
The Abbey By Day

I awoke in the middle of the night to Leo huffing and groaning in his sleep.

Leo's dream

The carriage had only just left. Yet dread filled him. Anna was in danger.

His lungs burned as he desperately tried to catch up.

Helpless. He felt helpless and the thoughts did not help.

'I should have insisted on going with her.'

'Why did I let her leave?'

He felt a twinge in his heart, and his blood ran cold, "Anna! No!"

He turned the bend.

He could not stop. The horses were trying to get loose from the tipped-over carriage, frightened. The footman is dead. Sweet Anna lay dressed in yellow.


He pushed, willing his body forward; He checked for a pulse, breathing, anything…

The pearl necklace was in pieces. Her clothes ruffled.

Tears blocked his vision; as he held her. His body wrecked with sobs and screams of sorrow and grief. He cried out for his loss.

A short while later, he composed himself as much as possible and picked her lifeless body up to take her back home to her parents.

He felt numb. Walking through their gate. Her mother appeared at the door and wailed when she saw Anna's head lolling down unnaturally.

Her father shouted, demanding to know what Edward had done.

'What had I done? Nothing. I could do nothing.'

He let the father vent his anger, but walked straight past him to lay her on the long chair.

Edward mumbled to the butler, "Get the detective."

Every day, he mourned her.

Holding the necklace in his hand as he walked. Some of the pearls were missing, but the jeweller did well in repairing them.

He knew Anna has been looking at this for months. He was finally able to acquire it in a silent auction. He was glad to have given it to her and remembered the bright smile on her face upon seeing it.

Staring down at the headstone, he crumbled to his knees. Once again, he cried out. Harrowing. His soul felt empty. He could not go on without her.


Leo jumped awake. I reached out to gently touch his clammy face.

"It's alright. Just a bad dream."

He took my hand, kissing my palm. I waited for his breathing to calm. He tugged me closer and buried his face in my hair.

"A nightmare," he murmured, "Remember the dream we shared after the ritual?"

I nodded.

"I woke up before it finished before Edward reached Anna… This time was the… aftermath of it."

I laid on my back and opened my arms, knowing he was distressed. He snuggled into my shoulder and hair, taking the hug fiercely. It made me smile lightly.

I said nothing, trying not to get sucked into my thoughts of 'what if ?'.

In the afternoon, we climbed the 199 steps.

"198!?" Lathen cried out.

I laughed at his predicament.

"Woah! You can see everything from up here!" Seri said, turning to take in the tops of the houses and the lighthouse on the other side.

My eyes explored the top of the steps; the gothic St. Mary's Church stood, and we were surrounded by headstones stretched for miles.

Walking around the top, we took an interest in the history and the views. Surprisingly, it was a clear day.

I walked amongst the tombstones, glancing at each one. Leo was right—too many Anna's.

"Come on, Lexi!" Quinn waved as they approached the Abbey, the same one that inspired the writer of Dracula.

As you can imagine, it was a vampire hot spot.

Yes, they could walk in daylight. No, they did not sparkle.

Any vampire in the sun would have the same tattoo, an Ankh with a sun surrounding it. It was blessed witch's ink and a spell not to burn; it also makes them look 'human' rather than undead.

The ruins of the abbey were beautiful and well-preserved. Large archways and weathered stone gave the age away. Seri stopped suddenly while we were talking.

"Seri? What's wrong?" I peered in the same direction she was looking.

She shook her head, "I thought I saw Megan; it was just that girl," she whispered.

She watched a younger girl hurried by excitedly. Seri bit her lip; I knew that face. She was hiding something.

"How often have you 'seen' her?" I tested.

"Since we arrived," she admitted, "Even Quinn mentioned it last night; I thought it was in my head."

"You could be on edge; we're in an unfamiliar place, a vampire hangout. Leo and I saw Fae; they could be messing around a little," I pointed out.

"Yeah, you're right. I didn't sleep very well either." She rubbed her eyes.

None of us did after Quinns 'sleepwalking', but Seri loved her sleep!

I relaxed as we returned down the stairs. Nothing happened at the abbey; we didn't see a familiar name on a grave.

"See. Pinch of salt," Leo whispered as we took the last step.

Grasping my hand, he tugged me away from the steps. I couldn't help but smile lightly letting him lead the way.

Later that night, we had some fun at a local club, Zorro. It was a place for witches and humans ONLY.

Slightly drunk, I was pulled into the middle of the dance floor by Seri.

I could feel other witches' magic rising and bouncing to the beat. We were surrounded by carefree souls. It was a breath of fresh air.

I followed Seri's lead and let loose, dancing to the base. Red tinge surrounding me mixing with Seri's carefree sky blue and others around us.

Seri began to get friendly with a slightly older human. She winked as I whispered a warning to her, and danced to her hearts content.

As she turned away to face her partner, a familiar warm arm came around my waist, and I was pulled back into a chest.

"I'd like a dance, too," Leo whispered in my ear.

I giggled and turned around to face him. He pulled me closer to him as my arms went to his neck. The beat slowed down, and we found ourselves swaying. I couldn't stop smiling and laughing with Leo.

The dance floor became fuller with other bodies. A small apologetic push parted us from Seri. I lost sight of Quinn and Devan as they sat at a table, and Lathen stood by the bar, flirting.

We were eventually pushed near a wall and hidden from view. I giggled, knowing he was feeling teased. Leo pounced, kissing my neck and up to my lips. I quickly sobered up.

I felt fire in my lower belly. It glowed hot and red. We had yet to take the final step; interruption and no alone time made it impossible.

I looked into his eyes as we pulled apart, "Let's get out of here," I purred.

"You got it."

He took my hand, and we rushed back to the empty house.

I quickly messaged the group chat: [Left early, not feeling well. Meet you back at the house later. Have fun!]

Devan instantly replied [😉 get better soon].

I was tucked up on his chest; my breath slowly evened out as we kissed. I could not help but feel loved. Thank gods, Leo knew a 'protection' spell…

Leo's phone rang to life.

"Too late this time." He smirked.

Pulling away, he reached down to his jeans pocket for his phone.

Returning to the same position, he sang, "Hello?"

I couldn't hear the other side of the conversation.

"Woah, slow down. Who?"

I tensed up, shit. Guilt washed over me; did something happen while we were not there? Leo looked at me and stroked my back to calm me down, listening to the person on he phone.

"She isn't here. Are you sure she's not in the bathroom or something?"

"Who is it?" I asked, nervously.

"Devan," he quickly replied to me, "Can't find Seri."

Wheels started to turn… The human she was dancing with smelt of cigarettes… With a groan, I held my hand out, "Give me the phone."

He did, and without greeting, I said, "Check outside; you know she has a habit of social smoking."

"Ah shit, forgot," his voice slurred.

Bang "Oi! Seri? You out here?... Silly goose…Yep, you were right; she is here."

"Jeez, don't scare me like that." I relaxed once more.

"So… have you done the deed?" Devan asked, teasing.

"I'm not telling you that!" I gasped.

Blushing I returned the phone to Leo as Devan's laugh echoed.

"Yes," Leo confirmed; I smacked his chest.

"Alright, see you later." he hung up the phone.

"They are on their way back," he informed.

They were about 20 minutes' walk away. I was wide awake, but I didn't want to get up.

A knocking came at the door; I rolled away from Leo's warmth and put an oversized t-shirt over my head to answer it. Opening the door, Seri stood, tears streaming down her face.

"Seri? What's wrong?" I asked concerned, pulling her into my arms; she was still drunk.

"Quinn." Her lips wobbled.

"Has she shouted at you or something?" I soothed brushing her wild hair back.

"No, she-" Seri hiccupped, "She's been taken-n."

My heart dropped and eyes widened, "What?" I whispered.

"What?" Leo pipped up, pulling on his jeans at the news.

I gently grasped the crying girl, holding her by the shoulders, "Who took Quinn?"

"Megan. We were nearly home when they took her. Lathen and Devan are trying to find her."

"Shit," I mumbled feeling panicked.

Seri leaned onto me, grasping the oversized shirt seeking comfort, she struggled to form sentences, I would not be able to get more information from her. Leo quickly grabbed his phone, dressing quickly.

"You stay here, I will go and look with them," Leo said, moving away from us both.

"Be careful!" I said after him. Knowing Seri shouldn't be left alone.

I stayed comforting her, she eventually stopped her tears and I coaxed her to her bedroom. She swiftly fell to sleep.

Redressed, I placed protective Sigils all around the rooms and the house. If anything came close, I would know.

It was 2 am she had been missing for just under an hour. I let out a breath and began to pace again. I was beyond anxious, I was running out of fingernails to bite, instead I now worried my lip.

I felt the three boys cross over the line and pulled the front door open before they got to it.

"Anything?" I asked, desperate, allowing them in.

"No, not even a whisper," Leo spoke gently.

"Any ideas Lex?" Devan asked, tiredly.

'Just one…' I thought.

I fled to her room for a piece of her jewellery and returned to the kitchen where the trio sat. Cutting a piece of twine, I hung the ring from it and got a map of Whitby out.

The ring stayed still as it draped from my knuckles and rested my elbow on the table.

I took a deep breath, "Where have they taken her?"

It spun around furiously; I fed magic down into the string, willing it to show me what I sought. It was a way of dowsing without a pendulum.

Even breaths as it eventually swung in one direction. Moving it slowly across the page, it was attracted to a particular spot on the map, like two magnets drawn together.

Finally, it circles the church and the abbey, undecided, unwilling to pick a point on the map.

"Have you checked the Abbey?"

"First place we looked," Lathen replied.

"We should go and split up. You're exhausted, Devan," I pointed out.

He didn't look at me. He was away in his world. Gently, I put my hands on his cheeks, snapping him back to the present.

"You are not going to help like this; get some rest. We'll call you."

I ushered him to the sofa and covered him with a blanket and placed a soothing sigil over him, he slept like a baby.

"Right, you two with me."

I was a woman on a mission.

I locked the house up and placed a protection line over the door; Seri and Devan were officially sealed in, and we moved to the church and the Abbey.

Next chapter