
Chapter 2.5: Nelia Cunningham's Ambition

Six Nations News, July 22nd Morning Edition




Mulnite Empress Karen Helvetius held a secret meeting with Commander Karla Amatsu, one of the Heavenly Paradise's Five Imperial Sabers, on the 21st. Commander Amatsu requested the Mulnite Empire to form an alliance in order to resist the Gerra-Aruka Republic's aggressive expansion of their territory to the Dark Core Zone. Crimson Lord Terakomari Gandesblood, alongside the top brass of the Empire, accepted and established the pact with the Heavenly Paradise, a historic


The Mul-Heaven Alliance determined that a large amount of illegal Divine Instruments have been transported to the Daydream Paradise, a resort being constructed in the Flararal region of the Dark Core Zone. The announcement of the mobilization of troops to attack is imminent. Citizens of the Gerra-Aruka Republic must take caution and be prepared for the inevitable.

The executive office of the president of the Gerra-Aruka Republic.

President Madhart's office was busy all hours of the day, with government officials constantly coming in and out, but at this moment, it was quiet. Oppressively silent.

Seven of the Eight Illustrious Generals of the Republic were gathered in the conference room, in the Hall of Edge. They were all veteran warriors, experienced in killing countless enemy soldiers in the Dark Core Zone. Nelia sat among them gracefully as she observed her comrades.

Nelson Case, of the Second Unit. Audacious Claim, of the Third Unit. Pascal Rainsworth, of the Fourth Unit. Abercrombie, of the Fifth Unit. Mary Fragment, of the Sixth Unit. Salt Aquinas, of the Seventh Unit. The commander of the Eighth Unit was missing. Nelia had never even met them.

There was no need to remember their names or faces, however. It was a waste of time and energy.

"So. The Mulnite Empire and the Heavenly Paradise have joined hands to destroy our Daydream Paradise. 'Deplorable' doesn't even cover it. Surely you all agree?" Sitting at the head of the table, President Madhart smiled.

He had summoned them on the morning of July 22. The matter at hand was, naturally, Six Nations News' report on the Mul-Heaven Alliance. Nelia was looking forward to seeing how Madhart would respond, but in the end, he did just as she suspected: He insisted the two nations should be destroyed before

they got a chance to act.

The generals all nodded in agreement. Puppets of the president, the lot of them. Poor bastards were seriously impressed by his pretentious charisma.

"Mr. President! Since they're heading for the Daydream Paradise, please dispatch my Fourth Unit! It is our responsibility! We will crush those pesky vampires and Peace Spirits!"

So spoke a Warblade man with the face of a reptile and the aura to match— Pascal Rainsworth. He had no shame. An attention seeker far too ambitious for his status as a mere puppet.

"Rainsworth… Yes, you are its administrator, and now the place is in ruins. Do you have anything to say about that?"

"Yes… As I've said many times before, the responsibility this time around falls on Nelia Cunningham."

Outrageous. Was he hearing himself?

"I was supposed to carry out the plan to assassinate Terakomari Gandesblood originally. But Nelia insisted she would take responsibility and took over my mission. She would lead Terakomari into the resort and kill her, and I would simply take her body underground. Yet she failed. Not only did she not kill her, but she also allowed her to destroy the Daydream Paradise. True, I also bear some of the fault as I was unable to stop the vampires' attack, but I would say she is ninety percent in the wrong."

Rainsworth went after her whenever he could. He was always looking for ways to pull her down. This time, he hadn't even tried to rally his troops after the vampires fled. He didn't care to because he knew all the responsibility fell on her.

"So it was not I who failed. But I will make up for her blunder by leading my soldiers against the enemy. I will kill Terakomari Gandesblood."

"Wait, President Madhart," Nelia said, feigning a cold tone. "I apologize for letting Terakomari Gandesblood go, but could you please give me a chance to clear my name? I will capture the vampire for sure this time."

"Mr. President, I don't believe Nelia has the power to do as she promises. She cannot face Terakomari Gandesblood's Core Implosion."

"You don't know that. I hear Core Implosion comes from a strong spirit, and mine won't lose against hers."

"But, Cunningham, you don't have your own Core Implosion, do you?"

"T-true. But I'm more prepared than anyone to give my life for the good of Aruka…"

"Ha! Aruka? That country no longer exists," another of the Illustrious Generals said.

The others murmured in response:

"Trying to act like the tragic princess?" "Don't forget it was her royal family who oppressed the people." "I can't understand why the president would make that kid a general." "She should just own up to it and die already."

Nelia clenched her jaw. They had no right to say any of that, not this devilish bunch who gladly consumed the life of others…

"Forget about the princess… President Madhart, please make your decision. Give the order to deploy my Fourth Unit."

"Mr. President! Lord Rainsworth isn't up to the task. Let me do it," Nelia protested.

"Calm down, you two. I plan on sending you both to attack." You could cut the tension in the air with a knife. Madhart followed this up with another shocking statement. "And not only you both. All eight generals will dispatch their units. You will not be deployed to the Daydream Paradise to defend it; you will launch the first strike on our enemy."

"What are you saying?! That would lead to all-out war! And not the kind for sport, but real war!"

"That's precisely what I want, Cunningham. The way I see it, this world is too complacent and peaceful—it should be ruled by the law of the jungle. It is time to remind them of who's strong."


The generals were aghast, but soon enough, the president's words started settling into their minds, and excitement lit up their eyes.

"Well said, Mr. President! Let us show the whole world that Gerra-Aruka is the strongest!"

"Exactly, Rainsworth. We are ready to destroy everything. Let us take this opportunity to crush Mulnite and the Heavenly Paradise. Our objective? Their Dark Cores."

There was a commotion. Going after a foreign Dark Core? He was out of his mind.

"M-Mr. President, we can't…," Nelia hesitantly said.

"Don't worry. I would never destroy them, like those terrorists think. I simply want intel on their Dark Core's true form."

"Y-yes! Once we get that, they won't be able to put up a fight. They will have to become slaves to Gerra-Aruka!"

"Exactly. We will launch an assault to make the Empress and the Goddess spill the beans. So we should begin by attacking the areas of the Dark Core Zone they control."

"Then…where do we hit first?"

"The fortress city of Faure. There's no better location."

The place was well-known. The city was practically a port connecting the people of the Mulnite Empire to the Dark Core Zone. Behind its walls were many portals connected to the Empire—the Gerra-Aruka forces could overwrite the teleportation permissions and create a path to freely enter and leave the

Mulnite Empire.

"We will lead our entire army to Faure and declare war on the Empire once we've conquered the citadel. Then we will demand the Empress reveal the location of their Dark Core if they don't want their Imperial Capital to be destroyed."

"Ohhh…" "That's our president!" "I never could've thought of that." "What a genius."

Nelia clicked her tongue. Were they not thinking? A nation had no bigger secret than the location of their Dark Core. Mulnite wouldn't spill it even if Faure was conquered.

Madhart and the generals started discussing the strategy, but it all went in one ear and out the other for Nelia.

It was a disgrace that she even had to be here. Thinking about it now, Nelia realized her life had been full of ups and downs. She was born as the only daughter of the king and had received a privileged upbringing, but just five years ago, Madhart, a general at the time, rebelled and overthrew the monarchy, captured her family, and threw them into jail. Nelia had been spared as she was a child, but she swore revenge and lived these past five years carefully planning it alongside Gertrude until she finally became an Illustrious General.

Vengeance was close. So close…but she couldn't defeat Madhart.

He managed the prison disguised as the Daydream Paradise, and there he kept those who opposed his policies. Despite being one of the generals, Nelia wasn't allowed inside. The facility was surrounded by a barrier, and she couldn't take it down with mere physical force.

Within the prison was her father. Waiting for her.


She had no choice but to bet on a foreign savior.

Nelia had ordered Gertrude to send a letter to Komari, one that described her true feelings and explained how most of what she said back at the Daydream Paradise was false. That the idiots in Gerra-Aruka were the ones really planning to take over the world. That she needed her help. Nelia was certain Komari had a kind heart and that she would help her once she read that letter.

So long as she had Komari on her side, everything would be fine. As long as she had Komari…

"Nelia, your failure is inexcusable." She lifted her head once she heard someone suddenly call her name. Pascal Rainsworth was looking down his nose at her, an eerie smile on his face. Nelia looked around in a panic and realized that the meeting had ended before she knew it. Only she, Rainsworth, and

Gertrude were still there.

"…Lord Rainsworth. The meeting is already over. Shouldn't you go home?"

"Don't call me that. Don't be so cold."

Rainsworth brazenly touched her shoulders. Shivers went down her spine.

Nelia stood up by reflex and took half a step back.

"What do you want? I don't have the time."

"Ha-ha-ha! You're so cute when you're acting tough…but let's see how long you can keep up the act. A puff of wind could blow you away."

"That's none of your concern. And don't touch me with your filthy hands."

"Nelia…won't you give up on reestablishing the kingdom already?"

Her fingers trembled. She reached for her sword.

"No one wants the Aruka Kingdom back. Aristocracy is like cancer, parasites preying on their people. No one would welcome that back."

"It's all the same even now. Madhart is a tyrant."

"Are you kidding me? Your father was much more of a dictator. Everyone knows about how he was selling out his own country to the Haku-Goku Commonwealth. I'm telling you, no one wants them back."

"I know that. I'm not aiming to reinstate the royal family. I have other methods…"

"Oh, what a shame! What a waste when you're so pretty! The former royals spend their days in torment at the Daydream Paradise, you get that? Keep blabbering, and you'll become a slave, too. President Madhart is cruel enough to make you one."


"Don't worry, though. I'll take care of you. Just resign from being a general and live your life in peace with me. I'll give you everything you want. Once we conquer the Empire, I will give those vampires to you as servants. You won't have to work a day in your life again. That's how it should be, Princess."


Nelia tried drawing her sword, but Gertrude twisted her arms behind her back to stop her. Instead, she yelled in explosive anger:

"Never! I'll never give in to you putrid bastards! I will expose your wrongs and reform Aruka! I'll send that Madhart packing! I will be the next president!!"

Rainsworth laughed out loud. It was all so maddening, she wanted to punch him in the face, but Gertrude wouldn't let her move.

"Let me go, Gertrude! I've gotta kill him!"

"No! You will get killed if you do so!"

"Ha-ha-ha! Do your best. And once you've given in to your fate…I'll be there to embrace you," Rainsworth said.

"Scram, you piece of shit!"

Rainsworth left the room, cackling.

Nelia ground her teeth and clenched her fist. She knew the people supported Madhart…on the surface. It was all a sham. He was only keeping them in check with military might. That wasn't real peace. The flames of conflict hadn't been extinguished.

"People should act for the good of people."

That was what her mentor had taught her.

Nelia took a pendant out from her pocket. Inside was a picture, back from when she was part of the royal family. An employee of the palace had taken it. It was a photo of her as a kid and of a blond vampire woman, smiling by her side. Crimson Lord Yulinne Gandesblood.

"Mrs. Gandesblood… I won't lose."

"Lady Nelia." Gertrude looked at her with worry. "No matter what happens, I will be on your side. You can count on me whenever things get rough."

"Thanks, Gertrude. I can get back up as many times as I need with you at my side."

She patted her loyal servant's head.

Nelia had known her since she'd lost her family. Getrude had always been by her side, encouraging her. She had to pay her back for it. She couldn't lose. She had to end Madhart's ambitions and take back her family.

"By the way, Lady Nelia…were you listening to the meeting?"

"What? That they're gonna attack? So stupid."

"There's also that, but…" Gertrude spoke as though choking back tears. "It doesn't seem like it will be a simple one-on-one this time around. The other side might also use our same strategy…and go all out."

"All out…?"

"Yes… That's terribly bad, don't you think?"

"What in the world could he be think…?"

Then Nelia realized—that man was seriously trying to plunge the world into chaos. Rage took over her body, and she nearly kicked away the chair. Destroying things wasn't the right way to vent. So instead, she sprinted to the wall and yelled her lungs out the window:


"Stop that! He'll hear you!"

Nelia ignored Gertrude. She was only stating the truth.

Why would he take things to such an extreme? It would only bring about more death.

I have to change this country.

Next chapter