
Chapter 42: A menace

A hooded messenger approached me, his face hidden in the shadows. "Meliodas, the king awaits you in his chambers. He wishes to discuss a matter of great importance." the messenger informed me in a hushed tone.

I regarded the messenger with a cool, calculating look, his crimson eyes narrowing in the dark of the hood. I could sense that there was more to this meeting than met the eye, but I followed the messenger nonetheless.

Entering the king's chambers, I found him seated behind a grand desk, an air of authority surrounding him. The king's face was stern, and his fingers drummed impatiently on the polished wood.

Next to the king's desk stood Kaspian the Guild Leader of Xyrus Adventurer's Guild, he had a light smile on his face slowly waving his hand reconizing me.

He probably is here to ensure the king's safety. I just ignored him and kept looking at the king as he wasted no time getting to the point.

"Meliodas." the king began "You have became someone of great importance to this kingdom and I don't want you make a descision that either of us will regret."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, my left hand on my pocket while my right is rubbing Amaya's head.

"I know of your friend and compagnion, Lucy. She's a runaway slave, and I know very well that you helped her run away..."

"..." I kept silent hearing what this dumbass was yapping on while looking down, my eyes becoming invisible due to my hair.

Thinking that his threat worked, the king continued. "I have the power to reveal her location to her former master, and this is something law punishes severly."

My face remained impassive, my fist tightned but ready to unsheat my sword Lostvayne at any moment. "What do you want?" I demanded, my voice low and dangerous.

The king leaned forward, a sinister smile curling on his lips. "I want you to give me the Blue Necklace your friend have, it holds great value to me and to the kingdom, if you do not comply, your whereabouts will no longer stay a secret, your crimes shall be know to the public, and Lucy, your dear friend will spend her whole youth in prison."

"Blaine... Do you realise the weight of the word you just let out of your mouth...? If you do then you arent ready for what is going to happen next." My head was still looking down, but my anger was immesurable, it is a miracle that I kept control of myself from ravaging the whole place at this point.

The king, undeterred by my menacing presence, squared his shoulders and met the Sin of Wrath's fiery gaze with determination. "Meliodas, you seem to misunderstand your position here..." He said with a self assured smile.

"I have spies everywhere, and the kingdom's resources at my disposal. I can make life unbearable for you and your friends. You may think you have power, but I assure you, I have the upper hand in this situation."

My anger flared, my demonic presence becoming palpable. My eyes glowed with an ominous intensity, and the temperature in the room dropped. The king, despite his earlier bravado, now felt a shiver run down his spine.

An incredible pressure fell upon the whole castle, the walls started shake under my might and anger, and the king's and Kaspian's face became white from sheer fear that their bodies stiffened.

'W-what the fuck is this kid...? Is he even human?' Kaspian thought to himself.

"You dare to threaten my friends." I hissed, my voice taking on a more sinister and deeper tone. "You'll regret this decision."

The king's bravado wavered, and he leaned back in his seat, realizing that he had severely underestimated the wrath of the captain of the young promising group. My rage was a force to be reckoned with, and the king found himself in the presence of a true demon.

In that moment, the king knew that he had made a grave mistake underestimating me, and that I would stop at nothing to protect those I care about. The air in the chamber crackled with tension, and the king's fate hung in the balance as my demonic power threatened to consume the room.

Lifting my head with the black mark above my right eye, the sight was staright out of a horror movie as I said. "Listen to me very well Blaine, you are the king of these lands, so killing you will only bring harm to the people..."

"I will let this one slide too, but the third one is going to be your last. I dont want you near my family and friends, if I find you anywhere there, I will kill you and everyone inside this castle without hesitation or mercy." I was now threatening the very king of sapin.

Not even the great AA rank Kaspian could do something when facing such powerful person. "I think I made myself clear, im going to take my leave now, take care Kaspian." I got to my normal state but I was still pissed off as I walked out.

*Gulp* "W-what the hell just happened...?" The king barely muttered these word.

"E-even I d-dont know. P-please your majesty, never call me again to matters regarding sir Meliodas." Kaspian excused himself as he left the room.

"I will have to reconsider my plans..." Blaine said to himself, looking down at his crotch as he saw that he was completly wet, and piss smell was stinking out of him.

"Damn..." He said.

-Meliodas POV-

"Lets go guys were leaving!" I told them.

Hurrying from their conversation with different nobles they followed behind me. "I feel like something went wrong..." Lucy said.

"Papa! I hate this place now, can I destroy it? Its gonna be fun!" Amaya spoke.

"Calm down Amaya, this is not the time. We will do that if he trie something funny." I told her.

"Meliodas what happened with the king?" Ash asked, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Remember when I told you that I dont respect the king?" I asked both of them.

"Yeah..." They both replied.

"Forget it, he now is a bitch. Im never coming to his invitations again. I should've just done like Note and ignored them." I explained.

"Meliodas! Did that idiot do something to you?! I'll go beat his ass!" Lucy turned with a vein on her forehead to go to the king's room.

"Gouugh" Ash stoped her by pulling her from the back collar of her dress pressing her throat. "Calm down Lucy, Meliodas is safe this is what matters. Probably something happened inside but he seems to have well managed it." He calmed her down.

'From when did Lucy become this agressive?' I though to myself.

"Anyways guys, we'll just continue our work as if nothing happened. Let's go back to our adventures!" I continued walking with my hands in my pockets.

"Hay haaay~!" Ash punched up the air.

"Let's gooo!" Lucy screamed excitedly.



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