
Ch 7 Flight Over Dragonstone

 (Months Later) 

{xxxx} means High Valyrian 

I had given my dear Hilde an enchanted diamond Ring and she hugged me and cried a bit.

She was a perfect girl and I didn't wish for anything to happen to her after all, She'd be my Milk Cow for as long as I lived.

I had spent the last months Training with my men at arms and the Knights of Dragonstone from morning til dusk, once the sun began to fall from the sky I would return to my Room with Hilde and the Loud Moans echoed throughout the halls.

The Knights of Dragonstone quickly grew to like me and my dedication to the blade.

all the servants spread gossip of the lewd and constant noises that came out of my room.

There was even a rumor that I was exiled because the Royal family couldn't fall asleep because of the constant moaning from the countless women I brought into my room.

All the pretty maids would blush deeply whenever they saw me.

Word had already spread of my exile, no one knew the reason but the rumor mill was fast at work.

One said I killed too many servants, another said I raped a noblewoman and her daughter, another said they found me using blood magic and sacrificing children to Valyrian gods, another spoke that the King couldn't stand my Evil Eyes.....luckily the news of me having a bit of harmless fun with Rhaenyra didn't spread.

I received letters from Harrold and Mother constantly, and even a few from Haelena as she told me how she missed me, then she would go off on a tangent about what she ate or what games she played with Aemond. They were transcribed by maids since she was too young to write but I loved the letters anyways.

Mother said she would visit soon and to make sure to treat her well when she got here.

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I walked out of the Bedroom and left Hilde laying on the bed while filled with my seed.

I headed out and called one of my household knights to walk with me.

This one's name was Strickland and he was better than the others at swordplay, he spoke once about fighting as a mercenary In his youth and it showed, his moves were far more dirty but effective than my other men.

He didn't ask where we were going or why, I had long since placed enslavement seals on all of my servants and guards so I wouldn't have to worry about their loyalty.

We walked out of the castle and mounted two black horses before we slowly rode northwards towards the Dragon Caves.

We rode our horses for an hour northwards before we came upon a small mountain range that was dotted with crevices and caves. 

I dismounted and had Strickland wait for me, I walked up the jagged mountainside to one Cave that was separate from the rest.

The closer I walked the more bones littered the earth underfoot and my boots crunched the brittle bones with every step.

As I stood before the cave I realized just how massive it was..... hundreds of human, animal, and Dragon bones littered the earth.

My Vampiric vision allowed me to see perfectly in the darkness as I walked into the long and deep cave which smelled of death and sulphur.

I continued walking inwards as I made as much noise as possible while stomping on the bones.

Once I wanted in deeper and deeper into the mountain the smell of rotten flesh and sulphur grew far more intense.

'Abandon all hope ye who enter' was my only thought of this place as I continued down.

I began to whistle 'hoist the colours' as I walked into what could only be described as a den of death.

the huge sleeping monster was like a hill as it lay there, it was fully awake as its Vibrant Green eyes contrasted against it's Coal Black Scales..... It eyed me curiously as it breathed in and took in my scent.

"Greetings Cannibal....my apologies If I have disturbed your rest... But I'm going to need you to submit under me." I spoke aloud and the Dragon Massive Dragon Responded by snarling in rage and opened it's huge Maw to reveal it's jagged sword like teeth.

The Green Dragon flame glowed in his throat for only a moment before a torrent of beautiful green flames poured over my entire body.

After ten seconds the cannibal stopped it's torrent and snorted loudly as if Laughing at the stupid child who barged in on his rest.

After a few minutes the Flames died down to reveal me standing there... red eyes glowing, my long leathery black wings extended from my back as the claws in my hands extended into razor sharp blades.

The cannibal Froze in confusion one moment and the next a small winged monster flew at its face and latched itself to its head as it tore into his flesh with animalistic fervor.

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I latched myself to the cannibal's head and began to scratch away with my claws as they tore through his hard scales and into its meaty flesh as delicious Dragon Blood spurted all over me and it's my mouth.

It's monstrous screech of anger and pain echoed throughout the cave as it suffered a surprise attack that it didn't see coming.

 The cannibal jerked his head and smashed it against the ceiling of the giant cave as it roared and rage in an attempt to knock off or kill his attacker.

The next thing this monstrous beast knew it felt a deep pain along its spine and when he turned to look I was already shredding his hard flesh with my claws.

He instantly jerked his head backwards and snapped at the little creature to try and eat him, only to find that it latched to the underside of his jaw and began to bite through his throat.

The attacks weren't very deep but the pain was real and the blood gushed and rained onto the bone covered floor.

I continue to tear at the cannibal viciously as it tried in vain to fight back I drank its blood and ate its flesh whenever I managed to get a bite in.

After an hour of dodging and digging my razor sharp claws into his flesh the cannibal and grown much weaker much slower, it's pained voice sounded like a dying beast.

That's what I moved away and floated into the air as I spoke aloud first time since the beginning.

{"SUBMIT!!!! OR NEXT ILL DIG OUT YOUR TESTICLES!!!!!"} I shouted in Valyrian at The Cannibal and he snarled angrily at me for a full minute until it stopped and looked at a the damage I had caused it, there were gashes all over his body, much of his blood had seeped out and he knew any more and it was surely death.

Its snarl turned into a low growl as it closed it's eyes and lowered it's head in submission.

{"GOOD....GOOD....YOU OUT UP A FEARSOME FIGHT....."} I told cannibal as I approached it and placed a hand on its snout.

I instantly felt a connection form between us.....a Dragon bond.

I reached into my dimensional store and withdrew two watermelon sized orbs.

{"Eat the Red one, then the white one."} I spoke to the Monstrous Dragon and he looked at the two orbs that I set on the ground.

He crowded me for a few seconds before reaching down picking up the red one with his teeth and crunching it as the thick red liquid seeped into its mouth and down his throat.

Immediately the wounds over the cannibal's body began to slowly heal as they close themselves up the huge gashes and tears on its wings from when it was just a young dragon we're all repaired it's cracked horns on each side of its face began to regrow into the sharp and beautiful points they once were.

It's damaged and cracked nails regrew longer and sharper and it's disgusting teeth many of which had since fallen off began to regrow new and gleaming.

It's old eyes which had gained haziness over the hundreds of years of life became crystal clear and they glimmered beautifully in the darkness.

The cannibal recognized the vast improvement in its body it was as if it were a young dragon once more full of vigor and strength.

Then it reached down for the white orb and moved it and its mouth before cracking it open and drinking the thick liquid that poured out.

Immediately the cannibal felt a pain in its bones and it's muscles and every inch of its body as it roared out in anger from the pain suffering which was even worse in the claw marks and scratches from the little demon that managed to tame him.

Then it's body began to swell and grow and it's cold black dragon scales became more pointed and longer with a new harder Sheen far more metallic than before.

Its long coal black wings grew even more as the strengthening serum affected the huge dragon.

Once he realized what had happened he stopped roaring in pain and began roaring in triumph the Cannibal felt as if he could conquer The Whole World In This moment.

Then he looked down at the little demon who made him strong and saw a huge black metal necklace with a vibrant Red Pendant on the center.

{"Move your head down so i can put it on you."} I spoke to the Monstrous Dragon he immediately lowered his head and allowed me to fly up with the necklace and clasp it around his huge thick neck, immediately the necklace changed in size and shape to resemble a black band with engravings on it as the Red Ruby In the Center Glowed Ominously.

It was an enslavement and communication collar that had some enchantments on it, I didn't want my brand new flying nuke to be shot down by a Lucky scorpion bolt.

Then I hopped into the Cannibals Back and and I spoke to him through our mental connection.

{'Fly Cannibal....show me what your new and improved self can do.'}

I told him and he responded by growling in agreement.

He lumbered through the Cave which was now far too small for him as he bumped and scraped onto the walls of the Cave and caused rubble to come tumbling down on both of us.

Once we squeeze through the mouth of the cave cannibal spread his enormous black wings and roared into the sky as if he was claiming the world.

The Monstrous dragon then ran forward and flat his huge wings as we took to the sky smoothly.

With every flap we ascended higher and higher over Dragonstone.

The current cannibal after his upgrade was Far larger and stronger and fiercer than even Balerion and much more alert and fast than Vaghar who was now old and slow.

We flew above the night sky as he Roared loudly to announce our union to the world.

Cannibal never had a rider since all who came before me were weak and died too quickly....now he had a worthy rider and he'd burn down the world for the Little Demon.

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After my midnight flight I returned to the Castle and everyone was awake and staring at me in shock.....

a six year old just claimed the Cannibal, they had seen me through the windows of the Fortress as I flew around on the Monster's Back.

What shocked them as well was that the Monstrous dragon looked far larger and more imposing than usual.

I walked to the Maesters Room and found him already getting ready, he was donning his grey robe and chains when I knocked on the door.

He rattled as he moved to the door and opened it, before he could speak I beat him to it.

"I need a message sent Maester....tell the Velaryons that I am visiting them in the morning." I told the man and he walked upstairs to the rookery, I followed him and watched as he sent the message and released the Raven.

Then he looked at me as if he expected me to leave....he wanted to write to the citadel....or to the King.

"You may spread word of my feat in the morning Maester....I'm telling you for your own good." I spoke coldly as Cannibal roared angrily in the distance.

I saw his hands trembled at the glowing Red eyes that seemed to stare into his soul.

"O...Of....Of course My Prince....as you say." He spoke then we both walked downstairs and I left him in his room, before he closed the door I spoke again. 

"Heed my warning maester and wait till morning." Then I smiled before I walked away to my Room.

I saw my Guards and Maids standing outside of my room they were all disheveled as if they had just gotten out of bed.

They all bowed deeply then made way for me to enter.

I walked in and saw Hilde rubbing her eyes as she yawned cutely. "What was all that noise I was having such a good dream about us." She spoke and I just undressed and climbed into bed.

I proceeded to tell her that I claimed the Cannibal and she grew really excited. 

I also told her that I'd visit Driftmark on the Morrow to get a bride for myself, she sounded excited about the flight and when I told her it was Laena I was after she grew more excited....everyone knew the famous beauty and Her huge Dragon.

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