The Human Village (人間の里 Ningen no Sato) is where most Gensokyo's humans live. Even though some youkai also visit here for shopping, it's the safest place in all of Gensokyo to live. Humans from the off world who fall into Gensokyo and decide to stay often have no choice but to live here as they wouldn't be able to handle the youkai outside the village. The village itself has a powerful protector in Keine kamishirasawa, who is able to "hide" the history of the village's existence for his protection.
"And this is where you're taking me Yukari! Seriously?"
I sigh, seeing that - anyway - I have to have my swords checked. Swapping my jumpsuit for my dawn, I thus go unnoticed even if some people manage to recognize me, including an acquaintance with whom I slept before Yukari did me a dirty trick. Here it is! However, she arrives accompanied by a young woman with long white hair and red eyes.
"Hello to you! I hope that...."
I sense imminent danger coming from Keine's head. This one tries to kick me. Too bad for her, I block the blow with my tachi in its sheath. In view of his nervousness, I think I worried him a lot casually. In this case, I tell him the whole story. The young woman is understanding while Keine ends up in tears to the point of hugging me. Surprised at first, I accept it while keeping it against me:
"Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you." I apologize.
"No... It's me... I didn't mean to hurt you, and then I did wrong."
"I'll be fine. I forgive you!"
Keine is just being protective at times. She remains after all the guardian of the human village. Her friend takes leave of us, not without saying to me:
"I'm glad to know Kenpyri. We'll meet again one day!"
But don't let her call me that way anymore! It's Ishiha for her! Reimu immediately arrives at us, then separates us, despite the historian's refusals. I reassure the latter:
"I won't be long! Take care of yourself in the meantime!"
She pulls me all along the village without saying anything. I could not revise my sabers, for the moment. Once outside, she flies with me to her temple, when a violent memory comes back to me. Therefore, I free myself from his grip and then prepare to draw. She doesn't - of course - let herself get ready to unsheath her parchment against her. Alas for her, I cut her attack in two, then nearly immobilized her. A great fight begins between her and me to the point even though she flies - unlike me - neither of us takes advantage.
"That's enough you two!" Yu orders us and suddenly appears.
Reimu replies:
"How so? This guy is from the outside world! Besides, he seems extremely dangerous, but he's not ready enough against those of Gensokyo. I...."
Before she finishes, Yukari shoots him an icy stare while coldly threatening her:
"Ishiha Kenpyri is in my care and therefore under my protection. If you have a problem with him, come see me but then, never touch him again, understand?"
But the shaman violently refuses:
"I take no orders from you, you old rift witch!"
"Remove what you just said right away. Anyway, my decision is made and I stand by what I just said. Kenpyri, come see me after you're done!"
She disappears on words; which causes Reimu to scream in rage. In view of the situation, it is clear that a conflict has just broken out. And that concerns me directly.
"Reimu, to tell you everything, I will have left Gensokyo as soon as possible, but she herself brought me here."
"So why did you attack me? I'm listening.:
"Well... Your temple brought back dark memories for me. But you shouldn't be interested in that."
"Speak !"
"...I was harassed by Shintoists in my world and they took me to a temple that looks like this. I had scars from it but as they disappeared..."
"Okay, I get it. You didn't mean to hurt me. Sorry for our first meeting. She wasn't... not..."
"She was awful."
What ? It's true ! In any case, it does not seem to hurt him, on the contrary. After that, she leaves to clean up the yard. I remember that you have to make donations. I'm already taking out what's there for the night I spent, then for the offering box.
- Hey, at least here is something for you! It's not much but...
At the sight of the mass of banknotes, she rushes towards me then takes them. I explain what money is for what then attempt to leave for Yokai Mountain. However, not only is it dark, but also yokai are roaming around. In the end, I sleep at her place until the next day. During this period, we have our meal together and then discuss about the incidents that she has already resolved: either the main eighteen, those related to combat and many others. Better not show him Sariel right now, and I don't freak everyone out now. The next day, I'll go to Akyuu for a full update on my stats. Miss Hakurei takes care of making my bed so that I can rest. And the least we can say is that it is more comfortable. On the other hand, for a temple, it seems rather modest; which pleases me very much. I end up falling asleep when in the dream world, I find myself in Yukari's dimension. This one does not seem to want to let go of me for a moment.
This morning, I walk to the human village. On the road, I go to the forge to have my weapons checked. While waiting for him to finish, I leave to see Akyuu who is waiting for me smiling:
"Ishiha! It's a pleasure to see you again! How have you been? And what adventure have you had?"
"To start, I faced and sealed Mima, then Kukuri. Then, coached by three of the ex devas, including Kasen, I entered a tournament in which I reached the semi-finals. I then beat Konngara , the fourth ex deva and before Kukuri. Then, I saved Mugennmagan from certain death, confront and beat a young girl who is my cousin, become friends with Elly then lose her, finally save the person responsible for her death from self-destruct. And all this in a year and ten months."
"Not bad at all! You've evolved a lot. But tell me what are your abilities now?"
"I master nitoryu, can come back from death, regenerate, be very fast, possess enormous brute strength, seal, then master martial arts. Is it good?"
"I see. And you managed to get away with all that?"
"... Impressive. Kenpyri, you have an excellent ability to optimize your skills. What I mean by that is that you are able to use the right skill at the right time. They may not be extraordinary; that's okay. But the way you use them will make you an accomplished warrior, as a human."
"Now that you mention it, are there any talented humans besides you, Keine, and Meira?"
"Yes there is an engineer who builds various weapons of war."
"Of what genre ?"
"...Mainly tanks."
It reminds me of the 1920s as well as the Second World War. Japan lost in 1945. So there is a girl who is able to build such a weapon? I can't wait to meet her.
"On this point." Akyuu informs me "Your power level is medium high; it's an A and, given your ability, your threat level is medium high, so A, so be careful. And your sympathy is now at 5. And that's it! You can go."
I barely left the house when suddenly I bumped into a young brunette who was carrying some heavy boxes.
"Sorry! I didn't do it on purpose!" I apologize.
I help him get up immediately and then put his boxes back together. Unfortunately, some parts become bad. She glares at me; which is understandable except that she sighs more and says to herself:
"It's okay. It happens to everyone...:
She then asks me the question:
"Hey, are you coming home with me? Just to chat!"
On the one hand, I have to go to the forge, while on the other....
"It's okay. I'll come back to the forge right after."
"Since we got along, my name is Rika. And you?"
"My name is Ishiha Kenpyri. Pleased!"
"Likewise! Do you like tanks?"
"As much as katanas."
That is to say a lot.
"So let's be friends!"
What ? But it's super fast! Is there a ritual or something like that?
"What is it? Won't you?" She questions me.
"Of course I want to. It's just that this is the first time I've had a human friend."
I explain to him among other things that until now it was only with the Yokais. She completely understands, then her eyes light up when she learns who they are.
"Did you meet three oniis? Three! Does she like tanks? Are they that powerful? I repeat, they like tanks?"
I laugh at that; which earns me a punch in the shoulder; which doesn't hurt me. We arrive at her house where she introduces us to her collection of tanks as well as three of them: The Tank Shrine, the Tank Flower, and the Devil Eye Sigma. This one in particular gives me goosebumps! I decide to ignore the mockery of the engineer, leaving after storing the parts in the garage. Once finished, we sit in the living room and then pick up where we left off:
"I don't know if rails like tanks but in any case, they love alcohol."
"Not you ?"
"Absolutely not. Me is that I like water and soda. Also, I do not like alcohol."
"I see. Well, I have an idea of creating magnificent tanks. But I would need you to test their resistance. So, how about a fight against one of my tanks? As a warrior It will be ok."
According to Akyuu, she possesses medium-high power, and is a medium threat, tank included. His sympathy level is three.
"Finally, it won't be for right away because I'm missing something very important."
"And what is it ?"
"I would need my swords. Without that, not sure to do a test worthy of the name. Don't you think?"
"You're not wrong. So go get it! I'm going back to work."
"All right."
Meanwhile, Meira defeats several samurai who have attacked the forge where Kenpyri has entrusted her sabres. It then falls on the cousin of the latter applauding.
But what just happened?
"Greetings! See you again, the Parallel Branch! I have a new opponent for you. She has managed to defeat several of my men. But she will face you now."
"Take care of him!"
"Heard mistress!"
! Slice ! Cut! Execution !
Argh! She's faster for a human! No... It's about the light magic boost. The Yakumo clan specializes in all things light use, especially the main branch. She must have brainwashed her to fight that way while strengthening her.
"So, how did you find it? I must admit that I'm disappointed in you! You died so quickly, it's almost vexing. But hey, you're not coming back.... What?! But... But..."
Too bad for her, I come back in one piece. Nevertheless, it remains undeniable that I have just died. In that case, I'm going to need another back-up plan. In the meantime, I will fight without my sabers until they become operational.
! Quick attack!
Its power and danger level rises to A or even S when killed. As Kasen made me understand, I depended too much on my swords, in addition I did not - before my training - master the martial arts. I concentrate, then with a swing of my hand, I break his blade; which makes her powerless. However, I follow up by hitting him like with Kasen , this time just to deactivate the binding seal; which just makes her lose consequence.
"Thank you for teaching me the hermit arts even if in a roundabout way, Kasen."
I take a hit from my cousin's kanabo, and it's her weapon that breaks. She gets strangled by me until she loses consciousness.
"Thank you Yuugi for your lesson on boiling blood (nekketsu in Japanese)"
When finished, I throw it to the villagers so they can sort it out among themselves. The blacksmith, meanwhile, thanks me, tells me more about what just happened.
[ ... ]
"And now you know everything."
"Poor Meira though. Speaking of which, can you fix her katana?"
"Of course and also!"
He gives me the payroll money.
"But I can't accept!"
"It's the least we can do for our two heroes. As a bonus, I fix it for free."
It's really charitable of him.
"Thank you so much !"
"No! Thank you both!"
While he takes care of Meira's sword, I check to see if mine are operational; which is the case. As for the samurai, she finally wakes up, her head spinning it seems. I'm going to avoid giving him the topo, especially if I don't want to be insulted. After a while, the blacksmith hands him his saber, as I leave. However, this one challenges me to a blade duel.
"I wonder if I did the right thing to save her...."
[ ... ]
The rules of this duel are simple. Anyone who gives up or loses their saber is defeated. Our battlefield is in a forest, close to the human village. Also, there are no witnesses. I walk up to her, put my hand on the sleeve of my tachi, pull it out of the sheath, then take aim. His is also close to this place on my side. Our eyes meet in this forest place. We move back several meters, at the twelfth second, we cross swords. I take advantage with my physical strength as well as my speed, except that I can't deal serious blows to him.
"You're not bad, she said, who taught you to fight like that?"
"He is a former samurai: my master. And you, who taught you?"
"Hakurei...Hakurei Minako, Hakurei Reimu's mother. By the way, you're from the Yakumo clan, right?"
"How you have ...."
"It's... It was your cousin who told me before she brainwashed me. How illustrious Yakumo Ishiraiki must look at his children now?"
"Do you know his story?"
I block his sharp attack, then refocus. Very good , but I do not intend to lose so soon ! I hit much more forcefully, while she replies with finesse. I'm not going to give up so soon. What would my watch say at this moment? Of course ! I step back, dodging my opponent's attacks until she leaves a mini scar close to my heart.
"NOW !"
I use a disarming technique; which forces him to let his satre fall, then receive the hand close to his throat to prevent him from pulling it back, before he falls. The fight ends with a real victory. The young woman, so stoic, ends up smiling at me:
"Bravo! Your technique is truly worthy of the illustrious Yakumo Ishiraiki. Now I bow. You can ask me whatever you want."
"Start with his story. Birth, is he the first clan chief? Who he married. How did he die?"
"Hmmmmmm, in fact, he was born in a very very distant time, in the year 323. Regarding his death, I do not know the exact date. In any case, Yakumo Yukari is 1700 years old, right? She must suddenly know. Because before Gensokyo became Gensokyo, it was a barren land where yokai terrified humans and sowed terror, and the humans who lived there, had to be scared. Then one day, the illustrious Yakumo Ishiraiki created the Yakumo clan to defend humans and exterminate yokai. There was another clan at that time led by his first friend, and it was a Hakurei. As a sign of friendship between the two clans, he gave his sister in marriage , and vice versa: It was in the year 343."
"At the age of 20? But that Minako, if she taught you that story. Where is she now?"
"...Dead... And it's because of Yukari."
What ? No, no... It's not possible!
It is not possible ! Yukari never directly killed anyone. I haven't seen him do that once. She may be the ultimate troll, but she's still my best friend, and a good person. Without her, I probably wouldn't be here today!
"Sorry, but I don't believe you. Besides, why would Yukari kill her? It does not mean anything."
"Too bad for you. Anyway, I'm going. Keep living in the dream world. Yukari is not the pure person you think! He's an assassin and she'll kill you too."
She leaves her eyes on these words; which has the effect of not really getting along with her. The debts I owe to Yukari and our former friendship remain stronger than this accusation. Suddenly, I feel someone's presence. I'm about to deign, then put away my weapon when she shows up, and in view of her look, she doesn't seem to be afraid of me, proud on top of that, and sure of herself. In front of her, you might as well stay calm and serene.
"Hehehe! Well, I got lost looking at you. Yo, I'm Kirisame Marisa, an ordinary magician, I tell you!"
"Pleased to meet you. Tell me, are we exactly?"
"To the Forest of Magic. Besides, you look strong to me, who is telling you! I need you for an operation at the Scarlet Mansion, are you in?"
"No thanks. Besides, even if you seem cool, I have to find someone."
"I come with you ? Two, it will be faster, I assure you!"
Do I tell him? So far, my plans are proving to be constant failures. What if I try something new? Might as well open up a little more!
"I don't mind if you know a 17-year-old girl with a white hat with a red bow and a purple dress."
! Surprise!
"Are you sure you want to come with me now? Oh you know, this girl used to troll people me there
"Listen, whatever happens don't trust him, let alone this shitty samurai! You look like a mirror cabinet but you're very sensitive so forget them, don't try to find out more, and live your life as you want. But, you want to make mistakes to understand, it's your choice. However, don't say I wouldn't have warned you, okay?"
"... It's confirmed. You heard it all. And you sold yourself with class. I like !"
"Eh ?! What are you talking about ? I was just passing by, I tell you."
"It's okay, I believe you. Shall we go, partner? I'm Ishiha Kenpyri and since politeness isn't your thing, I'm going to call you Marisa."
"You take yourself too much for the boss, Kenpyri. Watch out, I'm telling you!"
The Forest of Magic (魔法の森, Mahô no Mori) is an epicenter of all that is evil, inauspicious, and loathsome. It is a place whose true nature is covered by rumors and strange coincidences. Once you've seen the man-eating plants and the inevitable, horrible bad luck that befalls those who even think of entering the forest, you'll find it's also a good place to live for people who don't like to be disturbed. Marisa's house of misfortune, storage, and other weird stuff is located somewhere in the forest. Apparently his house serves as the premises of Kirisame's magic shop. Alice's dollhouse is also there.
Near these two houses is the tree where the three fairies of light once lived. But the main attraction remains Kourindou, Rinnosuke's shop (including objects from the outside world), which is located at the border of the forest.
I should go to his house one day. Yukari told me that... Why am I talking about her right now? At this moment, Marisa and I are walking quietly without any danger waiting for us. However, she ends up getting bored. Suddenly, I receive an express broom lesson, that is to say, I fly with her at high speed. Consequently, I decide not to learn my flight skills anymore, in view of her bad behavior. Arrived at the Yokai forest, she drops me off that I vomit all my triples, while she laughs at me. Suddenly, a breach appears as the associated yokai steps out of it, in a pose not worth describing. Marisa seems annoyed by her behavior then throws a look at me who says de facto:
"You better choose your friends well, I tell you."
I will refrain from answering him coldly for the moment. My childhood friend sends her home without me realizing it. I barely lift my
eyes towards them that chains will immobilize me in ten seconds. As a result, I move quickly then dodge each one, coming towards her, my tachi pointed at her back. I sigh, when she applauds me, rejoicing in my reaction.
"You finally came. I wonder when you were going to stop hanging around the human village and stay with me."
"Not until I revise my weapons, or update my stats. Now that I think about it, thanks to your power, you can see everything, hear everything, even if you sleep. For once, why do you delegate your tasks when you can solve everything alone? Stupid question, I grant you. But I have another one: Is what Meira told me 100% true?"
I'm not going to let things happen so quickly. Knowing that you can do anything, I'm not going to try to play at your level, nor try to use you. No, I'm going to show what I can do.
[ We are in 2010, two years after the first meeting between Ishiha Kenpyri and Yakumo Yukari. Both are 10 years old, one actually and the other physically. ]
I'm going to be late for school! Damn, what possessed me to wake up so late? Yukari and I told each other stories all night. So, I run in the streets so as not to miss the first lesson. Go Kenpyri! You can do it ! You can do it !
"You are late Mr. Ishiha!"
Damn, that's a shame! I will get there next time.
"I'm sorry, I'll..."
"It's the third time since this year that you've been late. So you're going to stay glued after class!"
"No buts! And then you're going to give me your report card. I want to see your parents the next day otherwise you can stay at home."
Ahahahahaha! Well done, they're going to hate you to death! I hope you understand that you don't deserve to exist!
"Shut up ! I yelled, no longer supporting this voice in my head."
The teacher gets up and is about to slap me. But why ? So I end up defending myself when the director himself arrives. This day has already started badly for me. Lord, what should I do? I'll skip the rest where I had to attend the rest of the lessons in an isolated room. Then in the school yard, I was harassed. In return, I start to think of them as golems to the point of imagining myself destroying their heads with one hand while I get hit. But the most serious thing in my opinion is that I did nothing to them. Maybe I should have killed them...
Yes, dark in hatred. No, you're just gonna disappoint your parents one more time. Your father, are you going to tell him?
Then comes the moment when I have to serve my sentence by doing my hours of glue. Normally, it lasts two hours but in this early evening...
What is happening ?
.... the supervisor decides to tell me:
"You can leave. And that I don't see you anymore."
"Thank you, but for my..."
"No more report cards. And try to come on time!"
I don't know why but it's as if a guardian angel is watching over me right now. Once out of school, Yukari is waiting for me in her primary school uniform. This one seems to be thinking about a new move, with a smile on her face.
"Good evening Pyri! Does it tell you that we troll animals? Well, that doesn't seem to be going well. Are you telling me?"
This is how I tell him everything that happened while we walk. She always seems to listen to me without interrupting me once. It reminds me that two years ago, when I threw myself on the bridge, a young woman who looked like her but more adult came to save me. Then the next day she appeared in my life and now we are friends.
"You should defend yourself from time to time. And for the lemure, I'll find a way to calm him down if you want."
"Defending myself is not a problem. Everything will depend on the action and my condition."
:It's true. You shouldn't be in berserk mode! Hihihihi!"
"Anything. In this regard, can we rather take up the stories that scare you?"
"Good idea. You...well, you warn them all the same, I hope."
"Yes. And then they gave me permission."
Even though I suspect they want to get rid of me. As if she had just guessed them, she tugged on my cheek not without laughing; which pisses me off.
"Silly ! If they think they can get rid of you, they would have tried at birth. But don't worry, God is still his, this lemur of misfortune will no longer be there and even if I disappear one day, I will come back for you and you and I will stay together forever."
! Cry !
That's wonderful ! This is the first time someone has said this to me. Right after she hugs me laying her head on my shoulder. Yes, one day we will be together you and me. I will learn to defend myself, grow in love and faith in God, and become someone who will fight for good. And you Yu, you will be by my side; together we will see the future of this world.
"Yukari, thank you from the bottom of my heart. And I... well, you're my very first friend."
"You too Pyri, and even.... No nothing."
"Say it!"
"And yes, you are my very first friend. Finally..."
! Laugh !
"All right. I am so reassured and happy. Alright, we're almost there. Can I help you cook?"
"Of course ! Then we watch a cooking show?"
"That would be good."
We thus spend our evening in joy and good times, but something is wrong... I don't remember what happened next.
[ Now in the present, Kenpyri's body is split into thousands of pieces. Only her head seems to be resting on the thighs of the yokai of the breaches. This one caresses the latter not without humming its theme in slow motion. A few minutes later Kenpyri comes back in one piece, but no longer with his two weapons. Right after, Yakumo Ran, Yukari's shikigami, arrives with her notes.
"Good evening Ran! How are you doing ?"
"Well... Yumemi wants to rearrange a tournament. And as promised, I wrote down the name of Mr. Ishiha Kenpyri.... under the name of Yakumo Kenpyri"
"Good, you have done very well. Now leave us! Understood ?"
"Yes mistress..."
"We will meet later. "
This one disappears in a docile way intertwined with fear towards. Let's not forget, this is one of Gensokyo's sages. Despite everything, she looks tenderly at the man, now asleep under his knees, while she caresses him just as tenderly, not without saying to him:
"I haven't forgotten our promise. And you, do you remember, my angel? We will stay together forever." ]
Poor Kenpyri. Yukari hasn't any mercy about him. Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!