
Chapter 23: Director Goodsky

"Err... Nice to meet you too, Director." Said Arthur withou knowing what to do in that situation.

"Yo" I waved my index and middle finger with a smile.

The Director seemed a little taken aback by our introduction.

"Arthur! Melidoas! You're being rude! I'm so sorry for my sons, Director Goodsky. They just returned home and are ignorant about formal customs." My mother pushed Arthur's head down with her hand while bowing herself, getting on one knee while I was sitting on a chair crossing my arms under my chest enjoying the situation.

"Kukuku, no it is quite all right. No offense taken at all. And please, Arthur and Meliodas, call me Cynthia." She let out a polite laugh with her free hand covering her mouth.

"I'm sorry to intrude on you at such a late time but unfortunately, the only free time I could make was after my meeting tonight. I hope you don't mind," she explained, looking at my parents.

"Nonono, we're thankful that you'd be willing to take the time out just to visit our sons." My father was the one to speak this time.

Director Cynthia nodded at this. "True, it isn't very often that I take a house trip to visit a potential student. Otherwise, even with a hundred bodies, I wouldn't be able to fit the time."

"However, Vincent is a good friend and has contributed greatly to Xyrus Academy. So when he had excitedly come up to me about two prodigies that are living in his home, I couldn't help but get excited as well. I must say that my curiosity got the best of me. Do you mind leading me to an open space so I can see a demonstration?" She continued on.

"Can I at least eat din...Ouch!" My mother slapped Arthur in the butt before he could finish his sentence.

"Of course! Please follow us, Director Cynthia." My mother ushered him, leading Director Cynthia while the rest followed.

Amaya, who had been hiding underneath the dinner table from the unfamiliar human, crawled behind me, causing Director Cynthia to raise an eyebrow.

"Oh my... What a lovely mana beast. I assume it is your contracted beast, Meliodas?" she asked me inquisitively while kneeling down to get a closer view at Amaya.

"Yes, she hatched a few months ago. Her name is Amaya." I simply responded.

"I have to say, while it is common for nobles to buy beasts to contract, I have never seen a mana beast like yours." Cynthia curiously asked.

Shrugging my shoulders, I explained, lying to her of course. "I'm not exactly sure what she is either. Her mother seemed to be some sort of scales snake or lizard like creature. She was already gravely wounded when I stumbled into her nest. She was protecting her egg."

She reached to pet Amaya but she scampered away and climbed on top of my head.

"Sorry, she's a bit shy around strangers." I scrached my head.

"I see. Well enough about her. Let us see if what Vincent said wasn't just exaggeration. He didn't tell me much except that Meliodas was a very good fighter and an augmenter at that, saying the rest would be a surprise." She let out a wry smile, making Vincent blush.

We had arrived at the backyard and everyone took seats, giving us enough space, Sylvie struggling to escape the grasp of my little sister, whom Art entrusted her with.

I was watching too since Arthur wanted to go first.

"You're not going to use your wand?" He started stretching.

"It isn't very fair of me to be using a weapon when you yourself are empty handed as well, right?" She gave me a wink.

*Arthur Leywin POV*

I stomped my right foot into the ground and a piece of the ground the size of my body thrusted up. My hands are lazily in my pocket so I kicked the rock at Director Cynthia's direction.

A wind wall appeared instantly in front of her, knocking up the rock I had just kicked high into the air.

Her brows raised in surprise by the sudden attack I threw at her, but she quickly composed herself. I could tell she hadn't been expecting an elemental attack from me, especially since she knew I was an augmenter.

I willed a gust of wind underneath my feet and propel myself to her.

Her expression grew even more surprised as I easily jumped up three meters into the air with the help of my wind attribute skill as a swirling whirlwind enveloped my right fist. Using the boulder that had just been knocked up by the Director as a foothold, I kicked off it to gain enough momentum to hopefully break through her barrier.

The collision of her our two spells created an erratic current of wind, forcing the audience to cover themselves.

The collision blew me back, but Director Cynthia remained steady on her feet. Before I was able to recompose myself, the director had already finished her next move as gusts of wind swirled and shaped themselves into four twisters the size of small trees. Without even a visible command from her, the twisters shot themselves towards me.

Gathering wind attribute mana around me, I will a small tornado to form around me, spinning the opposite direction of Director Goodsky's spell. Using the centrifugal force generated by my cyclone, I began spinning along with it, using my hands to create blades of wind.

The clash between the four twisters and my cyclone created a small crater but otherwise didn't do me any harm besides making me very dizzy.

"Impressive. It seems like I will have to take you just a bit more seriously." She seems to undertand her situtation better.

Instantly I'm knocked back, my ears ringing and my vision unsteady.

She was a deviant... a sound mage at that.

I steadied myself, taking a glance at my opponent who was staring back at me with a mildly impressed expression on her face.

My head began spinning, trying to think of different possible moves I could take to win, but she had me in a checkmate. Suppressing my pride and stubbornness, I took a seat on the ground, admitting defeat.

"That should be enough for a demonstration, right, Director?" I rubbed my temples.

"Yes... That is quite sufficient," she muttered. There was a long pause as she began studying me with a newly found interest.

She regained her senses and made her way towards me when I hear my father's voice.

"Very impressive! To be honest I wasn't expecting much from you since Vincent only told me about Meliodas but I have to admit that having two affinities and such control over them isn't something you see everyday!"

"Four actually. I can control all four," I cut in. Everyone was going to find out anyway. This wasn't something that I could, nor wanted to hide. The only people who know about that are grandpa Virion and Meliodas.

"Earth and wind are my weakest elements. I'm a lot more adept in controlling fire and water. I also happen to be deviants in both those elements, although I had just began training in them." I got up to my feet, shaking off my dizziness from the previous attack.

I wasn't expecting a sound user so I didn't bother enhancing my ears. The director was quite cruel, though. If my body hadn't gone through assimilation, my hearing would have been quite damaged.

No one responded back to what I had just said, the only sound nearby being the cliché chirps of crickets. It was understandable that they'd be this surprised, but I was getting tired of the shocked expressions.

"Hahahahaha, they really weren't expecting that. You seem to have striked really hard Art" My brother's voice broke the silence waking up everyone from their suprise.



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