

story starts here.

The summer camp comes to an end. As we see in school jay, zack, mira, zoe, yui look at the empty seat of daniel park. due to him begin charged for assault and attempted of murder zeus. 

zack grits his teeth and is angry at himself. For not begin able to help daniel.  He remembers what daniel said to him 'zack take care of mira zoe yui and also look after little daniel'. As then hearing this he nods.

  System using the perfect looks at other friends who are looking at him with worry. to ease that worry he  says "don't worry I will be out in a while hope you all stay safe don't get in any trouble. And mira don't feel sad or guilty about it, If it was anyone else he would have also done the same to him. I don't regret bashing him in ground".

The Cop shoves daniel and says "shut up. What you did is not thing for which you will be rewarded. You nearly killed him. He can never move he is paralyzed form spine down. His face is not recognizable. Young man you should be glad he is alive otherwise you might have faced 2 years or more in prison".  everyone else on the scene after hearing cop statement is shocked. And looks at daniel with pity and sadness in their eyes.

Then system using second body is taken away by cops. In the station system is put in the holding cell With cop telling System "you will be taken to the juvenile detention tomorrow with them". in the cell 5 guys are sitting.

Then one of the guy looks at daniel and asks "what are you in for? pretty boy". As then daniel replies "for beating a rapist to the point of being a vegetable and unable to move for the rest of his life".

Daniel mom comes running in and she says "where is my son. why are you holding him". As then system seeing this. says "F**K". As then cops takes brings mom to see system.

She seeing him says "your daniel friends right why are you here. where's daniel". Seeing her anxious look system clams her down and says "i think they got our both's name mixed up. i am also named daniel park. so the school mistakenly send the cops little daniel info. don't worry daniel is ok and he is at house. you can go and check on him Also tell him to not worry about me. i will be fine".

As then hearing big daniel response she is reassured as then she asked him. why is he detained. big daniel responds by telling her all about zeus. hearing big daniel explanation. she is also furious at cops for detaining him. then she asks if his family knows about him.

system using big body looks down and says nothing. after a while of silence system using daniel big body replies in a sad voice "i have no one. They all are far away. But don't worry I have a guardian. I have contacted him. He will be visiting in a while".

After listening to big daniel's response she says "sorry for your loss. Young man I hope you come out soon. Then we all me you and daniel can have a family dinner".

As then system hearing the word family his eyes widen. As then with a smile on his face he says yes. As then cops comes saying that daniel park's guardian is here. As then little daniel mother's leave. After a minute form the door 2 people enter.

Gun and Goo enter the room seeing daniel with a handcuff's. goo laughs and says " wow look gun your new successor is already in cuffs. Is he disqualified right. Hey daniel become my best friend. We will have so much fun in seoul".

AS then gun on the side gets annoyed with goo talking and is thinking why did he bring him here using all his will power to not bash goo's head in the wall. He then asks "is this was the reason you asked me to become your guardian. Your one problem child. I hope you make up to me for wasting my time".

As then system hearing what gun said he replies. "15 year old juvenile made a legend in korea. He alone defeated the all the people their without resting. He did the same process until his release almost painting the walls of the detention center in their blood. Scaring the guards their. Making a legend their. Now what's wrong with me doing the same".

As then hearing it both gun and goo eyes widen. As then gun laughs and says "I was not wrong to chose you as successor. Come with me daniel park. I will train you. Making you into a force to be reckoned with". As then gun gives his signature smile. As then goo on the side is also looking forward to daniel response.

After a while of silence. System using second body uses BLOODLUST. Making both gun and goo get alerted. As then both hear system using big body speak "your right and wrong gun san. your right you can train me. But your wrong about making me a force to be reckoned with am already a force whoever comes in front me will be broken. Even if he was not broken he will be shaked and also put that smile away it makes you look like child predator ".

As then goo on the side starts laughing he then says "I always told him don't smile like that it makes him look like that".

As then gun on the side says "do you want to beaten. Or let me take a look at your face with my fists. Am pretty sure you have some brain problems. Let me fix them".

As then goo stops laughing and says with an smile which annoys gun and says "no thank you. Am pretty sure. I can afford a doctor no need you to take matters into your hands".

Then goo turns to daniel and asks "what is your choice. And what are you going to do next". gun also is eager to response. As then system using big body says "am going in the detention for 2 months. I hope you can pull some strings to less it to a month. Cause this is going to take me a month or less time to surpass that legend. Now just keep an ear out for the legend that surpassed the white oni". As then daniel stands and leaves the room.

As then goo turns to gun. He says "he is crazier then you. I would love to hear the legend that surpassed gun park. I think he might become an oni slayer of the future. Hey gun are you scared. Do you think he will succeed". As then gun says "only time will tell. that will he become an oni slayer or slayed by the oni".

As then we cut to little daniel sitting in the house alone. As he feels the house which was his starting point of change of his life took a turn. with his second body in prison. And his alone. As then as he is thinking.

He hears a ding with system saying "this is not the end of the world. The second body just went in the detention centre. The second body will be out in a while. As you know zoe and yui were famous paprika creators. Their one word about this incident will set almost all the police stations under huge fire form the public".

Daniel hearing what system said. he replies " I don't want them coming back to paprika. they all left due to stalker incident. Now i don't want them to come back. Just for this matter".

system: "so you must go and stop them as. I am sure they are also thinking to make a comeback to paprika". As then hearing system he stops and thinks a while.

As then he hears system say " I think it's time to use the teacher token. your ready. cause the second body will not be here to take care of you and friends. now think what will happen if same situation happened to zoe or yui. daniel your strong but you lack the fighter mentality. if you'd made sure that zeus was down for sure. the second body might have not gone to the detention center".

After hearing system telling him. what caused him to lose his second body. daniel makes up his mind to get stronger. As he uses the teacher token.



As then daniel selects yes. then a wheel pops up seeing on the wheel many teachers. like madara. yourichi. aizen. garp. jintaijin. etc. He is both surprised and is expecting a good teacher which can teach him. The important decision making. As then he presses go on the wheel.

After a while it stops on the name James lee. As then daniel not knowing who James lee is currently. He is sent the imp info about james into his brain. He is both shocked and surprised. He understands how his teaching will work.

He will be sent to a space to train with him for a month. As then teacher will also give him some quest. completing it can help him getting stronger faster. As then when he was about to press yes to start training.

He is stopped by system saying. "wait stupid. if you press yes you will be sent away for a month. with me begin in the prison and you vanish what do you think will happen". As then daniel comes to a realization.

As then system continue " your stupid. you want to get strong no matter what the cost. Mom visited me in the station. when i was in holding cell. cops called her". As then daniel asks "what did you told her?. And how is she".

system " i explained her what happened. And told her your fine. she will might be on her way. before you go tell everyone. while you train with james lee. I will make sure second body is not rusty. now take care mother. She will be their at anytime". As then daniel nods.

After an hour daniel mom comes into his house. She sees her son looking less thin and taller. she asks "daniel is that you. what happened are you not getting enough food". As then daniel seeing her mom worryful look

. Daniel once understands that their is someone out their. that always worries for him. As then he speaks to his mother in a softone "mom i already told you that i was exercising with daniel and some more friends". As then hearing daniel voice when he speaks about his friends. She clams down and then she says "My little daniel finally found some good friends. I am happy seeing you happy. now look at you are earning for yourself. you finally grown up. this makes me proud".

Daniel hearing her mother. He also feels good. As then they both hear knock on the door. opening the door. He sees zack. mira. yui, zoe. vasco . jace . jay. Seeing the all the friends here. Daniel is shocked. As then daniel mother seeing all these people here. She says "daniel who's at the door. she sees the people and asks. daniel are these your friends. tell them to come inside".

As they all come inside. saying hello. And removing the shoes at the doors. As then seeing them all their she asks "Are you all my little daniel friends". As then hearing mom speaking all nods. while zoe is freaking out 'I am meeting piggy mother. she is my mother in law right. will she be against me for begin with daniel '.

As then daniel seeing it all tells then to stay for dinner. while zack, jay, mira, yui, don't wanna trouble daniel.

As they all were about to say something. they all feel jace and vasco arms feels on their shoulder. As whatever they were about to say stop. As they see jace and vasco with little drool in the side of their mouth. all think 'why are they droling'.

As then vasco says "we will trouble you". As then they all stop whatever they were about to say. As they all heard about daniel cooking skill form the festival.

As then daniel mother who was about to get up to cook is stopped by jace and vasco. saying they will help as they also have cooked. As then daniel. gets to cooking. while everyone is wondering how does his cooking tastes.

As then after a while a very good smell starts coming in the house seeing the source is daniel cooking. they all are shocked. And cannot wait to taste the food after smelling such amazing scent.

As then after 10 minutes which passed like eternity. they all recive the food which smelt divine. As then zack slowly takes a bites as then he chews. He feels the burst of flavor in his mouth. As then mira , yui, jay seeing zack reaction. they all also takes a bite of the food. They all start praising daniel cooking. As they ask where did he learnt to cook the food like that. Daniel says he learnt form big daniel.

As they all quite down. They all realize they remember that daniel is not among them. As they all start feeling sad. As then vasco says "we can visit daniel in the next week". As then hearing what vasco said. they all cheer up. But zack sees mira is still feeling sad. daniel mother's seeing mira face she realize that she is the girl.

she speaks "I was called in the morning saying daniel was caught in the charges of assault. After hearing the news i ran fast to the station. After talking to him for a while. I saw in his eyes he had no regret saving you. or beating that bad man. if he found out that you'r sad for him. he will be angry with you and who says you cannot visit, just go with friends. And have a good talk with him". As then mira and other's hearing daniel's mother saying. mira moods lights up.

she says "thank you. now i will try to live my life as normal". After dinner all leave. except daniel mother. As then she says "Daniel you and other daniel all have good friends.". As then daniel nods. as then they all go to sleep.

We see system using big daniel body. As he is surrounded. by his cell mates. As they look at his food and then their. And say "what the hell. we are getting water soup. while your getting meat and other good things. Now if you wanna keep your pretty face hand over the food". As then system using second body. looks at imates as he sees they are looking at him like he is the prey.

As then seeing them demanding system foods. Big daniel says "why don't you try to take it". the cell mates who were expecting daniel to give them without any trouble. As then one of them gets angry and chargers towards daniel saying "Don't get cocky pretty faced bastard".

As then inmates who were expecting for daniel to get beaten. Are soon surprised. As then big daniel uses aikido to turn the attacker upside down with ease.

As then other people seeing this. they all get angry and rush at daniel. As then system who was using daniel's body says "Typical thinking of the lowlife's they are top of the food chain due to their looks. But always forgets that theirs someone stronger then them".

As then they all hearing what daniel said people in the other cell also gets angry and says " Kid you should be lucky that you are in their cell. other wise i would have ripped your mouth off". As then system hearing what other people in the cell saying.

He gets annoyed and then says "what makes you think that me begin in your cell will make a change. your fate would also be the same as them".

As then 4 people who were charging for daniel. seeing this system using big body. uses boxing which he copied form zack. As then using series of jabs and some hooks he takes down the closet person to him.

As the the second man who was saw daniel was in his arms reach goes for a tackle to push daniel to ground and getting on top of him. Daniel takes a step back as then using taekwodoo. he brings his leg above his head and the brings it down with his heel connecting to the second man's head knocking him face first to ground. he is knocked out the 2 people who saw what happened the charge together. As then using a series of kicks big body daniel takes them down easily.

The people in the other cell who were cheering for the 4 guys to beat daniel are silence after seeing daniel take 4 adults down with ease. As then seeing noise gone system using big daniel body says "Anyone else wanna run their mouth and see what will happen to him". Seeing no response system says "good and stay like that until i am here".

As then daniel wakes up the 4 people he knocked out. And tells them to keep quite. After hearing all the noise policemen come in the corridor of the cells. As they asks "what's the ruckus why are you all scum shouting." As then seeing the cops everyone quiets down and call it a night.

In the morning we cut to little daniel who was about to get off his shift form the grocery store. As then owner approaches and says " I heard and saw on the news paper about your friend. He was wrongly judged. but don't worry after seeing the injustice about your friends." As then hearing owner speech. little daniel also asks " i would like a month leave. I am going to visit my mom". owner approves.

As then daniel messages his mom about going to a trip with his friends. And messaging zack about going to visit his mom for a month. As their are signal problems in the area where his mothers live. And waits a while for the reply of his mom and friends.

As then getting both replies at the same time. saying to take care and message them. As then daniel feels guilty about lying to them. But then he hears system saying "It's good for us all. you getting stronger will help you protect your friends more easily".

After hearing system. daniel nods as then he goes to his small home. And asks system "What will happen to me system. how will i get my teacher". After hearing daniel questions. He says "After using the token you will be sent to a magic space for a month. The time will move same as the real world. food leaving conditions of the space will be same as real world. The teacher attitude will be same as he is in the real world. The teacher will be told about you and will forget after leaving the space. if you can learn whatever your teacher will teach you can leave the space faster, Any other questions?."

As after hearing system description about the teacher. he nods having no other questions. As then he uses the token to go to the space. As he is about to be teleported in the space. he looks back at the room. And sees a pic with al his friends and mother. And makes a promise to himself to get stronger and protect them. As then he is teleported in the space.

After begin teleported in the space little daniel is dizzy. As he looks around to get a look at the surrounding. He sees that he is in a rural area. As he looks around he sees a old school in front of him. As he goes to call system but not hearing system response daniel tenses up. As he slowly understands in the situation he is in and seeing system his only guide not responding he is both confused and little scared of the unknown. As then he calls out. but getting no response he moves towards the school seeing no other building in sight. As then when he gets near the gates.

He goes to push the gate open. But they are opened automatically. He is surprised on the gate opening. He clams down and moves inside the school. As he sees in front of his eyes the school which looked that it will fall at anytime is so cleaned form inside. As then checking all the bottom classrooms he finds no one their. He moves to the second floor. As then he sees only one door on the second floor with class 1A sign hanged on the out side.

Daniel goes to open the door. As he opens the door he sees alot of trophies. The whole room filled with all kinds of trophy's. As then he sees a man with red hair he is holding a trophy in his hands


As then seeing the act daniel goes to say "hell". but is cut off by the man saying "I know who you are. and why are you here. But give me a reason or convince me to train you". After hearing the man say daniel remembers what system said before he was about to use the token "Daniel remember the person who is about to teach you is the strongest of his generation.

He defeated a whole gang People in one night defeated. All of the first generation kings without any visible injuries. or even getting his clothes dirty. Now you must understand how much are you going to learn. remember one thing no hesitation be sure to strike first the moment he gave you hint to impress him do it. Even if he is standing on his arms you can never hit him unless he wants you to touch him".

As then daniel instantly goes for a boxing punch he copied form zack . As james seeing this easily dodges it without any trouble and says "Good no hesitation. But you lack the most important thing for a fighter to know when ever he fights. When you hit someone you will be hit back but how you react after taking a hit is up to you". As then daniel seeing how easily he dodged him. He goes for a aikido throw. As he was about to grab his arm. Daniel feels something.

As then he sees james is backing up no he realizes he was thrown back. but how. As then daniel feels pain in his stomach. And he thinks "How, when did he move did he kick me or what.". As then james seeing this says "Am getting bored here daniel park. did you not came here to get stronger or are you wasting my time. After getting hit once are you backing out. We are only getting started".

As then james lee gives a smile showing his signature smile with his sharp teeth showing. As then we see james standing over a beat up daniel and says "Your gonna need alot of work if we wanna get somewhere. But one thing is for sure you have both talent and protentional. Are you gonna give me what i desire a fight to ignite my passion once again or are you gonna be like others who falls". As then we see james missing a cuff botton. Which was in little daniel hand.

Now we cut to system who was transferred to the detention center form station's holding cells.

As then they are all pulled down by cops screaming "Come down you scums. Look around you this is the place where your gonna get turned a new leaf or you will be rotten welcome to the place with hell on earth". As then the people get off form the transport.

As then the people already in the cell seeing the new additions in them starts saying and cursing at them. As then some seeing big daniel say "Look at that pretty face what you think how long will he last. I cannot wait to be alone with him". As then system hearing this sentence is shaken and annoyed.

He looks at the place form where the noise came. He sees darius hong. As then system thinks 'great another one for me to beat to a vegetable'. As the warden seeing the newcomers frozen he screams "GET MOVING. Go straight and get your uniform and other toiletries form the people in other guards". As then they moves towards the direction to get their uniforms.

The officers giving the uniforms is surprised. As he sees daniel and say "Becareful around here most of the Yellow one are here for r**e. It's a surprise to see someone as pretty. What are you in here for".

As then the officers giving the uniforms. As he looks at the info of daniel. He whistles and says "Wow lookie what we have here. A another one with Yellow tagged. Youngsters these days are getting scary. Beating another r***st to a vegetable state. I don't know what to say but one thing for sure. If you wanna beat some more ra***t. You will be happy. Cause we have a lot of them. But due to their age we cannot do much except of scolding and some occasional beatings. To protect your friend. do you regret saving her. Even if you Don't you will soon. welcome to the juvenile pris.. no detention center".

As then daniel hearing prison workers introduction. He is sure surprised with the amount of info he just got as then the prison guard provides more info and tells him about the rankings

white : theft. other small crimes

Yellow : r**e, Assults , attempted murder

Red : murder.

Blue : Drugs, etc

As then daniel receiving a yellow tagged uniform. He wears his uniform. And is escorted out of the room to the cell. where he will be staying. As he enters he sees 5 randoms without any importance to the plot. The guard after pushing and locking the door of the cell goes away.

As then daniel who's arms were zip tied. Are now free as he moves them a little to get the blood pumping. Now he looks at them serious seeing 2 yellow and 1 red, while 2 is white.

As then the white tagged cellmate. Gets up to show his dominance in front of daniel. As then he says "Just cause your a yellow means nothing here. Looking at your pretty face am sure your here under r*** charges, As i heard many say guys with pretty face hides the dirtiest secrets".

System not letting him speak anymore grabs his mouth and throws him aside like a rag. As then he looks at other and says "form the information i got from the guard. The best way to say something in here is fist. so just all come at me. I am gonna be the big daddy of this cell".

After hearing system speech using big body . All cell mates except the red one get annoyed. As then they all look at the red tagged person. After getting his nod they all charge toward daniel. 2 yellow 1 white.

seeing this daniel laughs and cassually. knocks all the cells mates to the ground by only using kick's. As then the red one after seeing daniel take down the 2yellow and white easily. He gets up as he is an inch taller than daniel. He gets closer to him. As then he stands in front of him. And speaks "taekwondo. you can say am impressed. Good speed good strength. But your way to much cocky".

As then he goes for an attack. but daniel easily dodges and then says in a disappointed tone " And here i thought i found a good punching bag. but your same as them. weak" . As then system using aikido easily flips him on the ground with his chest touching the the ground. As then daniel puts his foot on his head and says "where is all that bravado form before".

As then system slowly increases the force of his foot. As then the red tagged person who was under daniel feet rolls his head a little to throw off daniel balance. As he goes to grab his leg but is easily kicked on the jaw by daniel. He is throwed little back.

He slowly gets up and does a Kyokushin karate stance . As then daniel seeing this says "karate huh. good now for you my 1 hand is enough". As then the red tagged prisioner gets angry and says "do you think your better than me. i am a yellow belt a 6th kuy kyokushin karate" .

After saying this he goes to a front snap kick but daniel dodges. he goes for a front push kick. but still dodge. now he goes for a back round house kick. daniel again moves out of the. As then daniel feels the cell wall behind him.

As then system using big body understood his plan to push him in the wall to give him a final blow. The red tagged seeing his plan worked he smiled and then he goes for a front hard blow. As he dreams about punching daniel and causing major damage.

But his dreams are shattered when daniel uses front snapping kick. throwing him to the other side of the room as he smashes in the wall with ease. As then before passing out he looks at daniel with scared look and passes out.

As then system seeing this goes to wake up the 2 yellow and white tagged mates. And tells them to clean the cell. As they were about to refuse. But looking over daniel's back they see the red tagged man passed out. As then they obediently starts cleaning the cell.

Story ends here.

I apolozie if the chapter is hard to understand or read, I had a lot of work today in home, with my uni also opeaning, I Might not get enough time to update it a lot, But will still try to do it.

Have a good day or night peace

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