
Windfall Find

'Huh, I did not think this through,' Allen thought to himself as he sat in the tundra that is Neptune.

He had lived his entire life in Earth, knowing nothing but a small corner of the dirt planet a d being satisfied with it. Now that he could travel the cosmos, he was at a loss. Where exactly could he even go? If it was Marvel, he would have joined the Guardians of the Galaxy or even the Nova Corpse. But, he had no clue of what this reality entailed of. So, he could only bid his time.

He had thought of going to Mars and probably relax but he remembered Earth already had two Martians there a d they were both heroes. No way would setting foot on their planet end well. Mars was out of question, most definitely.

'I really need a sign, universe, please,' he pleased as he looked at the blue sky.

Suddenly, the sky lit up as he saw a meteor suddenly streak towards the frozen solid ground that is the planet's surface. His single brow formed a brow as he made out the object hurtling to the surface.

'A spaceship?' he discovered, his joy slowly rising. Besides the anticipation of seeing a non human like alien with his own two eyes, a spaceship meant he had a way of leaving the solar system and possibly mingling with alien civilization.

'But I have to make sure it doesn't get destroyed in the landing,' he thought as he shot towards it.

Due to its velocity, he couldn't just crash into it and hope for the best, his own invulnerability will tear it apart. So, he had to ease up with its motion. He got below it, digging his fingers into its hull, ignoring the sizzling from the heat trying to burn his skin.

Slowly, he started inching it away from the ground and mountains, towards a plain of nothing but ice till the horizon. Now that crashing was no long available, she started to gently slow it down. It wasn't difficult to do, only a little challenging due to his strength. But, he hadn't spent time in the gym being a masochist for nothing, his control over his power was phenomenal. Add that to everything he learnt from Wonder Woman and he was a different breed of monster all together. Finally, the ship reached a velocity he could finally interact with freely and so, he carried it to the surface before gently putting it down. It was damaged, no need to damage it even further.

'Phew, its not further damaged,' he sighed in relief looking at the damaged beyond belief ship. He then went to the door and carefully ripped it off its hinges, only to dodge a laser blast to his face.

He had invulnerability but why would he just let a weapon of unknown source hit him when he was fast enough to dodge? He wasn't Hulk, he was smart. His hand shot forward and clamped onto the futuristic gun aimed at him and crushed it before his other hand gripped his assailant on his throat and lifting him like he weighed as much as a paper weight, considering how huge he was.

"Thriwet hu gesim hibbi?" the alien struggled to talk as he tried to free himself.

"Sorry, I only speak English," Allen answered before crushing his neck, killing him. The alien was already hostile to him, no need to put a threat close to himself. He let the body drop to the ship's floor as his eye was attracted to a strange badge like item stuck on the alien's chest. He picked it up for inspection when the badge suddenly light up

"Welcome to Daugfry Bounty and Commission. You already picked a bounty, collect it and more will be explained," the badge suddenly spoke.

"Wait, what? How can it speak English?" he asked.

"The badge is equipped with telepathic translation module. It is convenient for species we have not collected their language, like yours," the badge answered. Allen had more questions but he put off asking them when he heard approaching roars of engines. Puzzled, he got out of the ship and looked up, only to be flabbergasted by a whole armada approaching him.

"Target confirmed. Target, Zauber the Skull Fucker, a wanted pirate is within range. Collect his head for the bounty to be completed," the badge suddenly said, leaving Allen short of words. He suddenly regretted having saved the ship from crash landing. The biggest space ship which was strangely like a living animal came above him before it created an atmosphere made up with Nitrogen as the highest percentage. Then, aliens started being teleported in front of him, each a different species from the other. They were all fully decked with armor and weapons, glaring at him like he ate their parents or something. Just then, a new alien came forward, eyeing him like he was not impressed.

"I know not of your species, bounty hunter. Speak it and I will show you mercy by leaving few of them for my crew to enjoy," it spoke up, followed by thunderous laughter and jeering from its crew. Allen eyed the badge, realizing it must be translating the dialect to English and less pissed he haved it from destruction.

"That's not how you start a conversation. Here, let me show you. I say 'Hi', you say 'Hello'. Wanna try it?" Allen said sarcastically before suddenly blitzing right in front of the alien, his hand already inside its stomach. The alien's eyes widened in shock at the sudden development before it started gurgling out greenish blue blood. The rest shook out of their shock as they aimed their weapons at him only for him to use the alien as a body shield, its huge frame covering him nicely.

"Now, I guess this can end one of two way. Either I kill all of you and take the swankiest ship here for my own or you get out of my way while I take the swankiest ship with me," he shouted while preparing himself mentally. The alien he had impaled his hand into struggled as he was using the hand to lift him up. He coughed up more blood as he spoke out.

"KILL HIM!" he roared in indignation, pain and anger.


Allen suddenly beheaded him, Omniman style before throwing the body to his companions, cleaving a bloody path due to the force, even a pebble a millimeter in diameter traveling close to speed of light can obliterate any planet it encounters in its path!

This was probably the signal they needed to start their shoot out but Allen had already gone into action. He would have blitzed them all but his inner masochism wanted him to make it harder on himself. So, instead he opted for a hand to hand combat!

Wonder Woman is one not to be underestimated,blike ever. For millenniums, all she did was train and train, day in and day out! The amount of Battle experience she could bring out was just too enormous and Allen had soaked on that knowledge each time he had brought her to her limits. While she exponentially grew as a warrior, he rode on her coattails and grew with her! So, it would come as a surprise this was just a blood chilling slaughter to his side.

Each punch was precise with enough power to reduce the one he attacked to a bloody most in the air. Each kick was enough to cleave bodies while sending rankyaku like shockwaves that claimed even more lives! He didn't use any other power, just his physical prowess and martial arts, which was proving to be just too much to the alien's. Like Madar in the war, one man was proving too difficult to handle while being vastly outnumbered and outgunned.

Pirate after pirate fell and died, leaving only growing fear and despair to his compatriots. They just couldn't understand what was happening, it was too inconceivable. They had always relied on their numbers to overwhelm their enemies, but it appeared one man had them so vastly outnumbered it could only mean he was a god!

"To the ships!" one of them shouted, making the others realize they could teleport out of the battlefield at will! He had frightened them so much they forgot their advantages.

"No you fucking don't!" Allen growled, foreseeing their actions as he brought an almighty punch to the tundra surface. A shockwave punch the likes the planet has never received reduced the ice for hundreds of miles to mist, killing all of the alien's that were not fast enough to nothing but bones that would soon be forgotten in the Texas sized crater left behind by this.

Allen shot towards the ships, fist forward, slamming into them, tearing through them like they were made of wet tissue! He didn't stop with one ship, pursuing escaping ships faster than they could accelerate. In short, it was the biggest massacre the planet has ever hosted and in ten minutes, the sole winner of the entire bout stood on the largest ship which he realized was really an animal. He wasn't even breathing irregularly, a satisfied smile adorned on his face while a still bleeding head was clutched in his left arm. He was deeply satisfied, all his masochist tendencies had actually pain off in the end!

"Bounty completed. Congratulations on succeeding in your first bounty, you are officially a Tier ten Bounty hunter. Work hard and you will rise in the ranks while enjoying special privileges," the badge spoke up at this moment. Suddenly, a beam of light shot out of it, shone on the head and it disappeared. "Bounty has been sent to the client, he is currently very happy of your work ethics. As a reward, you have been given access to the full archives of our star charts. Good luck."

'That was unexpected, but saves me much more time,' Allen thought to himself before looking at the beast spaceship he was standing on.

"Are you going to open up or will I have to force my way in?" he asked, hoping it would somehow understand him. Luckily it did as a pathway opened up for him. He floated in, fascinated at how its flesh blended with technology to a point they seemed one and the same! He wanted to tour the beast but a blue skinned female alien walked towards him, warily.

"My name is Svetile, I am the ship's handler. Though, calling her a ship would be underselling it. She is a silicone based bacteria that we encountered and turned into our main ship," the woman spoke up. "She bonded up to me and she does not listen to any one else but me!"

"Shame," Allen said as clenched his fists. "She would have made a very fine ship." He rose his right hand, ready to destroy it when he felt a telepathic knock on his psychic shield. This made him frown, hesitating on his action when the knock came again, this time more polite. Cautiously, he let the telepathic wave in.

"Hello, my name is..."


In Earth.

"It is unfortunate the alien has escaped our net and gone to space. It was a miscalculation on my part," a blurred, fixated image on a screen spoke up while more of the same figures on six different screens.

"Oui, my fascination with his DNA just seems to borderline obsession now," a French accented voice spoke up next.

"The alien might have fled, but we are fortunate we have its prime DNA," a firm and authoritative voice spoke up next. "How goes the research on unlocking its DNA sequence?"

"Zero! Its DNA is bullshit like whoever created it just splashed in genomes with no order or form to it. We simply haven't evolved intellectually to even uncover a percentage of its potential," a frustrated voice spoke up.

"It appears to be a problem if even you are struggling," a feminine and seductive voice spoke up.

"But, the good thing is it has broadened our horizon and we have managed to fully map the Kryptonian's genomes sequence. Project Match is already being prepped for proper splicing and we could finally have a complete weapon against Superman,"

"That is good news," the authoritative voice said, showing his pleasant surprise in his voice. It appears this is a blessing in disguise. With Match finally complete, we can start proactively moving out pieces. Soon, all shall know the Light!"

"Indeed!" a voice dripping with cunning spoke up last.

Next chapter