
Chapter 12: The elven kingdom

I went back to my normal look and cheerful personality after defeating those trash guys, it is a very weird feeling to lose emotions but I will get used to it with time.

I climbed up onto the back of the carriage where the crying shouts were heard. I noticed the two girls hands and legs cuffed with ropes shivering in the corner of the carriage with dirty rags minimally covering her privates.

Coming closer to them I was completely shocked, because one of the girls was the exact copy of Elizabeth from the anime Seven deadly Sins.

Slowly opening their eyes, the two girls studied me in both fear and curiosity. "Dont worry girls, you are safe now. I delt with the bad guys so everything is alright." I reassured them.

I untied them as they remained silent, holding each other in their embrace, their swollen eyes from crying never leaving my face.

Seeing that indeed I was actualy helping them, and that the bandits were no where to be seen or heard their finally cried in relief. After all they are just normal kids who experienced something this awful.

"Hic...hic... I was so scared! They were going to sell us! Hic! I thought I was never going to see my family again! Hic! WAAAAAA" The green eyed girl started crying.

"I miss my family so much Hic... They wanted to hurt us!" Followed her the Elizabeth copy.

I hugged both of them patting their backs, hoping that would help them feel a little better, "Yoshi yosh, don't worry those bad guys went running after I scared them, now no one is going to hurt you now."

"You scared them? But you are the same age as me how can you scare them?" The emerauld eyed girl asked wiping tears from her eyes.

"Yes, they were really bad and strong. How did you do it?" Asked her sister probably.

"Shishishi it's a secret, anyways I am Meliodas what's your name?" I placedy index on my lips with a smile when saying that its a secret.

"I am Tessia." The green eyed girl said holding my shirt with her tiny fingers as if she was scared if I would vanish if she didn't do so.

"And im Elizabeth!" She huged my hand as if she was competing with the other girl. And yep, this confirms it to me. She actualy is Elizabeth from the anime.

"Are you sisters or relatives? Because you look similar." I asked both of them.

"Yes! We are twins." x2 Both of them answered at the same time. The way they talked indicated that they were getting better emotionaly, and the fear was slowly vanishing.

"Oh! So you are twin sisters, I too have a twin brother I left there, let's go and join him okay?" I pointed with my finger to the direction I came from.

"Wow! You too have a twin brother! I want to see him." Said Tessia.

"O-okay." Shyly replied Elizabeth.

We went back to where me and Art were camping to find him awake and was getting ready to go look for me. I explained to him the situation and that the best course of action would be to help them go back to their home, this will allow us to meet people to help us go back home as well.

"You know the way to your home right? We are going to help you reach it, we can't just leave you here after all." I said.

"Yeah, and we have nothing better to do anyways, so let's do it." Continued Arthur.

"Yes we do!" Enthusiastically answered Tessia.

"Then its good, but its getting dark now, so lets camp here and leave tomorrow morning, also I hope we can all become friends." I said with a big cheerful smile.

"Hun" Elizabeth noded her head.

"Yes!" Happily expressed Tessia.

It was already dark so we decided to sleep and move the next day. We made small tents I got from the carriage to sleep but apparently the girls were scared to sleep alone and so they insisted to sleep next to me and Arthur, Elizabeth was to my left side, to my right side is my brother while to Arthur's right was Tessia.

We even teased each other about it, me and Art. Anyways days went by and The girls were growing used to us as they started to leave their shy and awkward personality to become more open and cheerful and we had many conversations such as the life in the human and elven kingdoms, starting to forget about the terrible experience they went threw.

"Meliodas, I heard Arthur call you Mel, can I call you that too? W-we are f-friends right?" Shyly asked Elizabeth.

"Yeah of course, you can call me whatever you want Elizabeth." I replied. One of the things I noticed is that Elizabeth has a better relation with me while Tessia has a better one with Arthur.

"Yes Yes! We are all friends now, so let's call each other with our short names! I will call both of you Mel and Art, while you can call me Tess!" Excitedly said Tessia.

"Hehe, sure lets do that!" Arthur laughed.

"Shishishi, from now on all of us will become best friends!" I anounced.

"Yeah!" x4 All of us celebrated.

While we were having fun during this journey, both me and Arthur were experiencing episodes of pain in our mana core, it is giving us aches in our abdomen. We kept trying to hide from the girls to not worry them.

Im sure it has something to do with those weird runes that appeared on out bodies when Sylvia touched us at that time, since all of this started right after we came out of the portal.

Other than that everything went well without encoutering any problems. We kept walking towards the direction Tess and Elizabeth were guiding us to, it was dusk now and the fog around us seemed to be getting thicker.

My sense of direction became useless in this blasted forest. I even started to wonder if the girls were just BS us and dont actualy know the way.

"Girls are you sure this is the right direction, I feel like we are getting lost. Meliodas you're sure that we should follow them?" Even Arthur started getting worried.

"Im not sure anymore Art, they said they know the way so let's just trust them for now." I tried to reassure both him and myself.

Hearing our conversation, Tess turned to us her face was a mixture of happiness and hesitation before she muttered, "We're here!"

Looking around, the only things visible were clusters of trees and fog. Confused, Arthur was about to ask something, but he stopped when he saw Tess placing both her palms on a tree and muttering a chant with Elizabeth right next to her.

Suddenly, the fog around us was sucked into the same tree and what came into vision was a giant wooden door that seemed to be propped up by itself on the ground.

Tess grabbed Arthur's hand while Elizabeth granbed mine and they pulled us towards the door really fast that she almost dragged me on the ground. When she opened it, I was reminded of the portal that Sylvia had pushed us through to save us from that monster.

Elizabeth was still holding on my hand when a group of guards came running towards us, ignoring me and my brother the guards kneeled in front of the twin sisters duo in unison. "We welcome back the royal princesses!"

In a voice so cold and apathetic that I mistook Tess's voice for someone else's, she said, "You may rise."

Art looked at me shocked and confused, I understood from his expression what he wanted to say, 'Did you know they were princesses?'

Shaking my head, I indicated that even I didn't know about that, and my perplexed expression proved it. All I could do was to scratch my head.

They stood up with their right fist still crossing their chest when the knight in front speaks. "Princesses, we arrived as soon as we saw that the royal teleportation gate had been used. The King and Queen are..."

Before he could finish speaking, I heard a cry not too far away.

"My babies! Tessia, Elizabeth you're okay! Oh my babies!" Running towards us was a middle aged man and woman. From the crown on the man's head and the tiara encircling the woman's forehead, they were the King and Queen.

The mother's cheeks were lined with tears as the father had a tense expression that looked like he was holding back tears as well.

I turned my gaze to see the girls face visibly soften as they started tearing up as well. I let go of Elizabeth hand and gently pushed her towards her parents, feeling a little sentimental myself.

She landed in the arms of her mother, just like her sister, who started sobbing at this point on their knees, both burying their faces in their parents shoulders.

The last to arrive was an old man well past his prime. This elderly man didn't say anything, but his eyes did warm up a little when he saw the girls safe.

It took a several minutes for everyone to settle down. In the meantime, the guards were glaring at me and Art with daggers in their eyes, as even the elder was eyeing both of us curiously.

The King finally stood up and while his eyes were red, he still carried an air of dignity. "As the King of Elenoir and the father of Tessia and Elizabeth, I must apologize for this unsightly appearance of mine and more importantly, I wish to thank both of you for escorting my daughters back home safely..." He stated, his voice coming out a bit hoarse. "Please accompany us to our home so that you may rest. After, you can tell us what happened."

"Hey Meliodas, do you think we should trust them." Art asked me.

"To be honest with you, I have no idea but if something bad happens we will fight and run as fast as we can okay?" I said

"Bet." He nodded slightly his head.

Walking towards the so called castle, we walked past an impressive and vibrant city, filled with people and activities. The city was alive with energy and activity, and it radiated a sense of vigor and opportunity.

While looking up at the huge and wide trees you can see houses built there that I wondered how they did to make them hang in such difficult surfaces. Those houses are interconnected with wooden bridges between themselves.

On the other hand, on the ground there is a lot of decoration such as fountains and parcs as well as shops and luxurious mansions. I think that commoners live on the trees while rich elves enjoy the huge houses on the ground.

In the distance, I spotted a stunning castle, its ivory towers reaching towards the sky. I was in awe of the sight, my heart racing as I took in the scene before me.

This was the city Tessia and Elieabeth called home, and it was truly a magnificent sight to behold. I never saw a castle as big as this one, not even in the films and animes I watched in my last life.



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