
Finding the memory


They appeared in the coven. A witch rushed to them.

"Master Evena, Master Reni, this way" he said as he gestured for them to follow him.

They followed the witch and he led them to the waiting room where they saw Constanza, Dreya and a chained up Killian on the floor.

"What happened?" Ryder asked in shock as he looked at Killian who looked so much like Ava that it was uncanny.

Dreya stepped forward to block them at the entrance of the door.

"before you enter, you have to vow that none of you will take that boy back to the king." he told them firmly.

They all vowed to him and he allowed them enter the room. Reni rushed to Killian.

"Hey! It's Reni. I am here to help" he told him.

"I don't think that will work, Constanza has tried talking to him, I have tried all the calming down spells I know but nothing is working." Dreya told him.

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