

"I am Aurelius the Immortal, AND I WILL RULE OVER ALL!"

Breathing heavily, All For One turned to the man he had declared his worst enemy. With the exception of his brother, he hated every user of One for All, especially All Might. How could he not hate the man who nearly killed Hom, robbing him of his sight and much of his mobility. He had never looked at Toshinori Yagi with a fearful expression prior to this day, but it's not like anyone would notice with his lack of a face. "Why did you interrupt our fight?" AFO asked, "This has nothing to do with you."

Aurelius spoke, "Oh but it does. I created quirks and you take advantage of my gift. I could have taken them away when I gained my powers, but I chose not to. I wanted to see what humanity would do with a fraction of my power, yet you have disappointed me. You could have been great, a king among men. Trading power, or taking it for yourself. Instead you've spent most of your life chasing after an ability you created. It's been 200 years. You don't deserve to live in my domain."

Aurelius reached out with his right arm and clenched his fist. At the same moment, AFO exploded, showering their surroundings with red blood. The people didn't know what to think. A man who was fighting All Might, killed so quickly by this mysterious man named Aurelius. All Might himself was shaken. 'How powerful is this person to kill All For One so easily?" he thought to himself. All Might cocked his fist back, ready to do whatever it took to stop this intruder, but was struck frozen from Aurelius's next words.

Aurelius said, "Very well, you make a nice argument Ms. Shimura. I will not kill you today Mr. Yagi, you have a more important role to complete now."

Toshinori was shocked, how did this man know his master? If only he knew what was to come would be far worse. While All Might was trying to process Aurelius's words, Aurelius beckoned for the cameras to come closer. The helicopter flew down, the reporter desperate to hear what he had to say. Aurelius made himself presentable. He created an outfit using shadows, styled his hair, and made his eyes glow. And then he began his declaration.

Principal Nezu had been watching the events in Kamino while in the company of Pro Heroes Eraserhead and Vlad King. He had been the one to come up with much of the plan, so he was desperate to see if it would work. At first he feared his work was meaningless when All For One joined the fight, but then something happened that even he could not properly comprehend. The world itself seemed to break, reality shattering like glass, only for it to immediately repair itself. The strangest thing was that nobody noticed.

Nezu theorized that he was able to sense what occurred because of his animalistic nature, and humans were just unable to perceive this event. 'It doesn't make sense,' he thought, 'what could cause something like that. I doubt it's from All For One, so what could it be? Maybe-'

His thoughts were cut short by the arrival of a mysterious figure. When he was introduced, he stood there in silence. The person who created quirks? They were just genetic mutations. And why would he call himself a god? Is it another stupid human, or could this person truly back up his claims? Then All For One exploded.

Nezu thought, 'Now this could be interesting.'

Izuku was crying (like usual). All Might was trapped in a battle with a dangerous villain and he felt like it was all his fault. Sure they rescued Kacchan, but he didn't want his mentor to be hurt either. Then a new person arrived.

Izuku missed most of what this person said, too focused on how All Might was doing. That was, until All For One exploded. He started to think, 'Who is this person? What's their quirk? Did they just kill someone? Is All Might ok?'

"SHUT UP NERD!" Bakugo yelled. "Save your stupid mumbling for later. Besides, All Might never loses."

As the camera angle changed, Izuku started paying to attention to Aurelius. And then Aurelius spoke. And then the entire world heard.

"Hear me world. My name is Aurelius. I gifted all of you with quirks when I became a god, and you've taken them for granted. People are bullied and abused for how they look, made fun of for quirks they don't have. Heroes are worshiped and thought to do no wrong. You classify anyone you don't like as a villain, to stubborn to understand what is truly important. Power should be used by those who deserve it, and there are far too many people who have lost that privilege. I will change the world I rule over, and to accomplish that I will do whatever is needed, even if I have to destroy this universe and rebuild it piece by piece.'

The earth beneath Aurelius seemed to ripple, before a layer of golden light rapidly spread. The ground grew mouths, and the earth itself began to scream in pain.

Aurelius began to speak once more, "Mother Earth, I grant you the right to decide the fate of the life that parasitizes you. What is your choice?"

"LEt thEm tRY aGAin"

"Very well. In accordance with the will of the world, I shall give mankind one more chance to change. I will choose 5 arbiters of justice to enforce the new rules. Any who disobey will be stripped of their power."

The entire world was enthralled in Aurelius's speech. Nobody could stop listening. Then Aurelius began to glow and grow in size, only stopping when he was visible to every living creature.

"This is my declaration as your immortal god.

I am in control.

I am always watching.

Obey my every command.

Bow down and worship me.

I am Aurelius, the strongest to ever live, and YOUR NEW GOD!"

So in case you can’t tell, I’ve screwed up canon massively. I’m sure I’ve made one of the arbiters fairly obvious, but I’m curious at to what people think the others might be. Suggestions always appreciated :)

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