
Chapter 212: She Had Grown Up

"Joseph has implemented beneficial policies to actively support the film and television industry. I've achieved success once again. Naturally, the opposing faction won't let go of this opportunity." While Kelly spoke, Louise, seemingly unable to find a proper place for it, placed a pink water bottle in front of Kelly and gestured.

Kelly gave her a disapproving look and continued, "Tyler Perry is one of the agents they've brought to the forefront."

Martin clarified, "It's not just about revenge; it involves business competition and higher-level politics."

Louise questioned, "Even if he intends to pursue something unprofitable, will others support him?"

Kelly then asked Martin, "Do you think he's targeting you?"

"It probably isn't me, just an illusion," Martin replied. He had mentioned the driver earlier and brought it up again, asking Kelly, "The Methodist Church is well-acquainted with us."

Kelly lowered her head, biting the straw of Louise's water bottle, and took a few sips of water, then said, "I've done too many wrong things. I'm always concerned about someone getting back at me."

Martin didn't deny it but added with a smirk, "I belong to you, and I'd only willingly let you get back at me."

Kelly and Louise both chuckled.

Kelly, who was not only creating waves but also contemplating deeply, remarked, "They might use you as a point of entry."

Martin also speculated on this and commented, "They're skilled at picking targets. They always choose the most honest ones to exploit." He looked at Kelly and added, "I don't understand the business and politics at the higher levels. I'll have to rely on you."

Kelly, who had a grasp of the truth, couldn't possibly believe this kind of nonsense. She responded with a playful smirk, "I'll help you keep it low-key."

Martin achieved his goal and asked, "How low-key are we talking?"

Kelly simply laughed and didn't provide a specific answer. Instead, she said, "We're not isolated individuals, and Taylor isn't either. Without adequate preparation and assurance, he won't take action. You shouldn't rush things. You won't be fooled until you let yourself be fooled." After thinking for a moment, she added, "You can be a bait that strikes back at any moment."

Martin knew what she meant and assured her, "I'll act accordingly."

"Okay, it's time to discuss the troublesome matters and the enjoyable ones," Louise chimed in, tossing away the water bottle, hugging Kelly, and playfully biting her.

Kelly turned to look at Martin, her eyes pleading for assistance. She briefly escaped Louise's embrace and called out, "Help me!"

The next morning, Martin failed to wake up on time.

Fortunately, there were no scenes for him to shoot in the morning.

Continuous overnight shoots were grueling; after all, one's adversaries could always take turns resting.

Martin, feeling exhausted yet strong, made his way to a restaurant for breakfast. There, he ran into Jolie.

Jolie spoke softly, "Teacher Martin, I have a few questions. After breakfast, can you come to my trailer and teach me?"

Martin, being resolute at that moment, was not swayed in the least. He quickly came up with an excuse, "I have something important to attend to in Marietta, so I won't have the time."

Yesterday, Lily had called and asked him to meet for dinner. Martin had readily agreed.

Jolie nodded, "We'll finish work in the afternoon. I'll be waiting for you at the trailer. It's a plan."

Martin then turned and headed to the seafood section of the cafeteria, where he noticed oysters on display.

After having a meal and taking a short break, Martin got into a crew car and drove to Marietta.

Following closely behind him was Bruce.

Martin deliberately made a few turns during the drive, ensuring that Bruce wouldn't notice the tail behind them.

Upon reaching Marietta Middle School, where school was about to conclude for the day, Martin parked the car diagonally across from the school's entrance.

It didn't take long for Lily to exit the school, surrounded by seven or eight girls.

"I've got some business today; you can all go ahead," she told them. Upon spotting Martin's car, she walked over, knocked on the passenger window, opened the door, and got in.

Martin gestured towards the school gates, "Are you their leader?"

Lily raised her nose arrogantly, "Don't mind those bitches or even those boys. I'll deal with whoever I want."

"Are you rich enough to treat me?" Martin started the car and headed to Rosario's Restaurant in downtown Marietta.

Lily chuckled and replied, "I get a commission from selling star naming rights. Those love-struck fools willingly pay up just to get in the girls' good graces."

As they drove past the school, numerous cars were parked along the sides of the road.

In one of those cars, Kyle exclaimed, "Did you see her? Isn't she beautiful?"

Sitting in the passenger seat was Shermer, an African American actor who had grown up in Atlanta and later worked in Los Angeles. He couldn't help but remark, "Her figure may not be as great as Blake Lively's, but she's much prettier in the face."

Kyle expressed his resentment, "Martin Davis is such a jerk!"

Shermer, an African American actor from South City, questioned, "Is Tyler Perry really going to mess with the him?"

Kyle nodded, "Are you afraid?"

"Afraid? People from South City don't know the meaning of fear!" Shermer, whose origins made Tyler Perry his patron, added, "Does Martin Davis really have such a fetish, despite having plenty of women?"

Kyle, unaware that Lily had just entered Martin's car, continued, "Martin spent a lot of time in Los Angeles and had very close contact with this girl. Don't forget about Blake as well. Taylor even questioned the star from the Traveling pants crew, Amber, and she made it clear that Martin's relationship with Blake is abnormal."

He turned to Shermer, saying, "Find a way to get him involved in the plan."

Shermer shook his head, "We're not on the same crew, so we can't interact directly. Martin has a friend who is black, but that guy hangs around middle-aged and elderly women all day..."

Kyle said, "I'm not asking you to rush. The boss will give you plenty of time."

Shermer nodded thoughtfully, "I'll think about it carefully. I won't force it. Compared to my compatriots in Nancheng who only know how to use force, I'm a bit smarter."

After a moment of contemplation, Shermer remembered someone, "There's a guy who attended the same acting training class in Los Angeles as I did. He's an actor on Martin's crew and claimed to have a good relationship with him. Maybe we can start with him."

Kyle inquired, "Is he suitable?"

Shermer recalled something the guy had mentioned, "I tried to get some information from him first, and he seemed to have a penchant for younger girls..."

Kyle understood and cautioned, "Take your time, don't alert them."

"I understand." Shermer checked the time and said, "Could you drop me off at the film and television base? It's almost lunchtime, and I'll have lunch with him."

Kyle started the car and left Marietta.

Shermer arrived back at the film and television base just in time for lunch.

In the cafeteria, he found Criss Pratt with ease.

The two sat at a dining table, chatting as they ate.

Shermer casually steered the conversation towards Martin, "I heard someone say that Martin had an affair with Jolie yesterday?"

Criss Pratt replied, "You've been on many film sets, and it's not uncommon for lead actors to get close."

Shermer, feigning envy, said, "Being a star must be great. Whether it's with men or women, you can always find someone."

Pratt leaned back and jokingly warned, "You're not into men, are you?"

Shermer assured him, "Of course not! I'm only interested in women." He sighed, "Unfortunately, I haven't been with a woman since I came here."

Pratt sympathized, "Same here. Atlanta is so unfamiliar to me."

Shermer smiled, "You have an Atlantan right in front of you. When I have some free time, I'll take you out."

Pratt accepted the offer, "Sure, just don't take me to any shady places."

Shermer secretly reminded him not to rush things, "Of course, it'll be a regular nightclub."

After lunch, the two agreed to finish work and go out together in the afternoon.


Rosario's Restaurant.

Lily enjoyed the delicious barbecue and asked Martin, "Are you really planning to buy Elena a house?"

Martin corrected her firmly, "No, I hired her as the Coca-Cola Cult's saint. The house will be a gift years from now. It's part of her part-time salary."

Lily swallowed a bite of roasted meat and offered herself, "Why did you choose Elena? I'm younger and more suitable than her!"

Martin glanced at Lily and replied, "You just focus on going to school and don't think about it. It's complicated."

Lily mumbled, "I want to be a saint."

Martin responded, "Wait until you're in college."

"I can do what Elena does!" Lily began to say but stopped herself with a mouthful of meat in her mouth.

She had grown up and was no longer the foul-mouthed girl she once was.

She also understood that society wouldn't tolerate people like that.

As for the alternative crowd, Lily glanced at Martin. She remembered vividly that Martin had mentioned once how he disliked women with tattoos, piercings, and drug issues.

Martin asked, "You're good at carving. Do you want me to help you find a carving teacher?"

Lily considered for a moment and said, "Let's put that on hold for now. I'll wait until I apply to university." She then asked with enthusiasm, "Can I visit the set this weekend?"

Looking at the beautiful girl across from him and thinking about the creeps on the crew, Martin shook his head firmly and said he didn't have time. "I'll be leaving Atlanta the day after tomorrow to return to Los Angeles," he explained.

Lily was taken aback, "Leaving so soon?"

Martin clarified briefly, "There's a movie I starred in, 'Sisterhood Of Traveling Pants,' premiering this weekend. According to the actor's contract, I have to attend."

This movie had gained considerable attention due to the Burbank High School incident and Martin's involvement. Lily had also heard about it. "Okay, we'll wait until you come back," she agreed.

After dinner, Martin drove Lily back to school, returned to the film and television base, and continued shooting in the afternoon.

Most of the scenes shot in soundstages were interior shots.

For the few scenes set in the streets of New York, the crew used green screens extensively, with the backgrounds to be added later.

In the late afternoon, Martin and Jolie entered the same trailer for another round of special tutoring, even though he felt that these women in their thirties were quite intimidating.

During this time, Jolie encouraged Martin to call Louise or Kelly, but he dismissed the idea.

As Martin prepared to leave for Los Angeles, Jolie was also planning to return.

Most of her scenes were opposite Martin, so filming without him was impossible.

So, the two decided to take the same flight back to Los Angeles.

Next chapter