
God will punish you

While lying on my bed, I buried my face in my pillow and screamed. Mum wasn't upset anymore because Lin had told her that she hung out with us (me, Jacob and Levi). Dad let us know how knackered he felt the moment he landed in the chair with a heavy sigh. He didn't even ask how I was. He always asks how I feel whenever he arrives home from work. Now, he doesn't? What is wrong with everybody today? And Johnny. Oh God. Johnny kept pestering me for his money. I had to plead with him to be patient and weirdly, he agreed. Everyone's having either a good day or a bad day. I had worse. All because of Levi !

'How could he do that to me?! That bastard!' I screamed louder in my pillow.

'Queen? You okay?' It's father.

I sit up immediately. 'I'm fine.'

There's a knock on the door.

'Come in.' I reply softly.

Dad enters with his left hand behind his back. He's hiding something.

'Hey.' he smiles.

'Hi.' I smile back.

He enters my room. His left hand still behind his back. What's he hiding?

'I figured you'd still be awake.'

I pull my knees to my chest. Acting all insecure in front of daddy. Ugh ! Charlotte get a grip.

He sits on my bed and pats the side next to him. 'You okay?'

I go to sit next to him. 'No.'

There's no point in lying to my dad or anyone. Most people can read me like an open book. Most people.

'Your mum told me what happened in your school. You were bullied?' he started.

I look down. It's a lie. I was never bullied. That school is - - -

Dad revealed what he was hiding. It was a long gift box. I wonder what was inside. 'I'm sorry I was upset when you yelled at me.'

No. 'Dad, I'm sorry. I'm the one at fault.' Now, I'm guilty. My parents blame themselves and it's hurting me that I lied. Well, Jacob and Levi did the lying because they did most of the talking. LEVI !

'I will march to that school tomorrow and let the school president have a piece of my mind.' Dad frowns.

'Oh no. That will just aggravate the problem. I'll be fine, dad. I told our neighbours about it and they offered to help me.' I lied again. Goddammit.

Dad lifts an eyebrow. He hasn't met Cindy and her family yet. 'Neighbours?'

'Yeah. They moved in 2 days ago. Apparently, two of the couple's kids attend my school.' I smile.

Dad stroke his neatly shaved chin. 'Are they boys?'

How did he know?

'Yes.' I reply.

'And these boys are safe? Your mum is certain they're good boys.' Dad squints his eyes.

I almost laugh. He's becoming the "overprotective" dad again. He will probably be wary of Levi when he sees him.

A smile crept up my lips and I look down at the present in my palms.

'Thank you, father.' I embraced him.

He pats my back softly. 'It's alright, Queen.'

We both pull away.

He pats my hair and I try not to wince in pain. Levi's minion had pulled too hard on my scalp when he attacked me. 'I prefer the old look.'

'Me too.' I laugh. It's true. Straight hair is so not me. I'm curling it back.

Dad alights from the bed with a smile. 'I'll be home early tomorrow. We can both watch your favourite anime.'

I stop him. 'No.'

'No. Is something wrong, Queen?' The lines on his forehead shows he's worried.

'There won't be any need for that.' Suddenly, I become nervous. Would he say "no" to my request?

'And why is that?' Dad folded his arm over his chest. His classic interrogative posture.

'I'll be going to school tomorrow.' I blurt out.

Dad looks at my right arm. 'Yeah. I'm gonna need more convincing.'

He turns to leave and I follow him. 'Father, you told me that if I had any problem, I should come to you.'

Dad replied nonchalantly. I'm pissed. 'And I've seen the problem. The arm.'

I stand in front of him blocking his path. 'The arm can't be a problem. I'm ambidextrous.'

He lifts an eyebrow. 'Since when?'

'Back in London, Sophie taught me how to use my left hand to do....things.' I was unsure of my explanation. There's nothing PG-rated in what she taught me. Please, I'm a holy kid.

'Hmm. Prove it.' Father concluded. Just as I suspected.

- - - - - -

'So what you're saying is that you're both left handed and right handed?' Johnny popped a chip in his mouth.

'Yep.' I nod proudly.

'Lame.' he rolled his eyes. How rude.

I scoff. 'Being ambidextrous is a rare talent. Don't be jealous.' I'll prove it to you.

He's about to retort when our parents walked in. Ha! I won.

I take my favourite pen and look at mum. 'You ready?'

Mum observes me closely but says nothing.

I begin to write on the paper given and they are all amazed that I wrote up to 7 lines of that page with my left hand. To top it all, my handwriting appeared brilliantly neat.

'Wow. You were right, Queen.' Dad is startled. In a good way.

Mum gives me her surprise look. 'Wow, it seemed as though Sophie knew you might get hurt in the future and taught you how to write with your left hand.'

My eyes almost narrowed at mum. Does she now see my injury as a blessing? Because I can use my left hand to write?

Is that it?

'Cool.' Johnny said indifferently. Of course, nothing I do ever impresses him.

My parents watch me lift my books and school bag with my left hand. I eat with my left. They found it disrespectful. LMAO. In the end, after much deliberations with his dear wife, daddy agreed to let me go to school. Of course, there was a condition. That he meet the Wright brothers. I saw no problem with that, however, I wondered if he would change his mind if he sees Levi. Immediately, a scowl made it's way to my face and I clenched my fists. That asshole.

'You okay, Queen?' asked mum. She probably caught me grimacing.

I turn the ugly expression on my face to a smile. 'Never better.'

* * * *


Levi walks into the living room. He paddles to the kitchen and turns to the fridge. Pulling it open, he hears a familiar masculine voice.

'Ahmed called.' It was dad.

'So?' Levi took out a bottle of water.

'You didn't visit the hospital! Jacob has been going alone! What the hell is wrong with you?' David roared angrily.

Cindy rushed into the scene. A worried look expressed on her beautiful face. 'What's going on?'

David points at Levi. 'No matter what I say, this boy never listens. He refuses to go to the hospital.'

'Honey, he needs time. You know, he was affected the most with Marie's sudden passing.' Cindy knew what she was getting into. Her husband needed gentle persuasion.

David said nothing. His emotions said it all.

To Levi, Cindy pleaded. 'Levi, please. Try and visit the hospital in your free time.'

Levi scoffs. 'Both of you act like you care but when Marie was suffering and needed help, what the hell did you do?!' He yelled in the last part.

'What the hell did we do? There was obviously nothing we could do to help the poor woman. She was already dying!' David yelled back.

'Fucking asshole.' Levi stormed upstairs.

David watched in amazement. Cindy held him by the arm. 'Let him be. He's going through a lot.'

Levi slammed the door of the room as he walked in.

Jacob jolts from bed. 'Jesus. Who's there?'

Levi turns on the light in the room and sits behind the personal desk. 'Fuck.' His fists were clenched tightly. He was clearly upset.

'You okay?' Jacob knows his brother is upset. It has become a tradition for Levi to sleep in his (Jacob's) room whenever he's angry.

Levi ran his hand through his hair and exhales sharply. 'Dude, just tell me something funny before I punch someone.'

Jacob looked at his phone and thought of what to say. What funny thing could he say now at 10pm? Usually, Levi would just march into the room and head straight to bed but now, he wants to be put in a good mood. Who's the angel behind it?

'Umm....Remember the look on Charlotte's face when we told her our parents let us skip school?' Jacob laughs as he reminisce.

'Its not funny.' Levi takes to his feet.

'Made you smile though.' Jacob smiled.

'Whatever.' Levi heads to the door.

'You're not sleeping here?' Jacob is confused. Where is Levi going?

'Grow up, dude.' Levi hold the door open and walks through it, leaving it ajar.

Jacob called out. 'You could've at least closed the door.'

Levi goes to his room. He knew falling asleep alone would be difficult but he had to man up. He was the big bad wolf. Suddenly, Charlotte came into his mind and he laughed. He recalled her surprised reaction when he kissed her. A grin made its way to his face. Then he smiled. In the process of taking off T-shirt off, he hears a ping. He puts it back on and takes his phone out of his pocket and peered at the screen. It was an e-mail from Charlotte. She demanded to know where her phone was. Levi was confused at first then his mind went back to the moment she stormed out of their house on Monday night. He had followed her and watch her fling her phone angrily. He replied her message. In the e-mail, he said he did his worst by throwing the phone away. Immediately, a red light flashed in his room. It came through his window. He smiled and walked to his window. There she was. Probably 20 feet away. Glaring at him with what seemed like a torch clutched in her left hand. He blew a kiss at her to annoy her and it worked. She was still glaring at him. If looks could kill, he would be in his grave. Keeping aside her torch, she types away on her phone. He hears a ping and looks at his phone. It's another IM from her.

It read : 'God will punish you.'

He laughs and give his response. 'You're right. He punished me with amazing good looks. I wonder what will come next.'

He lifted his eyes from his phone. Charlotte probably feels like strangling him to death right now.

She tells him that there were important things in that phone but he honestly didn't care.

'I pray that one day when you sit on the steps of your house, lightning smites you.' That was her last message. She pulled her cottons together and vanished from the window. He laughs and walk away from his.

'This girl's funny. I even forgot to tease her about the kiss.'

Levi takes his shirt off and throws them on the floor. Crashing on his bed, he begins to type away at his phone. Occasionally, his eyes fell on his drawer and he would look away. Eventually, he dragged himself out of bed and went to it. Slowly, pulling it open, his eyes fell on a pouch. He unzips it and remove the content. It was an IPhone 14. He pushes the power button and the phone comes to life. On the screen is the picture of Charlotte hugging another girl. Taking the phone to his bed, he is slides right, unlocking it. They're the several calls and messages mostly from a Sophie. But there was a message from a foreign number. Carelessly tapping on the screen, the message is revealed. He reads it's content aloud.

"Hey, Charlotte. It's George. Your George from London."

Levi scoffs then continues.

"Sophia gave me your number. I had wanted to talk to you before you left for the U.S but didn't get the chance to. I regret not saying goodbye. I miss you."

Levi begins to laugh. 'Who is this? An ex boyfriend? A wierdo? The person must know this Sophia and that number's code is that of England.

An idea came to his mind and he replied the fella. 'Who the fuck are you?'

Note : Follow me on Instagram @ Adira_Hikari and on discord @ Adira Hikari.

Much love

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