


Kitanna held the box of food closely to her chest; her gaze didn't drop for a moment. She continued to stare at the person in front of her. From outside the room was so dark that she believed nobody was inside.

"W--what are you doing in the dark?" Kitanna asked after she finally found her voice.

Nix moved his body forward, his head moved to the side as he watched every emotion that passed Kitanna's face. He moved his eyes to her hand and caught sight of the box. If he didn't know better, he would have said the princess was planning on escaping from the palace with the way she was dressed.

Nix sighed and stood up from his chair, his strides walking casually to stand in front of Kitanna. His face still held no expression at all.

"What are you doing outside of your room, Princess?" Nix asked, his voice steeper than usual.

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