
Chapter 42: Not Letting People Play Anymore_2

Together with the Long Whip, the Bulwark created a scene card effect, successfully triggering 3 attacks on the Iron Stick and causing 15 + 15 + 10 (True damage) = 40 points of damage.

In Cube Card, if damage overflows, it will not be passed on to the second card in the back. So how to reasonably distribute the damage after completing the attack is a matter of study.

At the end of the first round, both sides have the following card at display:

[Set card][Set card][Double Whip 80]

[Scout 80][Bulwark][Empty Slot]


[Iron Stick 60][Empty Slot][Water Wheel]

[Fox Head][Set card][Set card]

It wasn't apparent during the battle, but the audience was surprised when the card situation was revealed.

Rose Cooper:[Wow, after two rounds, Ree Shil has actually managed to gain an equilibrium?]

Indeed, both sides lost 40 health and one card.

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