
Chapter 16: Amaya

Three years has passed.

Many things happened during those years to everyone. First of all I grew slightly taller, and my beautiful blonde hair now reach my neck. I managed to breakthrough to light red stage too.

Also I gained so much experience during this time from sparing against my brother and Virion and I can control my demon powers just a little bit better since I didn't concentrate my training them. But my fighting style was becoming more like the real Meliodas.

As for my beast will, thanks to the old man Virion who kept his promise I was able to control it finaly. My pace was faster than Arthur's since I was more dedicated and determiner than him, also he is still in the dark red stage.

I had an advantage on him since I awakened my mana core a year and a half before him and kept training it in secret, back when we didn't know about each other's secrets.

Elizabeth and Tess awakened earlier than expected, even for elfs. It happened last year and boy did they awaken with a bang. It wasn't as big as when I or Art had first awakened but they did managed to destroy their rooms upstairs and create a small crater from the implosion in the kitchen right below.

Since then, they have been joining me and Arthur in training with Gramps. All I can say is, since awakening, Elizabeth become a lot more confident and bold, in more good ways than bad. She would try her healing spells on me whenever I get injured, and every morning will come and climb on my body.

Contrary to poor Art who was getting bullied at every occasion by Tessia, she would either test an offensive skill on him, wake him up by beating the sleep out of him. She even knocked out him one time, oh I laughed so much with Virion on his ass when he woke up.

And today, waking up like any other day, I found Elizabeth sitting on my body. "Wakey wakey Meliodas, its training day!"

"Ugh, get off its not training day. Today gramps is going to help Arthur with his beast will!" I said still closing my eyes trying to go back to sleep.

"Oops my bad, I forgot. But let's go and play Meliodas please." She used the legendary puppy eyes technique, fuck I still can't counter this technique it's just too cute.

'Looks like no more sleep for the day'


"Alright you win. I'll join you down later so leave me to get ready." I rubbed my sleepy eyes.

"Okaaay~" She skipped out of the room. I stood from my place and streched my hands up, then I heard a cracking sound. At first I though I broke my back, spinal, by streching but I still could move normaly and the sound was heard again.

Turning to the source, I found the egg Sylvia gave me shaking and cracks forming on it.

I rushed quickly towards it to find the shaking only getting stronger and faster, the cracks were spreading until the egg finally gave on and broke revealing a white small and cute white snake slowly opening its golden eyes.

I extended my right hand to touch it, but it suddently jumped on it and bitted my forearm. A weird black symbol appeared on my forearm and the snake went around my wrist like a bracelt.

"Papa-!" A voice was directly sent to my head.

"Whoah! You can talk?" I was suprised that I almost fell back. It didn't speak and seemed to be about to sleep. I rubbed its head and there I felt something weird.

I felt the emotion of love and wramth coming from the snake. 'Was those emotion yours? Do we share our emotions?' The snake was deep into sleep.

I smiled warmly, I have a small companion that I felt a strong and special relationship with the moment it was our of its egg.

*Knock* *knock*

Someone knocked and came in directly without waiting for a response. It appears to be Virion.

"Good morning brat, I... Wait, what is that thing on your wrist?" He quickly noticed it.

"Um, its the daughter of the beast that gave me it's will." I explained.

He walked closer towards me and inspected it closely, then a suprised look was pasted on his face. "B-brat just what sort of beast gave you its will and offspring?"

"A dragon." I became a small chibby meliodas with an indifferent expression, shruging my shoulder.

"A-A DRAGON! My dear lord I trained a dragon tamer! My old bones are going to shatter. Wait, the other brat have a dragon will too, AAHHH!" Virion went running out of the room, probably towards Arthur.

"Hehehe we will end up making the old bat crazy." I looked for the feather Sylvia gave me before going to join Elizabeth.

"She told me I can hide the presence using this." I wrapped it on the new tattoo the snake made on my forearm and it completely disapeared.





I was now guathered with Art and Virion after playing with Elizabeth, after finishing the process of the assimilation he called both of us to tell us something and this is what we did.

"Listen brats, I have good news for both of you. You will be able to go back home in four months from now."

"Huh...Wait what! What do you mean three months?" I was suprised from what he said.

"Wasn't it supposed to be another two years? Why is it three months now?" Art asked him

"The portal in Xurus city of sapin will be open to all kingdoms this time since an interacial tournament amongst the three kingdoms youths had been finaly confirmed."

"This tournament will be a very important event for the future because both the dwarves and elves are sending youths as representatives for both the tournament and as a preliminary student to the human academy.

During the tournament, you will sneak back into Sapin without the people knowing at that time." Both me and Art had sparkles on our eyes since we are happy and excited that we will see our parents soon.

Then realisation struck me as I looked down. "What about Elizabeth, does she know?"

"Don't worry about Elizabeth or Tessia, what is important is to go and see your parents. I know you have been waiting and sending messages to them all this time through Rina." Virion consoled me.

When Art heard me he realised it too. "Still, isn't four months too short?" He had a sad tone.

"Don't worry kids, I will make sure you wish those four months end quickly." He patted both our heads and left the place.

I looked at Arthur and he looked at me, both having a depressed expression as we sighed a very long sigh.

*Siiiiiigh* x2.

"Oh Meliodas what is this thing on your wrist?" Art asked me pointing to my snake.

"She is my new beast, you remember the eggs Sylvia gave us, she came out of it." I rubbed her and she woke up. She scrawled up to my shoulder and rubbed her cheek on mine.

"Isn't she adorable? Oh by the way did yours crack too?" I asked him while playing with my little friend.

"Yeah it did crack today, just like yours." He said.

"Then where is she?" I asked him.

"Up here." He pointed with his finger to his hair. And looking up I saw a cute small black dragon.

"Oh hello there little one! Its uncle Meliodas." While I was talking to his companion, my snake didn't seem to like it, and climbed on my hear just like Art's pet.

"Oh you shouldn't get jealous my Amaya, she is your sister after all you should get along." She seemed to understand my words and it jumped on Art's head to start playing with her sister.

"So what did you name it?" I asked him looking at the cute interaction the small twin sisters beasts were having.

"I named her Sylvie, after Sylvia, her mother." He had a sad smile remembering Sylvia. He regained his happy demeanor and askedme. "What about you?"

"You just heard me call her Amaya and you still ask." I had a serious and almost blank expression on my face.

"You truly keep disapointing me bro..." I shook my head left and right.

"..." He kept silent.

"HAHAHAHA." We both laughed.



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