
Chapter 70: Terrorist attack

*10 Days earlier*

"My lord, things will start becoming harder for us. We need to act quickly and hasten our plan." A hooded guy was kneeling in front of a red haired man wearing a long rob with a white mask, a disturbing face drawn on it.

"Yes, we were not expecting such two individuals to be in the academy! If we let them be they will become a threat in the long run." Another hooded man said while kneeling.

"We already prepared most of our plan, we only need to invite Lucas Wykes and we can finally start." The red haired man who everyone was kneeling to replied calmly, resting his head on his palm.

These people seemed to be in a pretty dark place, a cave to be more precise. The masked man was seated on a throne made from stone facing a large group of of people wearing long dark robes witt their head under hoods.

"But my lord, should we trust that new recruit? He seems so shady." On of the many kneeling men expressed.

"Oh you mean that guy... Or course not, I recruited him for one simple reason, to distract the individual known as the Dragon Sin of Wrath. I know very well he is not on our side." The red haired guy expressed, a sinister smile hidden under that mask, then he continued.

"10 days from now we will take action, until then make sure to recruit Wykes!" He ordered.

"Yes my lord!" The whole group shouted at once.

*Back to present*


'What the hell...' I just kept staring at him since he really took me by suprise.

"Who does he think he is? Taking advantage of the princess generosity to get closer to her! I will kill that monkey myself!"

"Do you realise what you are saying? You are threatening to kill a student..." Not even letting me finish, he continued.

"T-that f-filth in not human! If you try to s-stop me I will kill you a-a-along with him!" He shouted, veins coming out from his neck and forehead.

"Hey calm down your leaking mana." The skinny boy advanced putting his hand on the fatty's shoulder to calm him down, but it did the opposite effect on him.

Slapping his hand from his shoulder, he begane again. "D-d-dont fucking s-stop me..." He took a hand handkerchief from his pocket almost suffocating himself with it, sniffing it like a maniac.

*Inhales* "UMM, YES! I know that she want me but she cant say it! She even picked up my handkerchief for me! But that monkey is manipulating her!" He started trembling and shaking, dangerously leaking mana.

The veins spread all around his face as his eyes became scarlet red, he gathered mana in his arms forming a huge earth fist as he rushed towards me. "Im the chosen one! They said it to me!"

"Lets go we are leaving, we will let the DC member do his job, hehehe." Lucas said as his friend followed behind him.

The fat kid tried to punch me, but I grabbed my dagger from Amaya barely taking it out as I teleported behind him, then I replced it inside Amaya, not even taking it out.

Remembering what Lucas has done in the cave and the consequences it would've brought if I wasn't there. Then the memorie of Elizabeth's state after what Lucas has done to her crossed my mind making me take the decision.

'This is what I prepared for after all, I can trust the old man...' I told myself.

"Wait Lucas..." When I said that he stopped from his tracks and turned to face me. Looking at my direction he saw his fat friend standing motionlessly behind me. "I changed my mind, im gonna kill you here and now." As I said that, the fatty's body split into two half cleanly and precisely cut, each half falling into a direction.

Accompanied with the menacing and cold stare I gave him, he took some steps back gulping, almost choking on his own saliva. "Y-you know very well w-who I am! My family w-wont stay quiet about this!" He tried to scare me, but I already took precaution and made a plan for this day.

And as I was about to reply, four explosions impacted the whole school. It felt like earth quakes, that's how strong they were.

'That's the signal, four explosions! They finally started!' Lucas though with a sinister smile.

'What is going on? Is this a terrorists attack?' I asked myself. After that I started hearing shouts of agony and cries of students in the distance.

'I need to make this quick, students are in danger.' I thought.

"Or that's what you hoped for me to say? Commoner filth!" He walked two steps ahead as of to provoke me. "I've been waiting for this day for too long! With the strengh they bestowed upon me, I will finally kill you for the humiliation you made me go through after that dungeon!"

I just kept staring at him, waiting for him to finish his stupid monologue. "What I did to that bitch is only the beginninh, after Im done with you I will go for each one of your friends..." The moment he said that he found himself under the ruble of the wall besides him.

After I front kicked him in the wall, he tried to stand up using his mana. I feel the same evil mana signature I felt from that fatty coming from him except that he has it under control. And his mana is massively vaste.

"Good one, Meliodas. But you will regret not killing me with that blow!" Pushing the debris from his body, he pointed his index towards me as I felt most of his mana gathering at the tip of his index.


A long fire bullet was shot towards my head, it was so fast that I saw it in a blur but my instanct and recation time were clearly greater as I tilted my head to the right side really fast making it pass only centimeter away from my head.

"W-what the fuck?!" Exclaimed Lucas.

Not giving hims time to think, I quickly took my dagger from Amamay then I extanded my left arm. She went sliding at fast speed on my arm jumping on Lucas and biting in the neck before coming back towards me.

"AAGGHHH WHAT IS THIS! WHAT DID YOUR FILTHY ANIMAL DO?!" He shouted holding his bitten neck.

His nody was now experiencing only a little bit of pain, but enough to make you unable to move, scared that it you do move the pain would intensify or spread to other places.

Slowly walking towards him I said. "I tried to give you chance, hoping that you would change... I even came out of my way to stop him from killing you. This is what I get in return?" I said, smiling to his pain.

"Y-YOU WIL REGRET THIS AAAAGGHHH... HE... HUFF... HUFFF... UGHHHHH MY BROTHER WILL KILLL AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" The pain from the poisonus bite was becoming greater the more time passed.

'Papa, he will stay in excrutiating torture for 2 hour before he evntually dies hehehe, and no healing magic can save him except if you want me to stop the poison!' Amaya happily said.

With swift movement, I cutted both his legs tendons above his ankles so that he cant move. "Enjoy the last moment of your life." I said walking away to help the students from this terror attack.

"EUUUUHHHH!!! PLEASE STOP THIS... HUFF HIC, IM SORRY...!!!" I could hear Lucas cries while walking away, and his desperation and agony made him change his pleads from saving him to killing him. "JUST KILL ME ALREADY!! THIS IS TOO MUCH AAAGGHHH" I Ignored him as if he didnt exist and went on to do my job.

While going inside the school, I heard Amaya voice inside my head again. Throwing me off guard and making me angry and scared at the same time. "PAPA! LUCY AND ASH ARE IN DANGER!" She annouced.


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