
Her First Fight

*5 months later*

[Reading] has leveled up!

[Writing] has leveled up!

[Reading LV 28 (31/1400) - The ability to understand symbols written in a particular order. The higher the skill, the quicker and more accurately you can read the languages you understand. Current Languages: Basic, Signaling (Horde)]

[Writing LV 23 (28/1150) - The ability to write down messages in the languages you know. The higher the skill, the faster and neater your writing becomes.]

A singular beep sounded as everyone put their pencils down. The beep signaled that class ended and as such, the assignment they were working on was to be collected.

Their instructor walked around and started collecting the papers.

Tigra didn't talk to anyone, seeing as this class had no one she knew or cared to know. At this time, she's in Basic Vocabulary while Adora and Catra should be in their free period.

Once the last paper had been taken, the instructor looked at them.

"Those of you who are meeting my expectations when it comes to learning and understanding, keep it up. Those who are falling behind, pick it up. The monthly check-in is tomorrow. If you fail two monthly check-ins in a row, you may be expelled for wasting our time. Dismissed."

[Quest Added!]

Bi-Monthly Check-In (Repeatable every other month)

While in the Academy, you have learned that an exam is given every other month to make sure you are still worth teaching. If you fail more than once, you may be expelled. As this isn't your first exam, keep up the work, otherwise you may fall out of the Academy.

Objective: Pass the exam.

Reward: Continued admittance to the Academy, 400 EXP

Failure: Potential Expulsion

Everyone started packing up before Tigra left the room and headed to her final class: Gym / Battle Training.

It only took a few minutes before she lined up against the wall where she had been instructed to for the past month. She stretched lightly as she waited for the class to start.

Another few minutes went by before the instructor, Mr. Baston, started speaking.

"I know the smarter students have already stretched, but 2 laps around the room. Don't try to finish it quickly by wasting stamina. You all will be participating in a strenuous activity afterwards."

Knowing how quickly she can regain her stamina, Tigra started [Running] and didn't stop until she finished the assigned amount.

[Running] gained 16 EXP.

[Running] has leveled up!

[Running LV 4 (4/400) - While running, increases DEX by 25+ 4 %]

Tigra looked at her stamina and noticed that it only went down by 12, something that will be fixed in roughly a minute. So, she stood back near Baston as they waited for the slower students to finish up.

It did take long enough that her stamina had just finished refilling when the last student finished.

"First off, how many of you have actual combat experience?"

About ten kids raised their hands alongside Tigra.

'If living under Weaver isn't combat experience, what is?' She thought sarcastically.

"Good. We will be running simulated combat between all of you. I will need either a volunteer or I will choose two people to start off and I will not be so patient."

[Quest Added!]

Trial by Combat (repeatable)

You have been invited/forced to participate in a combat scenario. You can either wait to be called, or step up and gain more experience through combat! Note: Forfeit is considered a defeat of an opponent.

Objective: Defeat your opponent(s)

Reward: 25 EXP per opponent

"I'll volunteer." Tigra spoke up.

Baston looked at her before speaking.

"Since you're eager, how about you keep going until you can't? The only rule here will be no killing or crippling. Anything else will be fine, seeing as the tyrannical Princesses will not hold back any less."

Tigra nodded before moving to the medium sized circle on the floor.

"Sarah, you're up first!" Baston called out.

A smooth scaled lizardfolk girl stepped into the circle.

[Sarah Age: 8]

[Level 2  Reputation: Acquaintance]

HP: 120

"On my say." He started.

Tigra tensed her muscles and figured she shouldn't use her claws just yet. She isn't sure how much punishment her fellow students can take. She didn't want Baston to give some form of punishment for an accidental death.


Tigra dashed forward before throwing a straight punch into Sarah's shoulder.

22 non-lethal damage inflicted!

She dismissed the confirmation with a glance as she landed another hit to her chest. Sarah threw a sloppy punch, which Tigra focused on avoiding. A notification popped up again, but Tigra focused on her opponent.

Tigra shot out a kick into the girl's waist, bending her over slightly. Not wanting to drag out the first fight and already seeing that Sarah likely wasn't one of the kids who raised their hand, she threw a strong right straight into her nose.

While it didn't break, her 8 year old body was not strong enough to do such a thing yet, it did cause Sarah to close her eyes and cry out from the sudden pain. Tigra followed up by slamming her closed fist into her gut.

Tigra stepped out of the way as Sarah dropped to her knees, clutching her gut.

Sarah HP: 23/120

Tigra looked at Baston who, upon seeing her looking at him instead of her opponent, spoke up.

"It is not over until I speak, a surrender is given, or one is knocked unconscious." Baston informed everyone. "Especially since you are placed in the last slot of the day, I know that you won't be missing any other class for the day. I am training you to fight, to win. That means you will be in pain, will be causing pain, until the day you graduate and are sent out to help Lord Hordak finish this war."

"I…surrender…" Sarah wheezed out.

Tigra moved back to her starting point and noticed that her stamina was placed at 95/100 and a new skill had appeared during that fight.

[New skill acquired: [Dodge]]

[Dodge LV 1 (5/100) - The ability to avoid a hit during a fight. At higher levels, the chance to successfully avoid getting hit from a faster opponent or otherwise increases.]

[Hand-To-Hand] gained 80 EXP

[Dash] has gained 12 EXP

10 EXP gained

"Next up, Lukan." A Human boy stepped forward into the ring.

[Lukan Age: 8]

[Level: 3  Relationship: Acquaintance]

HP: 140


The boy has moved towards her, meeting her dash with his own it seemed. Tigra ducked into his guard before landing a hit into the middle of his chest. Being this close, she swung her other arm forward and managed to land a blow just as he tried to gain a small amount of room to get her out of his guard.

Tigra moved to follow but had to throw up her arms to blow a wide blow from his left arm. She pushed the blow to the side before ramming her shoulder into Lukan's chest, pushing him back.

She took a breath before pouncing on him and slammed a good punch into his face, knocking him off balance and onto the ground. Still on top of him, she followed it up with a second and third punch before standing off of him and placing her foot on his chest.

"I can keep going. I haven't been hurt and am barely tired. Another two, maybe three punches is all it will take to knock you unconscious at this rate." Tigra informed before leaning down to him. "So do you give? You have three seconds before I decide that you do not."

The first second passed with only a groan from the boy. The second is his eyes opening and glaring at her. The third had just begun before he opened his mouth.

"You're just talk." He bluffed.

Tigra's pupils contracted before blood fell on the ground.

26 Slashing damage dealt! [Bleeding] condition has been inflicted!

"Finished!" Baston declared.

Tigra stepped back as Lukan closed his eyes as he held his left shoulder, blood seeping through his fingers.

"Lukan, take your defeat with dignity. Now go get that looked at since you all haven't learned first aid yet." Baston ordered.

Lukan took a moment to get up and walk out of the circle.

"Let that be a lesson to all of you." Baston started. "If you plan to taunt your enemy, you better have a plan better than getting the last word in. Tigra, good for remembering that I want them injured, not dead."

Tigra nodded before standing back in place.

"Who's next?"

[Hand-To-Hand] gained 84 EXP

[Dash] gained 16 EXP

10 EXP gained

Would you prefer to see the gains at the end of the quest?

[ Y /N]

*40 minutes later*

Tigra ducked under a punch before slamming her fist into Buuka's throat, causing the Canine hybrid to grasp his throat, leaving him open to her knee to the gut. Buuka fell to the ground before hitting the ground three times, indicating he surrendered.

"Finished!" Baston declared for the last time. "This has proven informative. For most of you, you will be staying in this class to learn the basics. However, it seems that you have a lot of talent for fighting, Tigra."

Tigra nodded as she breathed hard.

HP: 118/200 STM: 14/100

"So, I'll be putting in the recommendation of having you bump up one class for fighting. If you're lucky, it could have you graduating and entering combat early."

He looked at her now. "For now, you are excused from class for today, seeing as I need to get these weaklings into shape if you're that far ahead of them. Dismissed, Student Tigra."

Tigra saluted before walking away.

[Quest [Trial by Combat] Completed!]

Objective: Defeat your opponent(s) [29/29]

Reward: 25 EXP x29

EXP gained: 270 + 725 EXP = 995 EXP

Leveled up (2x)!

[Hand-To-Hand] gained 2295 EXP

[Hand-To-Hand] has reached LV 5! DEX+1

[Dash] gained 378 EXP

[Dash] has leveled up!

[Run] gained 130 EXP

[Hand-To-Hand LV 8 (259/800) - Increases damage done from weaponless attacks by 16%.]

[Dash LV 7 (77/700) - Multiplies DEX by (150%+ 7 %).]


LV 4 (465/700)

HP: 200 HPR: 20

MP: 130 MPR: 22

STM: 100 SMR: 10

STR: 3 DEX: 14

CON: 8 INT: 13

WIS: 11 CHA: 2

Att. Points: 15

Skill Points: 3

Tigra made her way back to the barracks and found it empty, which she understood, seeing as the others wouldn't be back for about an hour.

So, she activated Fire and her hands suddenly caught alight. By using Fire on both of her hands, she was using twice the amount of Magic Cost [34] per minute, which would drain her MP entirely in four minutes. However, doing this method gives Fire 2 EXP per second as opposed to the 1 EXP per second.

So, that's what she did for a bit. It leveled up four minutes later, reducing the cost to [32] using this method. However, she did need to wait 6 minutes to do it again. Doing it again gave her another 480 EXP, leveling it to 5. After 20 minutes, she gained 970 more EXP, leveling it to 7.

Having been at it for half an hour, she did grow a bit more happy at seeing that she could use this method for five minutes now, increasing the amount of EXP she could earn in one sitting. With enough time to do it three times but only fully recharge twice, she continued. The first round gained her 600 EXP, the second 650 EXP, and the third gained her 710 EXP.

[Fire LV 9 (728/900)]

Magic Control: 8%

[Magic Control - Due to mastering different spells, you are able to use your magic more efficiently. All spells gain a bonus of 8 % based on the purpose. Be it damage, healing, or protecting.]

Tigra had been laying on the bed when the barrack door opened, revealing a worried Adora and Catra following behind her. Adora had yet to look at Tigra and seemed to be talking about something.

"Seriously, she wasn't at Medical, despite the rumors we heard. I mean, surely if it was true, she would at least need to see them after, right?"

Catra did nothing but stare at the relaxed Tigra with a raised eyebrow, who waved.

"Tigra, did you really defeat your entire class back to back?" Catra asked, causing Adora to stop worrying and swing around to look at where Catra was looking.

"Yeah. But only like five of them even knew how to properly throw a punch. Only had to use my claws twice and one of them was because they got on my nerves." Tigra admitted.

"Tigra! You're…fine?" She seemed to ask.

"Yes, Dor. Before you ask, I barely got hurt from start to finish. I was too quick for them." Tigra dismissed. "How did your days go?"

"Nothing interesting. Our class is preparing for the exam tomorrow." Catra spoke. "Nothing like your day. However, there is talk of some town rebelling near one of the kingdoms."

They continued chatting for a while, letting Tigra relax from the presence of these two.

Next chapter