
Late Night Visitor

A hot shower does wonders for the soul. But more is needed for this one.

Laying on my bed, I was examining the ceiling. Anything to distract my loud thoughts. Nothing would stop the niggling voice in my head. My hearing picked up on whispering voices under the hum of the wind. I couldn't tell where it was coming from. I didn't feel like investigating.


I remember my Rite of Passage, 'History does repeat itself.'


'The tree needs cutting back again; stupid branches.'

Tap. Tap.


I jumped out of my skin and moved quickly to the window.


The branch was tapping on my window, but it wasn't from the wind. Little blue eyes looked at me. Shocked, I opened the window wide.


"Who else? May I come in?"

I nodded and moved away from the window, allowing passage. I was shocked to see him in this form and the fact I could understand him. I thought I could only speak to Sooty, my familiar, this way. I never attempted to speak to other cats…

Leo jumped from the branch to the windowsill, dragging something with him. I grabbed it quickly. It was clothing…?

"What's this for?"

"I don't think you'd appreciate nakedness."

I gave out a soft laugh, of course. Where else are your clothes supposed to go? I inspected him.

"We meet again, kitty cat," I said quietly in a knowing voice.

"You think your mum is the nosey one? Cats can go anywhere."

After a short silence, I asked, "How are you?"

"Me? I'm fine. You're clearly not."

"No need to be rude… I meant magic-wise."

"Oh. Fine, just really… magic-y. I'm not sure about being able to turn back."

I snorted, "Well, sorry, I already have one black cat. He's not a fan of others."

His tail banged the floor in protest, "Damn it! But I'm a great lap cat!"

I couldn't help but laugh.

I turned back to the window and closed it.


A blush rose to my face. He transformed back; I could sense it. I didn't dare turn around as I heard the rustle of clothes.

"I heard what you said to Nixon," Leo began, "You knew what he was going to do."

"I did."

He stepped closer, and I took it as a safe sign to turn around. He watched me and waited patiently for me to continue.

"A lock," I disclosed.

His eyes narrowed at me slightly in confusion. I sighed and recounted the faithful night that Nixon placed the lock.

It was a night that chilled the skin. 

I twirled and spun, dressed in white. As the song ended, I felt an enormous burst of energy flow through me, enveloping me in bright crimson. The pain was excruciating.

I remembered being trapped in darkness, entangled in my clothes. I struggled to get out.

"Lexi?!" My dad shouted desperately. His voice was loud and piercing. Evering was loud, I could hear murmurs and gasps from the coven around me.

I jumped and cried out at the hands that grabbed me. It was overwhelming, I felt helpless and foreign in my own body.

"Shh, sweetheart. It's okay…"

Slowly Dad helped me become untangled, I felt a weird sensation of hair all over me. It was like a stray hair tickling my skin, but it was all over.

I blinked my eyes open seeing a concerned Mum and Dad… Were they always this big? They towered over me.

No… something was different.

Nixon pulled on my dad's shoulder looking down at me. I could practically feel the shock and horror he was hiding with just a look into his eyes.

Moving my parents out of the way, Nixon pinned me to the ground by my neck.

A spell was placed directly over the nape – the lock.

Instantaneously, I felt my bones and muscles elongate. My mouth shifted and ears move. I felt flushed with heat and felt sweat drip from everywhere, it was worse then P.E…

I was told later that I morphed into a long-haired white cat. I had taken on my familial animal.

My smaller coven members would not speak to me. Two weeks after the event, they still avoided me. We grew up learning that morphing or turning into an animal form is Dark magic, is taboo and unnatural. I became afraid of myself after that night and the coven could not move forward.

They rejected me. 

Nixon claimed his actions were initially an unconscious action. The limitation was made more robust and permanent after reaching a consensus amongst the whole group.

Quinn, Lathen, Seri and Devan had their memories altered and everything returned to normal. 

"The transformation happened once, and it never happened again." I finished my story to Leo, "I didn't want the same to happen to you, or anyone else for that matter."

I felt my mood get lower; Their memories were now back. What would happen now? Leo stayed silent, just listening to me.

I continued, "Originally, the lock was only meant to block my morph; it was made stronger after my grandma passed. Then more when my dad died." I laid my head on propped up knees.

"Why would that make your lock stronger?"

"Ah, Nixon made it stronger, but how I was dealing with them passing made my emotions 'too unpredictable; therefore, my magic was uncontrollable', as he put it."

Leo scoffed, "A load of shite."

I couldn't help but snort as his accent came through.

"Another thing we have in common," he said, poking my side.

Flinching, I giggled and moved away, "Yep. I can understand you in cat form as my familiar's are cats."

He reached for my side again, but I moved further, "Whatever you are thinking of doing, don't."

"You're ticklish."

He verified with another swipe at my other side.

"Don't you dare; I will kick!" I threatened with a foot up, and he chuckled.

"Why did you come over here anyway? Did you get lost?"

"No, Ma did not stop mollycoddling. So, I escaped."

I couldn't help but giggle imagining it.

"Well, you did flee out of there pretty quickly. Was it painful?"

"Uncomfortable, I felt like I was on fire."

I nodded; I knew the feeling.

I moved from the uncomfortable floor to my double bed, "I'm sorry the welcome wagon wasn't… well, welcoming," I joked.

"Is that how they reacted to you as well?"

"Yep. Stunned silence, and no one moved. Except Nixon, of course… He always has a plan."

The bed dipped as he face-planted the bed, and I yawned. Although I acted tired, I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. Old memories are harder to forget at nighttime.

"You know, I don't know much about your life before you moved here," I hinted, lying down and rolling to face him.

Humming, he asked me, "What do you want to know?"

I shrugged, anything.

He thought briefly, "Well, growing up in Glenrothes isn't as interesting as being here. Theres open land, but not much cover. So, circles were not a weekly thing and when they did happen it was at someone's house."

"It was just Da, Derick and I until Cynthia and baby Freya. My birth mother left us when I was young. I can't remember what she looks like exactly, but Da always said Derek got her looks."

"My old coven was much smaller. Just two families, and there was Maddie, who was about the same age as us. She made some human friends that would join us sometimes. When we were allowed to do our circles, we did everything; nothing was off-limits."

"About a year ago, Cynthia was targeted by jinxes and pranks. I thought it was Derick. He wasn't a big fan of her when Da brought her home. But our circles and spells got darker."

"At first, I didn't understand it. All I know is Maddie was going into blood magic and I wanted no part in it. After researching more, I took a huge step back from them. I said my goodbyes there and then."

I quietly asked, "What were they trying to do with blood magic?"

"They were trying to take someone else's power. To make them stronger and possibly make new witches."

'Make new witches? Is that even possible?' I gently chewed my lip before asking, "Do you think Derick has gone back?"

"I know he has gone back. I hope he doesn't tell others where we are or bring someone to the house. He left most of his stuff and I'm sure he will be back for it..."

His eyes started drooping, so I kissed his cheek and shifted to get under my covers, "Sofa is free. Good night!"

Getting settled under the covers, I felt him move until he was directly beside me.

"Erm, no. Downstairs!"

"You're mad if you think I'm not taking advantage of a comfy double bed."

He stayed above the covers and wrapped an arm around me.

"You better not snore," I said, closing my eyes, fatigue taking over me.

"Dream of me tonight."

"Don't count on it, buddy."

I woke up alone.

My window was open, and Leo's clothes were in a heap on the floor.

I could not bring myself to get up. I couldn't physically do it. I still felt tired. Looking at the clock, it was 7:45 am. Alex would wake soon.

I forced myself up. My stomach turned at the thought of going to school. I knocked on Alex's door, which opened to a bright-eyed boy.

"You don't look so good," he remarked.

"I'm not going to school. Best get ready so you don't miss the bus."

Closing the window, I returned to my bed to find a fluffy cat in my warm bed. I reassured myself it was Sooty and snuggled him close.

I thought back to the last time I didn't feel fatigued.

Before, I was given the book… and the necklace.

'Where is the necklace?' I pondered, thinking.

My mum came into the room, "Lexi?"

I felt the bed dip.

"Alex said you aren't feeling well."

She put her hand on my forehead. I knew I wasn't running a fever.

"I can't face them," I responded wearily.

She came to the other side of the bed and inspected my face.

"You look exhausted. Did you not sleep last night?"

"I got some sleep."

I was unsure if she saw the clothes on the floor that evidently were not mine.

"Well, how's about breakfast?"

"Hm, I'm not hungry."

I had no appetite, was exhausted, and even staying awake felt like a chore.

The covers were whipped from me, "Up," Mum sternly said, "You can mope after you've had something to eat."

Sooty jumped from my arms, and I reluctantly got up, "You're not going to make me go, are you?"

"You are in no fit state to learn, but I will not have my daughter starve."

Mother knows best. I knew she was right, but I didn't feel hungry. The toast tasted like cardboard, even with jam.

Sitting on the back porch, I swayed back and forth slightly from the swing. I kept warm with a small blanket and looked around the garden, drinking tea.

The weather was bleak, like my mood. Everything seemed dimmer. My mum was looking at the vegetables in the greenhouse.

"Is the garlic ready yet?" she asked.

"Don't think so, maybe the carrots."

I didn't get up; I knew she was trying to get me active. I didn't want to; the fresh air was soothing, however. The dahlias caught my eye; they were still unopened, and many were not mature enough to flower. I couldn't help but think about yesterday.

"Mum!" I heard from inside the house.

"Alex is home," I informed her.

She went to the back door and slid the door open, "Out here, Alex!"

"I brought friends."

Alex announced; I closed my eyes and my shoulders fell. I didn't want to deal with people right now.

"I brought your homework."

Okay, I could make an exception; I opened my eyes to Leo holding out a few papers and took them with thanks.

Alex was showing Freya around the garden.

"I'm surprised you went to school. Are you not tired?" I asked Leo.

"I'm not too bad. I'm surprised you didn't. You don't seem like the type to skip school without being sick."

He was right about that. I shuffled over slightly to make room on the double swing chair so he could sit.

"How are they?"

"Awkward. I'm unsure if it was because I was there or something else."

"Probably a bit of both," I said bleakly, sipping from my cup.

"I only spoke to Devan briefly, and the rest avoided me like a plague."

I perked up slightly, "Did he have anything to say?"

"He wanted to know if you were alright," he informed me, "They'll come around soon."

"Not all of them will."

"You don't know that."

Also, true. But I knew Quinn. Nixon would not allow her anything to do with me, given the choice.

"We shall see," I verified.

Next chapter