


Spark pressing the bell for the fifth time, He could hear footsteps approaching this time,

He glances through a glass to straighten himself up to look professional.

The door opens wide open, a very elderly woman opens the door, supposedly in her 70s, it should definitely be her, he thinks to himself "Good day Ma Grace, I am Mr Spark, investigating the case of the child you gave out".

"How did you get my home address". Ma Grace, scrowl her face and was about to close the door in his face.

Spark could tell that She already knew who he was, he quickly chips "I can see you are very Private person, Ma Grace, involving the police here isn't the right thing to do"

Ma Grace sighs deeply, looks around if anyone was watching and opens the door widely for him to come through, offers him to sit in the couch. Spark looks around, and he thinks to himself

'She has definitely done well fit herself, w

With all those money given by several Adopters'.

Ma Grace voice disrupts his thoughts " Don't ever think, you will come into my humble abode and threaten me with the police".

"I am really sorry about that, I just need information on this case I have been chasing for over a decade and I am very sure you will know something about this case". He says with all the professionalism in him, He had to display that act, if not he wouldn't be getting any information from this woman.

"You talk like I was into some illegal thing, that shelter home was Legally approved and authorized by the government, must I remind you". Ma Grace speaks with Authority.

Dave was about to say something, she didn't let him speak, so she continues

"By the way, What is this case all about". She asks as she offers him a glass of water.

"It about the Case of one Mr Dave who dropped his child in your care Eighteen years ago". He speaks out as he stretches his hand to grab the glass of water and place it on the table.

On hearing that name 'Mr Dave' she tremes a little bit.

" I left that Shelter home years ago, I don't have any files anymore on any case, I really can't help you with that information". She settles into a couch opposite Mr Spark.

"I do have a File on it, you can take a look at it". Spark bring out a copy and gives it to her. Ma Grace looks so annoyed as she grabs the copy from him.

She scans through the copy, looks at him, goes back to him to the copy again. She repeats this movement until she's done with going through the copy

There was silence for a few minutes,She looks at him sternly,

She speaks up finally. "What do you want to know about this case, Investigator".

" I need any relevant information, any information at all about this case, that can lead me to the Adopters and Maybe if you been in contact with her recently.

With this next word he was about to say, He wanted her to know that,He was into her.

" I heard y'all had been really close back in the day". He says as he eyes the water at his front, he was really thirsty, but he dares not drink it.

As Ma Grace speaks, she looks at him in the eye "Am not going to deny, that I and the couples had been really close, But the distance between the Couples and I widen when she and her husband got divorced". She pauses as she gulps the glass of water.

Spark brings out his writing pad,and scribes into it, And also places the recording tape in the glass table. Which he had ask for her consent first, she shrugs indicating ' If she had a choice'.

"What led to their divorce". He asks her

"I think the husband was a very abusive person, When I say I didn't know this information until around the divorce, Trust me, I wouldn't have entrusted that child to them". She looks down while Spark scribbles into his note .

Spark raises his head up, He looks up at her, He could she's trying to deflect the case from her

"Do you have any idea on how I can locate him".

She goes silent again, asks for a pen and paper and writes out his Office adress to him. "Don't trace this back to me". She says as she passes the paper to him.

He nods as he wonders what Ma Grace, Mrs Chapel were all hiding from him. Because at the end of the day, they didn't want anything to be traced back to them.

"Is there anything, I should know about this case, before I leave Ma Grace". He inquires, putting in his writing pad into his suitcase.

" All I can say, the couple, that woman herself will do anything for that girl, like she's her own, By now you should have known she's a lawyer and a good one at that". She pauses, gulps her drink again

Spark could sense that Ma Grace was trying to pass a message to him as he listen to her last sentence.

"She isn't going to back down for anyone".she says with a warning in her voice.

Then it clicks to Spark, the message she's passing. "Tell her, to stop running from cities to cities anytime she knows I am into her".

Ma Grace eyes went wild open, Spark could tell she was shock he grasped what she was saying.

"I can tell you know so much about this information, than you're letting on". Spark tells her to her face, as he puts his recorder back into his case.

He thinks to himself that he has to get to the Husband before they did first, if not, he wasn't going to get any information from him. This Case alone have taught him so much and now he is been so careful.

He stands up to leave "Thank you for your time and your cooperation Ma Grace". He says as he turns to leave.

Next chapter