His technique seemed to triumph, but in reality... it broke down!
The forbidden spell "World", which was never wrong, has encountered an incomprehensible error.
How could it be...?
The man in the cloak was greatly taken aback.
Master Merlin knows the seriousness of this cognitive collapse.
Either it breaks to be rebuilt.
Or it crumbles, never to recover.
Either way, it wasn't about picking a winner.
It was about another person's Spell "World".
Master Merlin calmly responded, "Don't be so troubled. Your spell is the most perfect technique I have ever witnessed. I wasn't able to break it either. All I have to say is something your teacher left behind."
The man in the cloak furrowed his brow in response, "My teacher...what he left behind?"
In a blink, it was as if he understood.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: