A Bloody Rose Story Synopsis: The story takes place in an unknown world in the deepest reaches of the imperium, yes this is a fan-made short horror story that takes place in the Warhammer 40k universe! I’ll also add pictures for important characters Summary: Danicia, a Canoness who serves in the order of the blood rose, stood among the learned and the wise, as she stared off into the audience of the young women who just finished their graduation ceremony at their all-girl Schola Progenia. But while she was giving her speech, she noticed a faint light glowing off a certain young girl… curiously, at the end of her speech, she asked for her name. But while she gave her pleasantries, the monster that crawled just beneath their world cities began to stir… while the jungle forest around began to weep… all for the skies to secretly tear! For as those tendrils spread out their horror, hungering rats began their feast! As the guards lost their signal, did the citizens realize they were defenseless? For when their loving clouds began to fall, did they cry out for the emperor's angels! Disclaimer: slight Yuri, no R18 scenes, gender bender, Horror, I will add pictures, and chapters will be around 1k to 2k words!
{picture in comments}
As the stars fell, while world after world burned, the sea of space is ever colder and darker, for as our emperor's light grew ever dimmer… they came… for their ship burned and twisted in our air, they rained down in a furry of fire! For all their countless numbers they came solely to DEVOUR!
Unknown world in the 41st millennium
Day 1
[Ugh… where I'm I…why does my head hurt so damn much!]
[What are you doing Layla! Quickly get up! The bishops are coming today!] said a girl
[Ugh… sorry but who are you again?] replied Layla
[Layla this is not time for jokes!] replied the flustered girl as multiple strange men and women appeared before them on a stage
[Listen up everyone! Well first off praise be the emperor! and second, we have a visitor! It turns out today is your lucky day young women of our esteem Progenium! For Lady Danicia has graced us with her presence! She is an honorary member of the Adepta Sororitas or better known as the Battle Sister! She is here today to inspect if any of you are worthy to join her in the order of the Bloody Rose!] yelled the bishop with high esteem
[Order of the Bloody Rose…Danicia… the Canoness…Battle sister! Wait, did he just say Adepta Sororitas! Fuck don't tell me I was reborn into the Warhammer 40k!] thought Layla in a panic in her mind
[wait hold up now… more importantly did this girl in front of me just call me Layla? But isn't Layla a girl name… does that mean… all curse the seven hells!]
While 'Layla' was busy having her mental crises the Canoness took the mic, as church music rang in the background:
[Listen… young ones of the imperium! As you know the hell, you're about to walk into is a parlous task to overcome… for many of you will die! And many more of you shall become martyrs for our emperor! It is both an honor, as it is our pleasure to do so… for it isn't just our duty but what we were born to do! No matter what world you go to or what hell "escapes" you may find yourself in... Always remember this… the emperor light is always with you!] paused Lady Danica for a moment as she remembers the sisters, she long lost, as she stares into the fresh faces of the young women in the audience.
[We of The Bloody Rose! will ask much of you… too much… but we must! for we are the wall breakers! We charge boldly headfirst into our enemy traps! For in our emperor rage we leave behind our fears… our worries... And our innocents! We cover ourselves in the tune of red, not to scare the enemy nor to hide our wounds, but to show everyone the blood that has been split on our behalf! On your behalf! We wear this color to honor our fallen sisters! And our fallen people throughout all worlds! Not just on Terra!] Danicia pauses for dramatic effect
[To wear these colors goes beyond what we consider to be an honor, for through this duty, we can achieve our single purpose! For, through these colors, we can see what we are fighting for… what we are dying for… but most importantly… WHAT WE LIVED FOR!]
[Oh… Saint Mina, who our order so preciously took up her name… wore this emblem… on the day of her death… slain by Khorne cultist… just one of the many evils out there in our wide galaxy… just one of whom you will have to face… for as those false "god" run rampant in the warp and out… it's our job not to stop them… BUT TO KILL THEM! Just as they have sworn to end OUR WORLDS! OUR HOMES!]
[Though I know many of you may have an abstract understanding of what our god emperor is… I assure you now… he is the only light out there in that unforgiven sea of darkness and void! That can lead your soul's home! But though he may be our guide… our god… our light in the void… WE ARE HIS INSTRUMENT! WE ARE HIS WEAPONS, WE ARE HIS CHOSEN, WE ARE THE SWORD AND THE SHIELD, THE BULWARK THAT HOLDS BACK THE VOID FROM CONSUMING OUR… OUR… IMPERIUM! THE IMPERIUM HIS MAJESTY BREATHE OUT!]
But through the cheer and the howlers, Layla looked up at Danicia and thought:
{great… just great… me, a middle-aged man who barely knows anything related to 40k just got sucked into a cult frenetic world!}
[Hey Layla, why aren't you cheering! That speech was amazing… I think I'll be applying to join the Bloody Rose order as soon as possible!] said the girl
{Look… umm… are you sure you want to join them just after hearing one speech? Shouldn't you at least do some research and see if you would better fit another order?} replied Layla as she was trying to remember what the safest order would be to choose, if she absolutely had to make a choice.
But while the two were discussing future plans they failed to pick up on the fact that the Canoness was staring right in their direction… As if noticing something odd… she then completely ignored the bishop pleas, as she made her way to Layla location and asked:
[You there, what's your name!] demand the Canoness!
[I'm Mary, your Canoness!]
{And I'm Layla…}
[Umm… I see… So, what order will you two choose once your ready to start your real training!] ask the Canoness
[Oh! Me I will definitely be joining the Bloody Rose but…] replied Mary
[But... what?] asked the Canoness
[my friend here is still undecided...] replied Mary
[is she now… well you don't have much time left to choose! after all, your already at that age...] replied the Canoness, as she stares hard daggers at Layla, like she didn't like what she had heard
Feeling the cold shivers running down her back, Layla quickly said:
{Yes, I haven't decided yet, but I might choose}
[The Bloody Rose RIGHT] said the Canoness almost demanding abruptly
{aw shit…} thought Layla as she locked eyes with a beast rather than a human.
[well!] continued the Canoness
{Ya now that I think about it… the Bloody Rose does sound like a great order…} replied Layla disheartened, while thinking:
{great I just had to be picked up with the most suicidal order of the bunch…}
[Good, you're accepted, and your training starts immediately!] sounded the Canoness
{huh?} said Layla as she was dragged away by a bunch of overly sized women in robust armor!