
"A Conflict Between Souls"

For days, Yukari locks herself in her room to isolate herself crying.  The first moments where her tears were over happened to be after she left Hakurei Temple.

I made a mistake.  This has never really happened to me since my existence.  Even my "mistakes" in particular are just part of my plan to achieve my end goal: a more equal life between humans and yokai.  I lived even before the creation of this earth, met extraordinary beings, became friends with the one who is supposed to be my enemy then a golden friend who does not ignore my advice, and became a threat to people.  But that I have nothing to wax, at least, until I meet his descendant: Ishiha Kenpyri.  Come to think of it, he too is just entertainment after all.  Yet why does my heart bleed so much?  Of course I know.  Wanting to improve his life greatly and arranging for it to serve the interests of both worlds, his and mine, thus preventing him from wasting his life, I have just ended it by sending him here,  and worse I just made him immortal.

- Yukari, I say to myself, you're an idiot!

I smash my mirror with my fist then serve myself again with sake, ignoring the hurt until it disappears.  According to my coordinates, he must be in the old hell.  I'm going to go see him too to apologize.  Indeed, he is too important to me to drop him, since we remain lovers.  Once calmed down, I greet a worried Ran for me and Chen who I hug.

- I'm going to the old hell.  You continue to monitor everything in my absence.

- Understood, Lady Yukari!  I will not disappoint you.

I smile then take a border to the room where Yuugi installed it.  What I see horrifies me.  His blood filled the whole room;  I see him slashing his body many times with a blade.  I then remember the scene where I saw him nearly jump off a bridge at a very young age.  My first reaction?  Surprises him and gives him a violent slap in the face to this idiot.  But thinking about it, as well as the reason for such an act, I especially retract that the person responsible, well, it's me.  Nevertheless, I approach discreetly then whisper in his ear:

- How long are you going to continue hurting yourself?  Pull yourself together, stupid h...yokai, and turn around now!

He stops short, then lays down his blade.  I feel from here all the shivers that run through him then disappear from his sight while remaining in a breach.  So I make fun on purpose just to tickle him.  Don't blame me my love but for your behavior, you deserve me a lesson.

- Who's there ?  he asks in a deeper voice than usual.

What... What's going on?  Why am I shaking so much?  Is this due to his simple voice?  My feels a strange and at the same time additive sensation.  I would like to show myself, even if I would like to hear it again.  And if we annoy him a little~ For that I make him recall a memory that I erased since it stirred his anger: The one where I dominated him.  I hope he likes it or not.  I chuckle thinking about it.  Suddenly, the Ishiha blade cuts through the breach, nearly cutting me in half so that I exit through another to avoid it.  Looks like he doesn't want to play anymore.

- What are you doing here ?  does he shout

- Good evening !  Well I just want to see you.

Which is basically true, but seeing all that blood confuses me a bit.  I'm about to touch this liquid except that it responds sharply, without sweetness:

- It will disappear on its own.  Now if you'll excuse me, I want to continue my experiments.

"No~" I categorically refuse to leave then immediately take him to my chest.

Now, I feel his suffering better and better: how many tears did he shed after this announcement?  Two, three, a thousand?  Where did I fail in this plan?  Right now, I see two parts of him that are fighting;  one of them is so close to killing me.  I take his hand and look him straight in the eye.  There are two flames that shine: one that reminds me of the old Kenpyri, and the other that only sees me as an outsider.  It's the first time I can see such a ready Ningen Yokai.  He's even cuter than before, yet much more destroyed.  Ishiraiki, was it a good idea to entrust me with their protection?  Your mentor Angelos may be right.  However, as I learned after sending my clone, he made a big mistake.  And that mistake is Kenpyri himself.  If I use him effectively, he'll destroy Angelos for me and we can spend our lives together.  And now that he's a yokai, that may work for me more than it hurts.  Sorry Kenpyri but as much as I adore you if there is a way to completely destroy Angelos and his clan, then if I have to use you and use you to achieve my ends, I will.

You lie.

Eh ?  Who's there ?

You lie to yourself.  Your actions may be questionable, but they have always contributed for the good.  Yet you pretend that you want to use him to get there.

Hmmmm, so you're... It doesn't matter, what I do doesn't concern you.  Why don't you save him from me if so?

I'm waiting for him to realize all of this, and until then, if you're still the same as you are now...

I sweep away that voice with the back of my hand while stroking Kenpyri's hair.  The party has only just begun.

This morning, I go home while leaving him with Yuugi and Suika.  It's cool outside, so I stay there to observe Gensokyo.  Ran is making breakfast when Kasen comes knocking on my door.

- Right on time !  I whispered when I saw her.

I immediately call Ran to serve her from my roof, through a phone.  Thank you very much Kenpyri for your apartment.  Also your students are very endearing.  By cons, .... Finally, back to our sheep.  Once inside, we eat quietly when she stops.  A heavy silence settles, so that a fly does not fly.  I'm firing Ran so we can be alone.  The hermit then does not lose the North:.

- How can you treat Kenpyri like it was just a tool?  He has feelings I remind you!  Because of your damn decisions, he's in trouble and can't even rest.  You broke this boy's life, no, you broke my student's life and I don't accept that!

She sighs then says:

- You are just a coward who forces others to do the dirty work for you and who is afraid to do the work yourself.

- You finished ?  I asked him apparently very calm but deep down struck by these words.

- Yes, and I'm going to say goodbye to you and give you a warning: never come near Kenpyri again.

- As if a person like you can stop me.  I will come to him and do whatever I want with him~

- In this case, you would have to do with me.  Bye !

She leaves like this and slams the door.  Really, Kasen, you are sometimes a pain when you get down to it.  I get up and then go to sleep, exhausted from the day.  I'm gonna need a good night's sleep.  Until then, take care, Kenpyri~

Kasen leaves Yukari's house, mistakenly.  Her fists being clenched, she walks quickly so that Uku sees her via her flow which remains very strong.  He then descends from the tree to meet her and holds out his hand.  Kasen, although she is happy to see him again, does not take it:

- Hi !  What's wrong ?

- Your sister went to see him tonight.

- She started again, huh?  Damn it !

- I gave him a warning.

- Not sure she's listening to you, really.

- I would have warned him for once.

- I could help you, if you want.

- You do not mind ?  Thank you so much !

They shake hands, yet they are watched by crows.  Night is falling ;  it's time for the yokai to come out of hiding.

- Wow!

I'm already yawning that I want to see him again.  I hope he's not expecting me too much~ Once I'm done, then on my thirty-one, I give the last instructions to my shikigami then leave the house.  Suddenly, my crows come running towards me and then give me their message.  So Uku, you're in on it too.  Too bad for you, it doesn't help you.  I just have to locate the place where it is and luckily it seems to be in an isolated place.  So I appear there via a branch, surprising him as a bonus.  How cute he is when he's scared.  I no longer recognize his extraordinary calm for a moment before he only asks me a cold question:

- What are you doing here ?  It was not enough for you to come and torment me yesterday, and begin again today.  Go and leave me alone!

Faced with this, I can't help but smile.  If he thinks he's scaring me off like this, he's mistaken.  Nevertheless, it takes distance as soon as I approach.  I then disappear from his sight to reappear behind to take him to my borders.  However, he anticipates my movements then jumps back before warning.  I notice that he has his Ishiha blade.  And it sparkles, having nearly knocked me down when the fun is just beginning.  In response, I breach him and a missile shoots out, taking him into the air and then exploding so he falls into the lava.  Fortunately for him, I open another breach in the lava into which he falls and appears in front of me that I keep him against me while hugging him.

- It is not done to slip away from me like that.  I'll have to teach you some good manners, you'll see~

- Good manners you say?  He mocks antagonically.  Who do you take me for, your child?  You don't have my mother.

- That's right, I said, breaking both his arms, but I'm the one who was always with you while you were trying to die.

I just deprived him of the opportunity to use a sword for a short time.  But it is not finished.  I take him to a torture chamber in my dimension, grab my umbrella and punch him in the face.  He tries to run away except I cut off his legs, crippling him.  Then, I gouge out his two eyes, leaving his ears, tongues, then mouth.  In addition I squat at his level, observing him more closely, then closer to his ears I nibble them insistently then tearing off a piece inadvertently.

- Oops~ Did I hurt you?  I'm sorry for you because I love it.  You know, I really regretted for a moment that you became a Ningen Yokai but seeing you again makes me forget this regret.  And then the fact that you're more immortal makes me more...

- You have definitely crossed the line.  I was patient with you, accepted you despite your lies and incomprehensible secrets.  Why then are you doing this to me.

I immediately shake his back while answering him sadistically:

- Because of all the words I can't stand, you choose to disappoint.

It's not true my darling but you don't need to know that~ I would like to have some more fun.

Another beautiful night to caress her hair on this already too bruised body.  I wasted a lot of time leaving him clues.  Now I'm going to step up a gear.  On the other hand, destroying his mind would not be interesting.  Thanks to this little torture session, I was able to discover the structure of a basic Ningen Yokai.

- You are doing a great job, Pyri~ I can always count on you~

I kiss her hair while stroking it.  However, I have more the impression of playing with a puppet than with the real one.  Either the revelation gnaws at him;  which remains very possible, either...

!  Destruction !

... Interesting.  You just surprised me more than I think.  Also, this counterfeit entertained me very well.

- Ran, I called him on his phone, is everything going well?

- Indeed, she answers.  Nothing to report in the surroundings.

- Well, respondent I, keep an eye out just in case.

I hang up then try to locate him.  For a few minutes, then hours, I observe in the village more humans pass by Akyuu who seems to be sleeping, as well as at Keine's, then at the Hakurei temple where I feel my brother's flow on her;  we have a strong penchant for possession it seems~ I watch Reimu sleeping when I see him appear behind me.  Turning to him, I smile at him gently, so that he puts himself on guard.  I like it when you show insight.  I then proceed to my questioning:

- Good evening !  Earlier, I had a mad love affair with Kenpyri but it turns out that he is a puppet.  Do you know where it is?  When he could train to test his new powers.  Even if he must be sad, he will never let himself be defeated.

- Well, I haven't seen him all day.  In fact, I mostly spent it perched on the tree.  Then I came there as you can see.  But something bothers me.  You two are good together, aren't you?  Besides, if anyone can find it, it's you.

- Well, after your revelation, we are a little cold but nothing very surprising.  I made a mistake in making him immortal;  nothing to add.

- Oh... I had no idea.  If it's to excuse you then I can tell you where it is.  But this must remain confidential, okay?

I listen to him attentively, while he shows me the path to take.  In case it's a trap I took a picture of Uku with Reimu beforehand.  On this fraternal discussion, I go out to direct me the place indicates: a certain store where my favorite salesman is.  I knock on the door and then enter.  This one arrives in pajamas but leaves very quickly to change when he sees me.  A few minutes later, we sit down and talk.  For the occasion, I have meanwhile taken a detective outfit to mark the occasion.  The boy is struggling to put his glasses back on and then has been shaking since earlier, even if he seems to be hiding it.

- Good evening !  Sorry to come unannounced.  I have many questions to ask you: First, when

go back to the last time you saw

Kenpyri?  Second, what would he have left you in case he disappeared inexplicably?  Third , I would like the latest customer list , if possible well ~

He clears his throat after lending an attentive ear, then speaks, straightening his glasses:

He appears before us like an angel with black wings.  With a smile on her lips, she puts her brown eyes on the three of us, these are covered with dark circles.  The sun is more covered by the clouds, the thunder rumbles, and the rain falls on his black hair turned black.  I notice that in addition he has grown and wears chain wrists.

- Uku and Kasen didn't do anything wrong Reimu, he advises.  It's time to tell you what happened.  I'm sorry Reimu, and I apologized to Suika and Yuugi.  Yes, Kasen is dead and it's death that killed her.  I learned about his arm too late.  When we were in , the seal weakened to the point where she ordered me not to lead you to.  Before she finally lost control, she asked me to kill her.  That's why she originally trained you but ultimately decided it was me.  Ten thousand years: that's how long it took me to beat her alone.  I died many times and because of my weakness, she made me relive my weaknesses in the face on repeat.  I failed to reason with her.  And on the verge of madness and with the energy of despair or hope, I annihilated her with my own hands and then gave her back a hundredfold all that she did to me.  On her bed from me, the good Kasen congratulated me and told me to tell you Reimu, Yukari and everyone that she is sorry for everything.

!  Blast !

I see.  The body just exploded like the other.  It is a skate.  Uku doesn't react while Reimu breaks down in tears.  As for me, I can't help but feel sad.  Farewell, Kasen!

Kasen's death fills Reimu and me with deep sadness.  In reality, she leaves a real void in my heart.  Indeed, Okina, she, and I form the group of sages of this world after the last war between humans and yokai.  Right now, in the old hell, Suika and Yuugi find it sad but for the other oniis, she remains a traitor who denied her own nature.  His ashes are going to be poured into the yokai mountain.  As for the animals, I imagine that Kenpyri will take care of them.  This day will remain sad for all Gensokyo who loses a sage through my fault.  I've been negligent, worse I've continued to do what I want despite the consequences.  I sigh looking at my reflection in a mirror.

- Hey!  Reimu calls out to me.  We didn't necessarily understand each other but if you still want to go to the temple, my door will be wide open.

- It's nice, I said to him with a mischievous smile while looking at Uku, you should join him, or you just have to get impatient.

- You're saying nonsense !  Alright, go home!  See you next time !  She told me with pure joy.

However, an icy silence accompanies me while giving me shivers, these take place in my flow or my movements.

- She's not going anywhere, says my little brother with antipathy.

In response, I give him a sweet smile before pointing my parasol at him.  I no longer see in front of me that he is attacking me from behind so that he ends up in my dimension before I join him.  Confident, I show him five fingers, one for every minute spent in it.  He therefore removes his cavrate as well as his hair elastic.  We stare at each other, the atmosphere becomes electric, ... the fight can finally begin.  As soon as I lift the little one I get thrown from my dimension and then land on the ground.  My body is no longer moving, nor is my heart rate.  Beaten in seconds by my brother;  what sadness!  When I wake up, I find myself in a sort of prison.  As a bonus, I can't use my magic.  I only have one way left, but first, I see that I have my heart clear:

- For what ?  Why did you lock me up Uku!

- I am not Uku, nor Yakumo Furo, and even less your brother.

What ?  But... We were born together a long time ago.  You can't say for no reason, can you?  ~ I know you by heart.  The most effective way to destabilize you is to play your game. You are certainly stronger than me but I am the great Yukari.  You only have a short time before you lose control:

- Indeed, we are not brothers and I would even say that you are not a Ningen Yokai to start Uku~

- I... You lie as usual!  I was never your brother, that's obvious.  If not, why am I different?

- Ohhhh the poor is in full identity crisis maks I understand.  Demuiq always, and despite your power, you have always seen yourself inferior to me, am I wrong?  You even wanted to be me sometimes and you're ready to do anything for that, aren't you?

- I do not believe you.  All I remember is that you took me away from my real parents and then raised me after killing them.  So why ?  Why did you tell this canard that I am your....

!  Slap!

Oops, did I forget to mention that there are two me?  All there is to do is send me from another dimension to slap him, although I would have liked to do it myself.  This one, furious uses his power on her, except that it does not work.  As a result, he is immobilized, without him understanding.

- For what ?

She whispers in his ear:

- Because I am not of this dimension.  Your power is strong only where you are.  If you come to my house you won't stand a chance.  Poor boy~ Besides, you might be right: I'm not your sister.  I used you to achieve my goal: eliminate Angelos once and for all.

He begins to struggle, that thousands of arrows nearly get him.  Also, it pushes my self from another dimension which leaves, once its work is finished.  Reimu, meanwhile, gets between him and me before I can move again.

- Uku, stop!  Don't believe what she tells you, please.  Even if she makes you believe otherwise, you are her beloved little brother.

Flee Reimu!  It's me he wants and I know the right way... Why, why am I crying?

- If she really is my sister, she wouldn't cheat people so much, wouldn't manipulate them, worse, wouldn't make Kenmyri suffer so much!  A guy like him is taken care of.  He's not a traitor like me, not a possessive like me, he didn't let his friends die!

She gives him a hug, so that he cries with hot tears.  This touching moment brings back memories that I thought were lost.

- Now, said Reimu, give him back his moves!

- All right.  I beg your pardon, big sister Yu.

It's okay, I'm free.  However, I haven't finished with him yet.  However, Reimu steps back in front of him to protect him.  I sigh, then just say:

- Take care of him, and brother, sorry for all the lies I told you.

I leave on these words without them being able to answer me.  Decidedly, I have more and more dust in the eye today.  First Ishiraiki, then Yuyuko, Minako, now Kasen, Kenpyri, and even my brother.  I keep losing people I love.  When will this stop?  My eyes widen when I see him in front of my house.  Damn, I thought I'd never see you again!- I... You lie as usual!  I was never your brother, that's obvious.  If not, why am I different?

- Ohhhh the poor is in full identity crisis maks I understand.  Demuiq always, and despite your power, you have always seen yourself inferior to me, am I wrong?  You even wanted to be me sometimes and you're ready to do anything for that, aren't you?

- I do not believe you.  All I remember is that you took me away from my real parents and then raised me after killing them.  So why ?  Why did you tell this canard that I am your....

!  Slap!

Oops, did I forget to mention that there are two me?  All there is to do is send me from another dimension to slap him, although I would have liked to do it myself.  This one, furious uses his power on her, except that it does not work.  As a result, he is immobilized, without him understanding.

- For what ?

She whispers in his ear:

- Because I am not of this dimension.  Your power is strong only where you are.  If you come to my house you won't stand a chance.  Poor boy~ Besides, you might be right: I'm not your sister.  I used you to achieve my goal: eliminate Angelos once and for all.

He begins to struggle, that thousands of arrows nearly get him.  Also, it pushes my self from another dimension which leaves, once its work is finished.  Reimu, meanwhile, gets between him and me before I can move again.

- Uku, stop!  Don't believe what she tells you, please.  Even if she makes you believe otherwise, you are her beloved little brother.

Flee Reimu!  It's me he wants and I know the right way... Why, why am I crying?

- If she really is my sister, she wouldn't cheat people so much, wouldn't manipulate them, worse, wouldn't make Kenmyri suffer so much!  A guy like him is taken care of.  He's not a traitor like me, not a possessive like me, he didn't let his friends die!

She gives him a hug, so that he cries with hot tears.  This touching moment brings back memories that I thought were lost.

- Now, said Reimu, give him back his moves!

- All right.  I beg your pardon, big sister Yu.

It's okay, I'm free.  However, I haven't finished with him yet.  However, Reimu steps back in front of him to protect him.  I sigh, then just say:

- Take care of him, and brother, sorry for all the lies I told you.

I leave on these words without them being able to answer me.  Decidedly, I have more and more dust in the eye today.  First Ishiraiki, then Yuyuko, Minako, now Kasen, Kenpyri, and even my brother.  I keep losing people I love.  When will this stop?  My eyes widen when I see him in front of my house.  Damn, I thought I'd never see you again!

Next chapter