The sky is covered with pretty cherry blossoms. The atmosphere is peaceful, even more than deadly. And for good reason: we are in the White Jade tower also called 白玉楼
Hakugyokurou, literally meaning White Jade Tower, is a ghost shrine overlooking the Realm of the Dead. It is famous for its gardens filled with Japanese cherry trees, which many ghosts come to contemplate each spring. The term Hakugyokurou comes from a Chinese legend from the Tang Dynasty (唐朝). It is said to be a place where artists go when they die. Li He (李賀), a poet at the time, heard a voice in a dream while he was dying; the voice told him, "Hakugyokurou has been completely constructed, so come and put it down on paper." This story marks the beginning of Hakugyokurou.
Saigyouji Yuyuko is the Lady of Hakugyokurou, and Konpaku Youmu is the gardener. The huge youkai cherry tree, the Saigyou Ayakashi, is also found in the gardens of Hakugyokurou.
- Normally, Yukari explains to me, we only enter it when we are a ghost except that thanks to my power, we ignore this detail. You should thank me, you know.
- I'll do more later. Still, why are we here for my third Spell?
It is then that I see the face of a young woman in a white long-sleeved top and a black skirt with black hair and red eyes who sees me before fleeing away..
- But, I exclaimed in tears, it's my mom! She's been here all this time. What could have happened? It's been a thousand and eleven years since we last saw each other... I hope I didn't shame him.
I can't forget the last time I saw him. I almost made the apostrasy. Luckily that didn't happen. I quickly wipe away my tears so the yokai won't notice. No, it's still too soon for me to cry. Better, I will give my all to have no regrets. A cherry petal falls on my hair; which draws my attention to the hostess and her planter.
Guided by my instinct, I grab Ishiha as she draws her katanas. As for a musical note, our blades collide, then, in an instant, everything stops. Our eyes seek each other, so do our souls. Nothing more exists at this precise moment, apart from the sweetness but at the same time the flavor of this exchange. In addition, we sheathe them, while blowing simultaneously.
[Wow! You found a fine blade. If you weren't immortal and older, you could be friends or even brothers. ]
Clearly, you talk too much. Still, things are just getting started for me as a resident of this beautiful place. The next day, Yukari gives me the instructions, while she hugs me and I caress her cheeks, mimicking everything.
- Regarding your third lesson, remember death, she whispers, be it the one that would have happened to you and your mother and loved ones.... This place that is forbidden to the living and immortals, take advantage of it so that it is not just a simple stay but much more than a memory. Promise me....
Yu, you never ask me to promise you anything usually. I remember that it's always me who always promises you something without you asking me. And now, just that you do it makes me kinda, kinda...
- I promise you ! I told him straight in the eyes. I promise to spend as much time as possible there as much as training. You can count on me.
I can't believe I just saw my mom. Besides, argh! How can I still flirt with her? I must already know why I find myself here. And for that, I have to get back to training. First, I created the works of creation, then the vampiric blood mist, namely one for the counter, and the other for the alterations of statuses, I need some for the long range attacks and for that , I have the ideal partner. While Madame Saigyouji talks with Yukai, I'm going to join Mademoiselle Kompokou in the garden.
Be careful ! You are heading into a dangerous area. If you only aim to use her, you will regret it. Have faith in me and be patient!
This third Spell is going to be difficult to create, I have a feeling. Challenged, I turn to the planter with a serious air:
- Finally ! You were in your thoughts for a while! Dama Yuyuko sent me to help you! So we start?
Thank you Lord ! You are right as always.
[ ... ]
Will she stop being so fast? Not that I can't beat her but at the same time there's no way I'm giving up. His spells cards to the use of his tachi and his wakisashi as well as the use of slicing attacks whether in close combat or at a distance. During the last few months, I challenged myself to beat her only with Ishiha but it is not won. Besides, I no longer have my two antiphon blades. That's why I only fight with one hand. I raise it towards my enemy, and stay calm then rush at her before running to her back to take her by surprise, then feint. But it doesn't work, and I take myself in three slices that would kill anyone.
- You leave far too much openness. We'll stop there!
I didn't realize that I was exhausted. And the worst part is that my body gives me signals every time. Where am I wrong? Why can't I? However, I get up while yelling at him to continue. This time I will. Against Marisa, I fired her Master Spark. Against Remilia, I managed to disturb her to the point of making her addicted to my blood. Against Youmou, I have to send her an attack that she can't block. For that, I need you Lord, and Ishiha!
I am the !
[You can count on me! ]
- All right. But this will be your last shot. I will send you to seventh heaven. Prepare yourselves !
- I am more than ready and this since my birth until my future death. So I wouldn't lose!
It's good. My attack has just been launched. These are fourteen blades all as painful if not almost as the fourteen stations of Jesus. Yuyuko sends her most powerful Spell but nothing happens. Worse, she loses her two blades and ends up lacerated on all sides. Strangely, she shouldn't be in so much pain unless...unless the power of will overcomes my opponent's condition. What a powerful and dangerous weapon, along with its wielder. The poor thing ends up lying down in a field of flowers full of her blood. Several shivers run through me when I meet Lady Saigyouji's gaze, but no longer that of Yukari who...smiles at me? I take two steps back, without really knowing why, I flee. Yes , I run like a criminal but to go where ? Anywhere, anywhere I could forget what I just did. Yuyuko must be mad at me right now and that smile from Yu... Is that part of his plan? I ignore a voice during my run except that it gets louder and louder until I almost fall into the Sanzu River. As I fall, I see my father's hands dragging me down, while my mother's hands stop me from falling just in time, rescuing me from a doom. I can't believe I finally see her.
- Thanks Mom.
- It's nothing. I'm sorry I didn't come talk to you sooner.
- You must have been shocked to see me.
- Indeed, but the two women explained to me a little why and how.
- So you were there waiting there.
- Enough talking about me. And you my chick? You don't look well at all.
- Mom, after your death, I lived on the street. It was hard and yet I didn't give up until Yukari came back into my life.
- Ah yes, this little one! She came to see me to bring me news of you every evening.
They got to know each other eventually. I wonder if she will know the truth about the nature of the latter. I resume my story:
- I've had a lot of adventures but now I've just seriously injured Youmou!
- Did you want to hurt her? Kill her ? Make her suffer?
- No... I wanted so badly to pass my Spell card but even...
- Ishiha Kenpyri, I forbid you to say one more word!
- But...
- No buts!
I end up being silent when she takes a breath and takes me in her arms while saying to me:
- My darling, I want you to listen to me carefully because this may be the last time we see each other. When you were born, you were the best thing that ever happened to me in my life. Joyful, altruistic, and smiling, you were our sunshine. But when you were four, your father injected you with this liquid and unfortunately I have nothing to do to prevent it. But that's not all. I was inactive and involuntary until the day I died. You will tell me that I tried something but in truth if you suffered so much to the point of trying to kill yourself when you were 8 years old it is because I did not sufficiently fulfill my role as a mother. And for that alone, I regret it. I regret it because - in a desperate axte - I asked Yukari to pretend to be a friend of your age and to watch over you as such and as a mother when I die... I'm sorry Kenpyri. I will understand if you don't forgive me, since I was not the best mother in the world. But know that no matter what, I will always love you. I love you my child!
She kisses my forehead then finally leaves for the afterlife. I give her a final goodbye, watching her leave for good before screaming her name one last time:
- Mom !!!
[[ Kenpyri Spell Card Count:
Number 1: Sign of Faith - The Works of Creation
Number 2: Plasma Sign - The Vampiric Blood Mist
Number 3: Sign of the Cross - The 14 Stations of Sorrowful Blades
Kenpyri apologizes to Youmou so he does his job until she recovers. The two become friends very quickly, and more if a person does not sometimes put themselves against. Yuyuko, meanwhile, destabilizes the poor boy too much by her beauty and her charm for him to really love her more than a loved one. And then.... ]]
- I often have an attraction towards older people, preferably middle-aged, I confessed to the gardener after my work session.
- As a result, there is something for everyone. Yokai live much longer than humans you know. There are also divine spirits. By the way, how old are you?
- I am one thousand and twenty-three years old, I answered calmly; which surprises her before she bows down to me.
- Forgive me sir! I didn't know you were my eldest! I'm sorry, really sorry! Lady Yuyuko only told me that you are in your twenties.
- I forgive you and then I think she played a trick on you again. I overheard Yukari telling him about my age.
- Speaking of which, what is your relationship with her? If she...
That's when the person concerned arrives with her fan and Yuyuko who tells me the end of my stay. I remain sad but to everyone's surprise, I give them each a hug, then kiss them on the cheek, then on the lips for the border yokai who responds, more intense. We then - already having my things ready - in the Yokai mountain and who says Yokai mountain, says that I will see one of my first onii friends again, or even all three at the same time: Kasen, Suika, and Yuugi. But hardly I arrive that a Tengu still comes to piss me off. I'm already about to use my Spell number 3 when it finally goes away.
- Phew!
- You're still so lively, Kenpyri!
Here they are ! I join them, checking with Yuugi and then dodging the fists of an equally drunk Suika.
- Hello you !
- Fight now! I want my revenge and you have no choice.
To say that it's been a long time since we've seen each other. Yuugi also comes to join the party. All right, it'll be a bare-knuckle fight between the three of us.
Anyone who dared to interfere would end up in shreds facing two oniis and the physically strongest human in all of Gensokyo fighting.
The battle between us remains for us a sign of reunion between the trio. Yuugi still possesses his abused strength, and Suika can change size at any time! Wow, but now that I think about it, I have the hermit and martial arts to face them. In addition, I have confidence! A white and gold aura surrounds me during my combat stance. Suika also becomes sober again and Yuugi rejoices in such a surge of power. It's time for the fight...
- It's enough ! Kasen interrupts us, then stares at me. Come with me ! I have to talk to you.
- Sorry guys, I say to Suika and Yuugi. See you later for a good vintage!
- That works ! Do they accept. Don't drag too much though.
I promise. She begins to walk while I follow her at a safe distance. We exchange everything and nothing during the trip. Even though we seem more like master and disciple, we are very good friends. And then, how could I forget the people who supported me? I tell her all my adventures and misadventures and she gives me advice. This is how over time I was able to adapt to the way of life of this land to the point of considering it my second home. I am happy ! We arrive at the dojo where, suddenly, I meet a shaman with hair and a guy with golden hair talking with Yukari. Then, we pass them before going to a private arena, where Kasen, in combat position, orders me:
- Show me your spell cards, now!
[ ... ]
- Well that's very good, but you're missing a lot of things.
I can not believe ! She has further progressed since our session in another dimension. But I too have progressed. At the same time, I am still standing.
- First of all number 1, it's a Spell against power, isn't it? Try to create another that will be against physical spells like Yuugi and one for physical attacks. Do not neglect your strengths, you understand?
I nod my head, then she continues:
- Number 3, use it only when you have difficulties. It costs you energy, see? For number 2, use there at the beginning but... only blood? I think you can create more variant. I'm counting on you !
I get on it right away and start thinking. Blood is not water, and so instead of plasma, I literally go. Wait, if I heat my blood to the max, I create smoke, blood, and water that I combine together in such a way that new weather is born under this galaxy-like egg. I fly it through the air when it creates several weather-related worlds every two seconds up to ten; which has the consequence of nearly incapacitating my master, although she is on her guard. Still happy I stop dead my fourth Spell Card freshly acquired, faster than number 1. However, she almost did not wake up; which worries me a bit. Still happy, one of his animals, an eagle sends him his first aid kit. Some time later, she comes back on her feet. I take this opportunity, despite this accident, to give a name to my new card: Miracle sign: The five elements of life. I categorize it in zone attacks that one, single target moreover, unless it becomes the opposite. On the other hand, my physical training, then in swordsmanship, continues until the evening. At the exit, I go with Yuugi and Suika to the local bar to discuss:
- What happens when I'm not there? I ask them. I hope you're not too bored, after the tournament and all that.
- Speaking of the tournament, Yuugi congratulates me, it seems that you broke your competitors including Suika in the lot. Hahahahahaha!
- Well it's fine, replies Suika before teasing me, on the other hand without your aura thing thing I would have knocked you out. Besides, where do you get it from? It's magic.
- Well, I confessed, I know where it's going but how it manifests still escapes me. It is through faith; pure faith, not magic.
- Wait, the taller asks me. Do you have the same powers as mine? Do you at least understand them? Or are you struggling?
- That, I don't think. And then yours are much more complex. What I don't understand though is that even with a thousand years under my belt I'm still the same.
They spit out their glasses on hearing this. As a bonus, I pay for their tournament until she finally clears the bar. Reminder to myself, never invite two oniis to drink at the same time. Glad they didn't insist that I drink. Thinking back, I'm glad I came across them. I feel like I'm going to have a great night.
Later in the morning.
If we have to name a person like Kasen in our , it is called Drill Sergeant Ibaraki Kasen. My hands can't move yet I push. My ribs feel it pass each time, despite everything I don't flinch. My heart is beating faster than a normal human but I can't stop running. His screams, his remonstrances, his sometimes harsh criticism, no, all of this makes me strong, solid, and resistant that it remains physically and mentally. No matter the suffering, and the difficulty, I explore new possibilities by combining my Spells with each other, trying new moves, and many others because with my current arsenal - although overpowered - if I don't relax what once, these native people will show me the expression of the word pain. I must remain cunning even cautious than the snake to learn, and simple as a dove for the rest. In a missile fire session, I aim at moving targets without once helping myself, while dodging surprise attacks to test my concentration, fighting after several enemies who do not respect the code of honor. Against yokais like Yukari, humans like Reimu, deities like one who wants to be progressive, and oniis like these three, being on top is not even enough, working even more yes.
- You can stop for today. You have progressed in view of your spell cards. Don't neglect your workouts though! I am very proud of you.
- Thank you for everything. You help me for over a thousand years and I don't know how to give you back you know. God bless you !
- Hehehe! It's normal see! We are friends you and me. I hope you haven't forgotten.
- No way ! I always come to see you despite our occupations which take us time...
- It's okay, I was teasing you. And then I would like to talk to you about something very important... In private.
His eyes express concern and fear. She must have some problems. Faced with this, I cannot say no. I show him my listening with a nod. She smiled at me in response before showing me her bandaged arm which she undid. However, I see absolutely nothing below.
- How can it be ? Where is your other arm? Was it taken from you?
Or you sealed it. I approach her to check more closely when she whispers soft, reassuring words in my ear, so that my hands - which have been shaking - stop acting like this. We remain intertwined against each other, alone in the room. I close my eyes, snuggle up against her; a sign of absolute confidence in her. I feel his hands on my back, caressing me with tenderness. In addition, I fell asleep but Ishiha hears a word that he will transmit to me as soon as I wake up:
[ Kasen asked you to kill her on her evil side takes over. It is of course sealed in the missing arm. ]
If your hand prevents you from entering the kingdom of heaven, cut it off, for it is better to enter one-armed than with two hands into Gehenna and set me on fire. She applied it literally on this one. By the way, where is she?
- You can't keep hiding that from him! He must know!
Here, but it is she who cries. On whom though?
- He still lacks something so that I can tell him the answers he asks for even if those that concern him have already been answered.
She's arguing about me I think. I should listen to them better.
- Already answered? Argh, Yukari! I know Kenpyri and frankly I'm not sure he'll forgive you - Christian or not - after you abandoned him, or took him to Gensokyo.
- I know what I'm doing, just like what's best for him. He needs a base, a purpose, and friends to become the best version of himself and the protector of this land.
- And the person he is, what he needs to know, what do you do with him? Hey, if you continue like this, he won't trust you anymore because you're manipulating him!
- Just like you with Reimu or now him.
I can't move after what I just heard...