The former inevitably requires an immense accumulation of machinery knowledge to reach new heights.
This certainly cannot be replaced by simply acquiring some rare blueprints, or stumbling upon fragments of ancient mechanical knowledge.
A body of knowledge is the crystallization of the wisdom of countless predecessors.
To delve deeper into advanced machinery, one needs systematic learning.
Having a comprehensive knowledge system and guidance from accomplished mentors saves a lot of effort.
However, the whole Federation operates under a feudal system, leaving very few places where one could systematically study machinery knowledge.
An idea sparkled in Leonard Churchill's mind, and he asked, "Rita, have you ever thought about studying at the 'Federation War Machine Institute' for a while?"
He'd heard from Reuel Bible and others that the War Academy of the Federal Military is currently the best neutral machinery institute.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: