

Tadiwa Michaels (POV)

I was very nervous as I drove my car in a direction that I wasn’t expecting to go for a very long time.

However, with my mother and father sitting with me in the car, I knew that I shouldn’t show it much, otherwise I would expose myself. And I didn’t want my parents to be worried or start questioning me.

I knew how important the dinner was for them and if I were to mess up; I was definitely going to be punished, and I didn’t want that at all.

Driving through the Hillside Garden Estate after registering, I skillfully drove my way on a road I hadn’t driven for nearly a year so far.

Would he be there when I arrive? Would he remember me? Would he catch up to my feelings?

I was feeling so complicated as I drove my car. I was indeed very afraid, excited, and anxious about where I was going.

It was also a place that held my deepest secret, one that I had hidden from everyone close to me. And if they were ever to find out about it, I was worried that I would be scorned by the world.

It was that frustrating, and I just didn’t know what to do about that.

It didn’t take long before I reached the gate and since the guards seemed to know that we were coming; the gate was opened quickly, and I drove the car into the spacious yard.

As someone who had been in the same yard many times before, the luxuriousness no longer fazed me at all. Only the person that was probably inside that house was the one that always continued to faze me.

That person was my secret crush. The person who had been holding my heart for as long as I could remember.

That person was my forbidden love. The person I wanted to hide deeply in my heart and never expose. I wanted to love that person so much, be in the embrace of my beloved, but I knew very well that was impossible, for I would never be able to achieve that.

The possibility of the relationship even happening was doomed from the start, and the knowledge of that infuriated me so much.

And no matter what I do, I guess that it will never change. Maybe I should visit less and instead of coming continuously.

I parked the car at an empty lot and began to touch here and there as I delayed going out.

My parents didn’t take long before they were out and I could tell that my mother was the most anxious and excited out of the two.

How could she not be excited when she was about to meet her idol?/

Seeing that I was delaying, my father, who had taken a few steps, suddenly called out to me, “Don’t take long, boy!”

Flashing a fake smile at him, I responded to him, “I will be with you shortly.”

Upon hearing that, my father followed my mother, leaving me behind.

I delayed in the car catching up on my breath and sorting out my feelings, for I didn’t want to be caught and shame myself in the process.

Seeing that the clock was ticking, I decided that it was time, otherwise I could end up shaming my parents for keeping the elders waiting.

As I stood outside the car, I checked my outfit once more, and satisfied with how I was looking, I began to make my way into the familiar house.

“It’s good to see you again, Tadiwa!“ Sarah welcomed me warmly as soon as I reached the door.

I smiled at the friendly maid who I didn’t hate, for she was good with people and responded back, “It’s nice seeing you too, Sarah. How have you been?”

Sarah smiled at me as she ushered me inside the house. “All has been well. And school?”

I sighed helplessly as I thought of my studies, but still responded, “Don’t even start. I wish I could finish soon!”

“Hehe,” Sarah chuckled as she looked at me while shaking her head, “that’s the only way to go. You wouldn’t want to end up getting a low-income job in the future.”

I smiled at her and nodded my head in agreement. “I will keep that in mind.”

“Everyone is waiting in the living room. Please head there!” Sarah informed me as she pointed in the direction.

I looked at her gratefully before I made my way towards where Sarah had pointed me to.

Walking in that direction, I couldn’t help but start overhearing my parents and the Chuma couple talking and laughing.

“It’s been long since we had a dinner like this. We should visit each other frequently!” a rich voice belonging to none other than Ba Leo sounded from a distance.

“Indeed, we should. It’s not like we can ever finish working!” Ma Leo added to the conversation.

“Hehe, that’s true, but you know that what we want is not something that we usually get,” my father said helplessly.

“That’s true!” Ma Leo helplessly added as well.

Hearing that everyone was cheerful, I found myself stepping into the living room, attracting the attention of the four people that were already seated and enjoying their time.

Facing the adults, as an obedient child I found myself bowing slightly towards them as a greeting before opening my mouth to greet them, “How are you, Ma and Ba Leo?” with a smile on my face.

“Well, well, well. Aren’t you growing up very quickly?” Ma Leo, being a cheerful person like she was, teased me as soon as I was done.

I smiled shyly at her as I made my way to the empty sofa without glancing at Ba Leo, the man who made me nervous even from a distance.

“He is indeed all grown up and looking at him. I just can’t help but think of Leo. Our kids are growing up fast!” Ba Leo said as his gaze was fixated on me.

Seeing those deep brown eyes looking at me, I felt my whole body shutting down. He was looking at him, and that’s all I could think about.

The person that I desperately wanted to hide in my heart. My first love and forbidden crush I would never afford to have, Anesu Chuma. My best friend’s father.

How messed up that was?

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