drives towards where he was and block his way in a way he couldn't drive out.

Their eyes facing each other, She looks at him gently but with stern in her eyes, Inspector Spark is a bit surprise to see her there.

They both sit in the car, Steph made her car too close to him, that none of them could come out of it.

"Ms Steph, What do I owe this visit?" He asks still Surprise.

Steph brings out the letter and hands it over to him, He takes it from her gently, as he reads the content,

Then He looks towards "With all due respect Ma'am, I am not defaming your character, and you know what I said about You, Is the truth."

Steph looks at him with anger "Do you have any proof of that?

Do you even witnesses who could collaborate that story you made up?" She shot at him angrily.

Inspector Spark avoiding the question thrown at him and goes through the content of the letter again

"I didn't harrass Magedelene, I questioned her like I do with everyone person." He speaks again.

"Inspector Spark, You and I aren't new to this, You went to my daughter school, defaming my character to her to give you enough time for you to have concrete evidence on me."

Spark looks at her this time, not with anger, but she has caught him in his own games.

"When I said No, You could have left it at that, And with my history, You know I don't lose." Steph almost laughing to his face.

"But You can't just keep the girl, all to yourself, When I met her the other day, She seems like a child, Who has been deprived of fatherly love." Spark's trying to make her feel guilty for what she did.

"You don't know a thing about that Girl." Deep down, Steph knew He's abit right.

Spark folds the letter into two, and place it on his suitcase and he faces her and speaks gently

"Atleast, Speak to the Father of this child, Get to hear his side of the story, Nobody is taking this girl away from you."

Steph looks at him for a while before she speaks "Y'all should have said all this before spreading shit about Me, Especially to my Daughter."

Spark takes his eyes off of her,

Dave had been scared and warned him about this.

"Trust me, The Father didn't approve of this, I just did this on my own." He says as he pleads with his eyes.

"I didn't come here for allvthese, See you Court Inspector Spark" Steph turning on her engine.

"The father will be contacting you soon." Spark didn't get to finish his sentence, as he watches Steph drives off.

Next chapter