


That Evening, Magedelene couldn't think of anything else aside from her Dad,

Is she ready to ask Steph?, Did she trust herself enough not to go looking for her Dad?.

She looks over at the letter, Philip didn't take it along with him.

She knew that he did it intentionally, to make her rethink of her decision of not wanting to find her dad ever again. She smiles at the thought, Opens the letter and reads it once again.

She picks up her Phone, she's going to confront Steph for the first time about this, if she knows anything about her Dad. She Video call Steph, Who picks at the Second Ring.

" Hi Mom ". Magedelene speaks sadly over the phone " Are you busy right now".

"No baby, what's wrong". Steph asks concerned".

" Ma, I have been keeping things from you" Magedelene speaks out, not knowing how to ask her Mom the question

"What's that baby". She could tell she was getting her mom worked up.

Magedelene breathes in before she let the words flow out "Ma, I went back to the shelter home years ago asking about my biological Dad".

Magedelene could tell Steph knows about it already, with the facial expression on Steph's face " I know baby, I was just waiting for when you would feel comfortable coming to me about it".

"I am really sorry Mom I went behind your back, but what can you tell me about my biological Dad?" Magedelene says gently.

Steph pauses on the line, there was silence for a long time. "Am I doing something wrong". Steph finally speaks.

"Ma, I don't really mean it that way".Magedelene apologizes over the phone.

"No, it's not you baby, I just thought I might have been doing something bad, for you to want to know your dad ". Steph interrupting her daughter.

"Ma, You have been nothing but a blessing to me". Magedelene says as she smiles over the phone,

"And you have also been a blessing to me too". Steph joins her smiling, because that's was the truth.

Magedelene looks at Steph and speaks gently "Ma, you know i am Human, I know the man gave me off to the shelter home, But there's this part of me that wants to get to know him, my lineage, where I truly come from, and why he did what he did".

Steph breathes out "I really can't say I can relate, but I do understand you baby".

"Ma, I just didn't know to ask about him from you, I have just been too scared to ask about him from you because I didn't want you to doubt your Motherly skills, the love".

Steph looks over at her Magedelene with tears in her eyes. " I am sorry that I didn't provide that kind of space with you to be really vulnerable with me".

"Ma, Please don't say that, you have been through so much already". Magedelene pauses as she looks at her mom,She wants to hug her " Everything you've done has always centered around me, You've always put me first before you".

"Baby, that's so sweet, Not all daughters notices all that, I appreciate that it coming from you". Steph manages to smile.

Magedelene looks over at her on the screen and returns the smile.

"About your Dad, I really don't know much about him, Can you let me look into him for you ". Steph asks her on the phone looking unsure if Magedelene would agree to it

"Yes, I would really appreciate it".Magedelene almost laughing

"So moving on, How was the mojo date". Steph says smiling.

" Ma, it wasn't a date". Magedelene giggling.

"Are you sure, because it seems that this has gone beyond date". Steph stares at her daughter suspiciously but in a funny way.

"Ma, okay that Mojo thing wasn't a date, but we've been going out tho". Magedelene confesses as she blushes

" Oh, don't tell me you like him already". Steph says it in a teenage way

"Maybe a little". Magedelene winks at her Mom. " So tell me all about him, what's his name, how has been going all together". Steph wanting to get the all gist.

" Noooo Mom". Magedelene puts her hands on her face to prevent her Mom from seeing her blush

'i ain't going nowhere until I get the details". Steph laughs over the Phone.

Magedelene looks dreamily at Steph as she describes Philip over the Phone "I think he's my soul mate, Ma, I totally understand him, his Pain, the way he smiles at me,

He's beautiful in and out, He

brings out the best in me, He's making me confront things about myself,

He communicates his emotions properly". She pauses as she looks over at Steph who was smiling

" It just seems unreal". She says the last word which she hasn't admitted to herself out lod

" Hey, why would you say that?". Steph ask concerned "Ma, he's perfect and I am just ".

Magedelene looks over at mom who cuts her off as she says those words.

"Don't say that about yourself, Baby, You're perfect just the way you are, if not he wouldn't be chasing you". Steph assures her.

"He's also adopted, but he's just finding out recently, His biological Mom don't want to be found, but he wants to find her". Magedelene says sadly, not really getting why he wants to do it.

"Baby, look at me". Steph says looking into her eyes. "The reasons why he wants to do it, is why you want to also know your dad".

Magedelene nods her head at the statement.

"I started drawing again Ma". Magedelene giggling

" Well, that Mojo date must have done something to you , But Baby I'm really happy, you're mingling, most especially, you're very happy". Steph looking at her daughter with admiration.

Magedelene shows her some of her Art, sketches, paintings, Steph gets wowed at each of them.

A message drops into her Phone, it was from Philip saying he had contacted Sam, and he wants to come talk the business arrangements with his company.

" Ma, I have go now, it Work". Magedelene says missing her already

"I love you Cupcake". Steph says waving her hands.

Next chapter