In the waters of the Grand Line, known as the graveyard of pirates, the Kirigakure Pirate Crew observed the ever-changing weather conditions. They had just entered the Grand Line, but already, they had experienced extreme weather changes. Fortunately, the crew proved resilient in the face of these challenging weather conditions.
Utakata, their captain, was currently examining a bounty poster. It was his own bounty, bearing the name 'Saiken Utakata' with a value of 60 million berries.
After Vice Admiral Philip regained consciousness, he promptly reported the Kirigakure Pirates to the Marine Headquarters. As he finished conveying the information to Admiral Sengoku, a bubble suddenly appeared, covering his entire head, and he suffocated. It was one of Utakata's techniques that had been implanted into Vice Admiral Philip's body.
On the Kirigakure ship, the crew was in the midst of a spirited celebration as news of Captain Utakata's bounty began to circulate across the sea. Wine bottles were uncorked, and laughter filled the vessel.
Utakata turned to Kenny, speaking with a sense of pride, "It seems we're starting to make a name in the Grand Line."
Kenny raised his glass and grinned, "Haha, Captain Utakata, from now on, you'll be hunted by bounty hunters."
"Let them come, but only if they can," Utakata responded confidently.
The crew members heard this and cheered, toasting with their glasses.
Amidst the celebration, one crew member shouted, "Captain, where is our next destination in the Grand Line?"
Utakata paused for a moment, gazing toward the mysterious waters, then replied, "Our next destination is an island known as Tea Island. There, we will seek supplies and, hopefully, new crew members. Finding a shipwright would be beneficial."
The crew members nodded in agreement, their enthusiasm undiminished, and no one took offense. They understood that strength lay in numbers, and adding new crew members was essential. If anyone fell in battle, it only meant they were weak.