
Chapter 57: Discrimination is everywhere

*Elijah POV*

Walking with Arthur and still searching for a potential girlfriend, I was looking around without rest until my sight fell on a guy with two of his friends I guess. What attracted me is his special uniform, unlike everyone else he has a very stylish black unifrom without sleeves.

'I feel like their faces are familiars to me...' I thought.

"Arthur, look there is a disciplinary comitte memeber there, it's my first time seeing one."

Looking where I indicated, Arthur suddently called for him.

"What's up dumb ass!" The blong kid turned towards us and started walking in our direction only for his dark skined friend to follow, but the white haired girl rushed towards us.

"Arthur! What do you think you are doing! Even though you are strong, the diciplinary committe are individuals selected by the director herself so they are really capable!" I shouted

Suddently a hand grabbed Arthur's colars tightly, it was the white haired girl, and with force she brought his face close to her's. "What the hell did you just call him punk? Do you need a fucking beating ot what!" She shouted.

She was so angry that a vein was visible on her white face, she looks to be very strong from her build since she has some lean muscles, and very ferocious from her tattoos... Wait a 13 years old kid has these tattos? That is weird.

"Woah, woah, lets calm down now, kay?" Arthur lifted both his hands. He usually wouldn't let himself being treated like that, is he really scared? No I dont think so...

"Hahaha, its okay Lucy, it's okay." The blond kid placed his hand on Lucy's shoulder which seemed to work instantly as the girl immedietly left him go, then he continued.

"After all, if you push it too far, the princess may cry." He said, sending some of his killing intent just like Arthur. The atmosphere became suffocating and it is now hard to even breath.

'WAIT! Having a closer look at the guy in front of me, he has speacial features that I recognise, blond hair, a white snake wrapped around his body and a dragon tatoo on his left arm... He definitly is the famous A rank adventurer, the Dragon Sin Of Wrath Meliodas!'

'Shit! This is getting out of hand' I though. "P-please mister M-Meliodas, my f-friend here..." I couldn't even finish as Meliodas bursted into laugh.

"Shishishi, I can't believe your killing intent has grown to the level where even I can feel pressure, even at my normal form." Spoke Meliodas doing a bros hand shake with Arthur as if they were best friends.

"Well it wasn't only you who was risking his life in the dungeons." Arthur responded.

"What do you mean by your normal from? You have other forms? And Arthur do you know Sir Meliodas?" I asked.

"Well you see my dear friend, Meliodas isn't called the Dragon Sin of Wrath for nothing. As for if I know him, I guess I do, since he is my twin brother after all, haha." He laughted as if what he just said was completely normal and the most obvious thing ever.

My eyes almost came out of their sockets, I exclaimed "THE DRAGON SIN OF WRATH IS YOU BROTHER?! But you never told me that!"

"It looks likes I got quite popular during those two years huh?" Said meliodas smiling while scraching his head.

*Meliodas POV*

"Of course you are popular! Who haven't heard of your stories, even I am a big fan of yours!" Elijah said.

"What stage are you at now Meliodas?" Arthur said, ignoring his friend's glazing.

"Dark yellow stage, what about you." I replied casually putting my hands on his waist.

"D-d-d-dark y-y-yellow stage..." Elijah could barely speak from the shock.

"Wow, as expected of you, as for me im at the light orange stage." Arthur replied.

"Cool, you are closing the gap between us" I tapped his shoulder a few times.

"Oh by the way, did you see the other two? Cynthia told me they are here too." I continued.

"Yeah I saw them earlier but didn't get the chance to talk to them." Art Said.

"Oh man I really miss her so much." I said.

Hearing me say that, Lucy's expression changed which I failed to notice.

"Who are you talking about guys..." As Elijah was about to ask, A loud explosion suddently startled the three of us as well as the students walking around nearby. Something was happening at the end of the marble walkway.

After a quick exchange of glances, Ash and I shot off, with lucy following behind us, not after glaring daggers at Arthur one last time with a "Tch!"

"I don't see how a short ass dwarf like you can even hope to be a proper Augmenter. Why don't you stick to forging some weapons for real warriors like me?" A noble looking kid said.

"What da hell didja say? Who do ya think ya are anyway?" The dwarf replied.

I looked around where some of the students had to deliberately walk around the two of them, just in case they started fighting. It was already late now, so most of the students were already deeper within the campus or inside their dorms, so there weren't many people around but if they did start fighting, some of the students in the vicinity may get caught up in the mess.

"Huuuh, pain in the ass from the first day." I left a long sight as I walked towards the two that were fighting.

"Sate sate sate~ What is going on here!" I asked crossing my hands under my chest and exchanging look between the two.

"You are one of the DC right? This guy here is disrespecting me because im a dwarf." The short dwarf said.

The face of the dual-wielding boy visibly paled as he froze at the sigh of my unifrom. Taking calm but hurried strides to the front, I gave the bully a stern look.

"You know that the descrimination is no longer tolerated in this academy and you still try to humiliate people from other races." I firmly spoke.

The attacker immediately recalled his two blades into his dimension ring and gave a respectful bow towards me, sweat beading down his forehead.

"Looks like the scholar Mage is in some deep shit." Ash joked from the background.

"I-im sorry, this will never happen again." The bully knows very well that the DC members can easily make a student get expelled with proof or witnesses, so he dont want to lose the opportunity to study in the most prestigious magical academy.

"Next time I hear something like that about you I will make sure you get expelled from the academy, now be gone." I spiked with a soft smile waving my finger as if to punish a small kid

"Thank you so much!" He said as he hurriedly left the place.

Going back to my brother and friends I started complaining. "Damn it, it's just the first day and it's already a mess."

"Well, your the one who accepted her proposition." Ash lifted his shoulders.

"Yeah right..." I had a tired expression even though the day has just started.

"By 'her' you mean Cynthia?" Art asked.

"Yeah, did she visit you too?" I placed my hands inside my pockets.

"Yeah, she wanted me to be part of the DC members but I refused and told her to ask you instead، hehe." He had a big smirk on his face.

"You little mother fu..." As I was about to get Art in a healock, I suddently heard a soft voice calling my name.


Turning to see who's the one who called for me, to find it my childhood friend. "Elizabeth, it's you!" I said with a big smile and a face full of expressions.



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