
Chapter 403 I Just Smile and Say Nothing_2

"My suggestion is that the original Henry Thompson and Junior Henry Thompson each lead the attack and defense teams,"

Someone on the phone took the lead with a proposal.

Since everyone's ID was the same, the only way to differentiate was to add a prefix.

After tracing back, Ree Shil, who was the first to use the code name Henry Thompson, became the original Henry Thompson.

The suggestion that the first and second place winners lead the teams was unanimously agreed upon by everyone.

The skills of Junior were clear for all to see, and if it weren't for Ree Shil, he would almost certainly have secured the top spot in the internal rankings.

"I personally don't see a problem with it."

"Hey, hey, can you guys say who you are before you talk?"

"Uh, okay, I'm Junior Henry Thompson and I think it's fine."

"Original Henry Thompson, which side do you want to lead?"

"I'll stay on the defense team."

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