

My ears picked up on hushed words and soft, even tone, beeping every few seconds. Opening my eyes, I whined at the bright white flooding my vision and placed an arm over my eyes. The talking stopped, and someone moved to my side.

"Hello, Lexandria. Do you know where you are?" spoke a soft male voice.

Blinking a few times, I was able to look at the man.

"No," I croaked, my throat dry.

"Here," he sat me up, giving me a cup of water.

Although groggy, I was able to look around.

'A hospital ward?' I looked at the man attending me and noticed his uniform—a nurse.

"Here, lean back," he altered the hospital bed, allowing me to sit up.

"You are in St. James Teaching Hospital. Now, I am going to take some observations, and then your visitors can come in."

He shone a light in my eye, blinding me more, before asking, "Do you remember what happened last night?"

"I fainted…?"

"Are you prone to nose bleeds or any bleeding conditions?"

I shook my head no.

"Any chance you could be pregnant?"

I huffed slightly in annoyance, "No."

He placed a blood pressure cuff on my arm and a gadget on my finger.

"Taken any recreational drugs recently?"




"New medications?"


"Okay, thank you," he said, scribbling down on a folder, "We took some blood and a head CT scan. The doctor will be up soon to talk about your results. Am I okay to let your visitors in?"

"Yes, thank you," I glanced at his nameplate, "Shaun."

"Not a problem. Press this button if you need me."

I don't know who I was expecting…

Okay, I'm telling fibs. I was expecting a certain someone. Instead, I had a fretting Mother and an unfazed Nixon.

"Thank goodness Leo was there to help you. The nurse said it was most likely exhaustion or dehydration," she prattled.

"Mum, please… my head," I complained to stop her babbling and turned to Nixon, "Not to be rude… What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to reassess."

'Uh oh.'

"Reassess what?"

"What caused you to faint? Were you using magic? Or were you pushing again?" He asked softly not to be overheard by others.

'I should have known.'

He was trying to find an excuse to increase the lock again. I answered after a short pause, "I was pushing a lot more than the other times."

"And why would you do that?" He crossed his arms.

"Because my fate string is tied," I stated bluntly.

My mum gasped; he didn't look shocked by the news.

'That answers my question. It was on purpose,' I thought, crossing my arms.

"How do you know that for sure?" he probed giving nothing away.

'How do you think, idiot?'

I stared at him silently, asking, Really?

He continued, "With your track record of not being able to control your powers, especially when it comes to your emotions, it is safer for it to be locked."

As he spoke, my anxiety crept up. We have had this conversation before. Was he right? Is it dangerous? What if-?

"Think about it. They say love makes you blind, crazy even. Love makes your emotions unpredictable; therefore, your magic is erratic, uncontrollable."

"Staying level-headed is the best action with large amounts of power. So, yes, I tied up your fate string to allow you to stay in control of yourself."

By the end of his speech, I became light-headed and panicked. I lost my breath, my heart was pounding, and the even-toned beeping became erratic on the monitor. A sense of doom came over me. I couldn't see from the tears threatening to fall.

'I'm going to die.'

I pressed the call button.

"Lexi? What's wrong?" my mum fretted.

"See. Lack of control-" "Shut up, Nixon." My mum butted in just as the curtain flew open.

Shaun appeared and looked at the monitor, "Alright, everybody out," he requested.

"W-what's hap-ppening?" My words came out as a stutter, as fat drops of tears streamed down. I couldn't breathe between hiccups.

"You are having a panic attack," he stated softly, "Breath in – 1, 2, 3, 4 and out, 2, 3, 4."

He repeated himself until my heart rate decreased on the monitor and my eyes stopped the waterworks. My chest squeezed as the hiccups failed to ease as quickly.

"I felt like I was going to die," I confessed.

"Unfortunately, everyone says the same. I think visitor time is over for you."

"No. No, it's fine," I lied.

I could not let Nixon win and convince my mum this time.

It was just my mother who returned with, I assume, a doctor.

"Miss Langton, I have your results from the CT and blood tests."

My mum sat next to me and took my hand, and I nodded for him to continue, and he read from the clipboard in his hand.

"When you came in, you were bleeding from your nose and ears. Nothing abnormal on your blood results; you have normal clotting factors, meaning no bleeding disorder."

"Your CT also came back clean, with no signs of brain injury or haemorrhaging."

"As to where the bleeding came from, we have no idea, but we have ruled out all serious conditions. If it happens again, please come back, and see us. For now, I am happy to discharge you."

"That's a relief." I heard from behind the doctor.

The doctor stepped aside to reveal Leo, holding two cups.

I thanked the doctor and confirmed that I wished to be discharged. Leo sat down next to my mum, passing her a drink.

"I didn't think you were here," I said.

"I needed a coffee. Sorry I wasn't here when you woke up," he replied, tipping the coffee cup to his mouth, "I saw Nixon on my way back up."

I sighed, "Yeah, he paid me a visit."

"With that face, I guess it wasn't positive."

I looked down at the thin sheets and shook my head, "I think he wants to tighten the lock. Please, Mum, don't let him."

"That's not going to happen, Lexi."

She cut me off, placing another hand on my own, "This is wrong. I will not let him put it back, I promise you," she affirmed, kissing my head.

A buzzing noise echoed around the minor ward.

Looking sheepish, Leo said, "Sorry, I got to take this. Be right back."

"He's been here all night, Lexi," Mum informed me after he left.

"All night?" I repeated, looking away from the empty door to her.

Nodding, she gave me a knowing look and asked, "So, what happened last night? And don't lie to your mother."

A blush rushed to my face, "We kissed," I muttered.

"And…?" she probed whilst giddy with quiet squeals.

"Mum, stop," I cringed.

"Come on, little one." She calmed down but still had a smile, "Is he? Your fated?"

"I think so…?"

She leaned back with a grin, "I knew it."

Blushing harder I continued cautiously, "That's why I pushed my magic. I wanted to know, but…" 'I hope so.' I added mentally.

I was crushing… Hard.

"Sorry about that. Ma was calling." I smiled as Leo returned.

"So, what are we doing for Ostara? It's in two days, you know."

Seri's voice cracked through the speakerphone. I rolled over onto my back. I was glad to be back home.

"Hm, I have no idea. Maybe something new?" I suggested, "I really don't fancy playing designated driver with drunks in the back again."

"Oh, come on! You loved teasing us! Plus, it was your idea to use a Sharpie on Devan after he fell asleep."

I laughed at the memory.

"Well, we might be babysitting this time. So, no nightclub."

"I'm sure we can just leave them home with a film or something. You know, leave food and water out for them."

"They are not dogs!" I chuckled, "And my mum says you're the responsible one…Man, I should tell her stories."

"You're just jealous your mum likes me more."

"Yeah, that's it."

Her tone changed to nervous, "Have you spoken to Lathen yet?"

"Yeah, about that, Seri. Stop encouraging him. I'm not that dense. You both know I do not like him that way."

"ME? Oh no, this was all Quinn. I had no part in this. Even Devan is on your side; he doesn't like Quinn stirring the pot."

I sighed loudly and put an arm over my face. You could tell when Devan and Quinn were arguing. The banter between the two stopped and the atmosphere, tense. I should have known after dying Quinns hair…

"I know," she continued, "I keep trying to change Lathen's mind, but he won't give up while he's got the thumbs up from half the coven."

"I'm sorry. What?"

"Oops, I mean. Erm…"

She then went on babbling, trying to redact her statement.

"Oh, come on, Lexi!" she sighed.

I gave no response still miffed.

"I mean, it doesn't help that Lathen saw you and Leo kissing…" she taunted.

'Why this sly…'

"Wait, what?" I exclaimed in hysterics after realising what she had said.

"Ah! So, it's true! When were you going to tell me, hm? This is juicy info, and you didn't think to tell your bestie? I'm hurt, deeply."

I could hear the pout in her voice, "You'll get over it."

I sat up and stopped the phone call.

It didn't take long for her to start calling me again, and feeling humorous, I took the call.

"Did you hang up on me?" her ludicrous voice screeched through the tiny speaker.

"Hm, I don't know. Did it sound something like this?"


I love her, really. It vibrated for a third time, and I picked up without looking at the screen.

"Have you calmed down?" I smiled into the phone.

"I didn't realise I was angry with you." Came a male voice.

I took a sharp intake of breath and looked at the phone screen. Lathen.

"Oh, hi Lathen," I said, "I thought it was Seri ringing again."

"Hanging up on her again?"

"Yes, she loves it," I chuckled.

He immediately asked, "Are you home? I need to talk to you."

'Oh goddess.'

Filled with dread, I replied, "Yes. I'm home; come around whenever."

"Alright, see you soon."

I immediately texted Seri.

[Lathen called. He is coming over. Pray 4 me.]

I got an instant reply: [F] followed by, [I want details tomorrow, see you tonight.]

A knock at the door.

Memories of the dreams came back to me as I stared at the door. They were of us and showed me a future I didn't want.

Goddess had a plan and it wasn't with Lathen.

The knock came again, a little louder. I opened the door with a small smile.

"Hey, come in."

Lathen followed me to the kitchen, and I asked, "Drink?"

"Er, no thanks."

He sat at the table, fidgeting, and I sat opposite him.

"So, what's up?"

I silently begged him not to do it.


'Here we go.'

"Last year, I told you that I still felt something for you, and I still do. I would go as far as saying I love–"

"Please don't," I interjected.

Dumbstruck, he asked, "What?"

"Don't say it. Because it's not true," I bluntly and laid my feelings down, "I love you like a brother. Nothing more. Please stop this; It was a crush. We tried it. I said no."

He looked down at the table and his eyes became slightly glassy. He knew I didn't do well with tears. A guilt trip wasn't going to work this time.

"It's only because of Quinn's voice in your ear that you keep doing this, and it's gone on for too long. I'm sorry, Lathen. This,"–I gestured between us– "Is not going to happen again."

His sad look turned into displeasure, "It's because of him, isn't it?"

It sounded more like a statement than a question.

I sat up a little straighter and stayed calm at his anger.


"Leonard. He's been sniffing around you like a dog in heat since he got here."

I opened my mouth to protest his choice words, but he continued, "Don't even deny it. I saw you both last night; give me the truth," he spat.

"The truth? Okay," I fumed, having enough of his tantrum and stood up.

"Yes! It's entirely his fault. Goddess knows I've put up with you and Quinn trying to force me back into a relationship. That stops now."

"You are not, nor will you ever be, Leo. Goddess has a plan for me, and it wasn't you. Get over it!" I retaliated.

"I just want my best friend back before he started complicating things!" I snapped, my eyes now tearing from rage.

He stormed around the table, "I can't help who I love!"

I sneered at him, coming closer, "You don't love me! Quinn has manipulated you to think you do! You wouldn't have this petty jealousy if you did love me!"

"Oh, and you know what love is, huh!?" he shot, getting in my face.

"No, I don't! But it's not this, Lathen!"

He kissed me.

Check out the vault for a spicy alternative ending to the arguement....


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