
Arrayed in black

Music recommendation : Dressed in black by Sia.

School's bar.

Courtesy of Derek.

[Scottie's Pov]

I wonder who posted that photo of me and Lenin. I tired dialling his number he wouldn't pick up. If he knew who posted both the video and the photo, it's only right he tells me. Why the heck was he being such a jerk about it? I slammed my phone face down on the counter and leaned my head on the table.

'I think we should clear this out.' That was a quick reply from Matty.

I lift my head and find him plopped on the seat next to me.

I stretched my hand out and the waiter passed me a glass of what looked like flavoured ice and I slurped a little.

When I was done, I tried to talk. 'Can we not talk right now?'

'Take five.' Matty said.

'Fine.' I dunk another glass till I confirmed I've got enough liquid courage to blab the nonsense that's about to escape my lips.

'Should I give you another moment to compose yourself? You look like shit.' Matty said flatly.

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