


Kitanna blinked her eyes continuously and used the back of her hand to wipe her eyes. Was she now imagining things? She asked herself.

It was just a few minutes ago that his heartbeat was faint, almost lost. But the person sitting in front of her right now looked healthier than her.

Kitanna turned to look at Axilla to make sure they were seeing the same thing.

Axilla shrugged her shoulders.

"Nix...are you feeling alright?" Kitanna walked closer to where he was.

Nix removed the sheets that were used to cover him, picked up his upper garment, and draped it over his body. He stood tall.

"I am fine. Go and get some rest. Axilla, take the princess to her room and help her clean up," Nix ordered.

Axilla bowed to the orders and moved to assist the princess out of the room, but Kitanna stood there, she couldn't just help it. She weaved her hands through her already scattered hair.

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