
Chapter 6: A light spar

Shit, I cant believe an old ass man is trying to fight us, does he think he can beast us? He's so freaking wrong if that's the case.

"Hey Art, what do you say about beating the shit out of him?" I said while streching my arms.

"Haha im not sure if we can do that but why not let's try" Art was swinging his sword left and right to get ready.

"What do you mean by your not sure, of course we will win, im here with you after all, let's just do what we have been training on the last year. Anyways here is the plan, you will buy me time and I will finish him off quickly, easy right?"

"It's easier said than done but okay we'll stick with that for now, I'll trust you in delivering the last hit." He replied.

"Sure, then lets go!" Retrieving the wooden sword he received as a present from my parents, we walked to the edge of the camp where Adam was waiting near a small clearing.

"You know how to reinforce your weapon right, geniuses?" He asked, emphasizing the last word.

By this time, my father already sensed that Adam was just trying to put on a show of dominance into his little boys, but he just watched, knowing he wouldn't hurt us too much.

My mother looked a bit more anxious as she kept glancing back and forth between me, Arthur and my dad, keeping a firm hold onto her husband's sleeve.

I felt that he was looking down on us and I didnt like it. 'I will make sure to beat you in a way not only you, but all of your party will remember this day no matter how many years go by and they will make fun of you whenever they get the chance, just like how you want to make fun of us here.'

The thing I hate the most is people looking down on me and underestimating me.

Art willed mana into his legs and dashed forward with both his hands gripping the wooden sword...

His smug look still present, Adam prepared to block the horizontal swing when Art feinted and used a special footwork he probably developed in his old world, after all by now Im sure he had an old life like me. Almost instantly, he blinked a foot diagonally to Adam's right.

He couldn't perfectly execute his skill because of the height and weight difference between him and his opponent. While he didn't reach the area he was aiming for, unfortunately for Adam, he already prepared his wooden stick to block Art's swing from the other direction so his right side was unprotected.

His smug look all but vanished and was replaced by a look of surprise, with his eyes opening wide, as he realized what was about to happen.

Swinging his wooden sword to his open ribcage, Art reinforced his wooden sword with mana at the last moment to conserve his mana.

The look of surprise on Adam lasted all but a split second before he pivoted his right foot with almost inhuman speed. Arthur squatted in time to dodge his upward swing and switched his stance from a thrust to a spinning swipe and landed a blow on Adam's left ankle using all the momentum.

His ankle gave out at that moment, throwing Adam off balance.

'This is it!' I knew that this was the moment I was waiting for, and Arthur just created it for me.

At that moment I dashed at high speed passing Arthur and going behind Adam, he didn't seem to notice me since I was behind him but everyone else saw me there, even Arthur.

I kicked him in back side of his knee using mana to reinforce my leg making him kneel in front of me. He didn't understand what happened and looked behind to see who actually kicked him but at that time I had already disapeared from there.

Now I was in front of him he still didn't see me or understand what was going on, I was like an invisible ghost hunting him, each time I made a move making him notice that something was off I would have already disappeared to another place to make another move.

I lifted my right hand after passing the sword to my left, and infused it with mana, and with full power I punched him on the chin. I knew that the chin is a weak point, if you hit hard enough you will be able to even knock out a raging bull. His eyes instantly rolled back and his body then followed by losing it's control and fell without fighting back.

"Sate sate sate~ This is what you get for underestimating me." I spoke with my hands on my waist and a big proud smile.

I truned towards Arthur and high fived him, "That was a great team work bro!"

"Yeah! Your plan has gone just like you wanted, but I still can't believe you litterly knocked him out man!" He was suprised but happy.

"Shishishi, you had done well too holding him back all that time" I gave him credit too since he has done the hard work.

"Dont mention it bro, hahaha." Art started laughting.

Meanwhile we, the twin brothers were having our fun conversation, everyone else stayed silent for a moment trying to realise what just happened. Durden the giant was the first to react, "W-what just h-hapened..."

Then jasmine murmured under breath "They are so strong!"

"Are you telling me that those two are 3 years old!? What nonesense!" Angela expressed without holding back.

Our parents couldn't even speak a word. After some moments Adam was starting to get his cousciousness back, "Ughh... My head hurts" He was holding his head with his hand, looking around trying to understand what happened.

Mom walked to him and used a spell to heal his head, espeacialy his chin.

An hour later after we recovered from the fight while others from the shock, everyone was sitting around the camp fire each eating his share of meat"

Adam's voice cuts in, "Haven't taught them how to fight my ass! How the hell did you train those little monsters?" he groaned, still rubbing his chin.

"I didn't teach them that," My father managed to mutter.

"Art, Mel, where did you learn to fight like that?" Angela asked us.

Deciding to feign ignorance, Arthur said, putting on a nonchalant face, "We learned by reading books and watching you dad."

I heard a faint voice from my side directed to Arthur. "Your fighting style is... unique. How did you do that step after the feint?"

Wow! Two complete sentences! That was the longest string of words Jasmine said this entire trip by far.

"Thank you?" Arthur responded.

"It's a simple technique really. Since I was feinting to Mr. Krensh's right side, I placed my right foot forward as the last step before the feint, Blah Blah Blah..." He continued.

I looked around to see Adam, Helen, and even my father head towards the clearing, trying to test out what Art just explained.

When I turned back to face Jasmine, I only saw her back as she rushed towards the clearing as well.

Mother sat down next to me, patting my head with a gentle smile on her face that seemed to say, "You did well." Angela came up to me too, burying my face, or rather my whole head, in her bosom, cheerfully exclaiming, "Cute and talented aren't you? Why couldn't you have been born earlier so that this sister could snatch you up herself!"

I enjoyed the moment looking at Art who was far in the clearing teaching everyone with a satisfed smile and an 'Ok' sign with my hand indicating to him thar I was confortable here. He turned away with a jealous expression.

'Hehe, you can enjoy your silent love while I will stay here inside those huge amazing breasts.' I thought.

Durden, was a lot calmer about all of this and just gave me a thumbs up, which I responded by another thumbs up.

The night passed as the four idiots spent most of the time trying to master the feint step while I slept inside the tent alongside mother and Angela, turning most of the time towards Angela to put my head inside her chest and fondeling them with my tiny hand, Angela's only reaction was a red face and rubbing my blond messy hair with a weird smile.

'I reconize this smile, its a predator's smile but its fine.'



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