
Chapter 15

The anatomy lessons highlight the clitoris, breasts, and anus, discussing arousing techniques, and that some cultures found anal sex taboo. Brax will need to learn more about Parker to learn about her culture. Already he is fascinated by everything about her and desires to learn about all of her facets and desires.

Brax feels his cock start to stir again, and as much as he wants to explore Parker and further his claim, they are in a precarious position and need to get back to the battle group. They are not safe.

Brax gently lifts Parker off himself, missing the feeling of being joined with her, buried deep within her body. He relishes the feel of her snuggling up against him. Her warm body sidled up next to his body. Brax can not wait to be fully unclothed and explore all of Parker.

Knowing they are in unchartered caverns in the Beltway dampens his arousal as he tunes into their surroundings and situation.

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