
The Commotion Outside and The Council's Meeting

Evander, who was the smartest and most cunning of the group was the first to speak after a few moments of silence prevailed, "I do not think it is wise to hire outsiders at this time. Firstly, we do not have the finances to support a mass hiring of outsiders. Secondly, who is to say they are not spies for other forces that would have taken an interest in our secrets?" he reasoned. 

Eldric fell silent after Evander spoke. It seemed as if he was contemplating what would be the right way to go about this, but his doubt was soon dispelled as Garen spoke for the first time since the beginning of the meeting, "Indeed, I agree with Elder Evander. We have only had contact with other people for almost two months, we do not know what could happen if we hired outside help. It should be the most efficient and safe way to go about this." He said with a smile on the corner of his lips. 

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