


The moment the words left his mouth, he turns around and walks back into the room. The Test begins immediately. The first set went in and only 3 of them had magic, the next set also had 4 supernaturals. The number of supernaturals dwindle the more the sets that go in. We were a lot and my seat was the last so all the other sets were before us and none had everyone as supernatural.

I started to fear finally realizing that there is a possibility some of us might not be supernaturals. I didn't want to be separated from my friends most especially now that I am finally free from that abuse. That reality was more hurtful than anything my dad could do.

They had been my rock my whole life and I couldn't survive without them. The numbers start to thin as those who had magic went to the dinning hall and the others went back to get their stuffs heading home. I felt pity for them and also fear that I might not have magic and will end up going back to living a miserable life I just left behind. I don't know when I start playing with the ring on my finger. Someone holds my hand.

"It will be fine. I have a good feeling about this" Nikai says with a smile and her smile was comforting. She squeezes my hand and I sigh letting a huge breath out. After the whole thing we had two sets left, ours and another before us. Among about a 600 people that came here only about 100 have magic, the rest were normal. The next set was called in and they all went. We remain sited and after 5 mins they all come out. Two of them were smiling and the remaining all looked crestfallen.

The woman calling people calls us and we get up from our seat and walk to the door. She opens the door for us and we walk in. The room was dark and we couldn't see anyone except ourselves. We start to murmur and a snap of finger illuminates the whole room. We could see the man from before in front of us. He had a scowl on his face as usual and that made me a little more frightened.

"The Test is simple, all you need to do is look in front of you. There is a needle on the floor. You will have to puncture your feet with it and walk into those circles, one after the other, the first will determine your specie, the next your magic level and the final one your element. You will be healed once you are done. Shall we begin?" He says and we nod. It was the girl that went first, she stepped on the circles and nothing happened. She was led out crying, the guy goes next and same thing happens.

I start to fear that none of us in our set will get magic, the other girl goes next and as she steps on the first circle, it light up a dim electric blue, she smiles and walk up to the next, it lights up a bright violet, the next circle then light up a bright Emerald. She goes out smiling.

Nikai goes next and the moment she stepped on the first circle, it shines a very bright brown – shifter, the next circle was yellow – Highdan, the final circle shine a very bright ice blue – water. She smiles at us and skips out the door.

Simeon goes next, his first circle was a blood red – Undead, his second circle was a green – Average and his third was a purple – Mind. He walks out smiling mouthing a bye. Leila was next and hers was cool, her first circle was a blinding white – Magician, the second was a silver – Senior and the third was a Yellow – lightning. She struts out the door mouthing a see you later to me.

I walk up to the needle and I started to feel a panic attack brewing, I take deep breaths to calm my erratic heartbeat but it doesn't help. I place my feet on it and I feel it puncture as I push it a little further. My feet starts bleeding and I walk up to the first circle. As I step on it, nothing happens as my blood flows into the whole circle. I was about to start leaving when the whole circle lights up, the electric blue, the white, the blood red and the brown. They were all shinning blindly and just as I am about to step out quickly they all merge together into thick black. The man had a look of utter shock and a little despair but it quickly disappears.

"Do it again" he says and I step on it again, the same thing happens and I repeat it, it also at the 5th try he finally gives up "Move on" he says and I move to the second circle. By now I was limping because my feet was hurting me. I enter the circle and immediately it brightens a blinding white, the whole room illuminates and I could swear I saw the man mouth drop open, he shields his eyes from the light but I felt one with it. It didn't affect me a bit. All of a sudden it turns the same thick black and the recurrent change in colour was giving me the creeps.

"Next" he says and I move to the final circle. I walk into the circle and this one doesn't even shine at first, I had lifted my other leg when It begins shinning the same Onyx Black. It was so dark that it filled the whole room with shadows.

The man doesn't hide his awe and fear now and as I come down, he walks up to me and touches my leg, I feel my flesh close and the wound heals "Follow me" he says and walks away. We walk to a back door he opens and it leads to a different hallway. He starts walking forward and I walk faster to match his pace, we walk for a few minutes before we turn into another hallway. This was smaller and only one door was in the whole hallway, the door was at the end of the hall. We walk to the door and he opens it.

We walk in and he points to a seat opposite the desk, he takes his seat and goes silent. The office was gorgeous with a beautifully crafted oak desk and shelves with lots of books and other things. It was painted gold, white and brown like his robe colours. One side of the wall was glass looking over the courtyard.

The other side opened to a balcony and the view of the school forest from there was magnificent. The man stands up and starts pacing. Now he was scaring me. He begins to scratch his head murmuring. For someone rumoured to be the one of the most feared supernaturals in the world he wasn't really put together. He sits again and goes silent again before speaking.

"What is your name" he asks suddenly

"Kenan, Kenan Kleitin" I reply using my grandparents name and he looks me over.

"Who is your father" he asks and I shake my head.

"I don't know, I'm a norm" I reply and he was shocked but he quickly changes the look.

"Okay, so an orphan?" He asks and I shake my head.

"No I have a mom but she also doesn't know my father, it is some complicated stuffs" I reply in a cool voice and he nods.

"What is her name" he asks again.

"Jessica Kleitin" I reply and I could swear a look of recognition crosses his face but disappears almost immediately making me doubt even seeing it at all. 

"Supernatural?" He asks and I was getting frustrated.

"Yes, but what is it with the questioning" I ask and he sighs holding his forehead.

"I'm going to tell you something that is weird and I don't want you to panic but you have to promise me that this will remain between us" he says and I think on it for a while before nodding

"Secrecy and not panicking, I think I can do that" I reply and he sighs

"Your tests were abnormal as you might have thought but in a good way. To begin with, you are to be a very powerful descendant of all supernatural specie if your colours remained the same but seeing they all merged into black I can't say exactly what you are" he says and I was shocked.

"I thought that was impossible, the highest we could have is a hybrid and there are only two families of them in the world. How come not only am I supposed to have all species but I am an unidentified specie?" I ask and he nods.

"A norm that knows his facts well i like this one. Well you are an exception" he says and a I couldnt comprehend how this is happening "you are also a Guru which is way higher than a master, that is why your colour was white but looking at the black i think it is higher than a Guru but that is also not confirmed yet" he continues and I was getting very confused and a little on edge the more he spoke.

"A guru? I have never heard of that before" I reply and he smiles

"There have only been five people with such a power level and they have all been crown princes, so it is a hidden level." He answers clarifying that part "Finally your element is a very dangerous and impossible one, the death element, it is higher than life and can only be controlled by Haeclus. I don't know why or how you have it" he says and I'm sure my brain officially exploded.

"So if I'm putting it all together you are saying I'm a freak of nature right? How comforting" I reply ending in a thick sarcasm.

"You aren't a freak, you are just special and that's why you have to keep it a secret. I know that you will not fit in with the other classes because of what you are but I'm pretty sure you are one powerful supernatural and we will soon see the resson behind the whole difference.

Many people are out there looking for you and they would do almost anything to get their hands on the powers you possess. I'm not going to sugar-coat this, your life is now in constant danger and only secrecy can keep you safe long enough to train these powers. That is why you can't tell anyone, not even your friends" he says in a very stern and serious tone and my head that was hanging down snaps up to him.

"But we tell each other everything and how won't people know once I start attending different special classes" I state and he thinks for a while before speaking again.

"To everyone, you will be a master, dark element mage and those are the classes you will attend. I and another of my trusted acquaintances will teach you how to use the rest of your abilities. Until the time is right, you can't tell anybody, not even your mom." He says in a stern and firm voice. I tried to speak but no words were coming out. I end up sighing.

"Tell no one, show no one" I reply and he nods.

"I have never seen anyone like you and the special classes will allow you fit in with no much questions from anyone until we can find out more" he says and I nod "That will be all for now Mr Kleitin" he continues and I nod once again. I start to leave when I remember something.

"I'm sorry I didn't get your name sir" I ask and he smiles.

"Headmaster or Professor Karl Healfard" he replies and my eyes almost fall out of their sockets putting a smirk on his face. I walk out the door and that was when I realized I was lost. I didn't know where I was and to where I was headed.

My feet start to move on their own accord and I turn hallway after hallway till I end up back where I left. The place the test took place. The woman was still there and she led me to a room where I filled some forms, one as a student and the other for my account opening.

She the leads me to the dinning hall, the hall was packed with students of all range. Some were in the school uniform and others were in mofty. I see hands waving and it was my friends. I walk up to them and take my seat.

"What happened you have been gone for so long, I was beginning to get scared, I thought you didn't have magic, thank the gods you do" Simeon rants and I smile

"Nothing, my test just took longer, I'm fine though" I lie very akwardly and they all nod. Leila looks at me and I am sure she could see through me clearly so I avoid her stare.

"So what are you, we have all shared ours" Nik asks and my heart skips a beat. I have to lie to them, Lei notice my hesitation but I quickly brush it off.

"Master, dark element mage" I reply and their eyes widen.

"Holy fuck, you really hit the jack pot, your stipends is doubled, not only are you a master bur you also new special element. That is wild bro" Simeon screams and I smack him on his neck.

"I'm sure the school would have a loud speaker, why not make use of it" I reply glaring him down. Our food appears from nowhere filling the table, surprising me and we start eating while discussing what next.

"What I don't understand is what a mage is. I have never heard of anything like that before and I have known about magic my whole life." Nik asks and I shake.

"I also didn't know about it but that was what I was given. I can't deny who I am more than I already am. I just have to brace myself for a year of shitty living" I reply munching my food i

The dinning hall was like a royal ballroom, Tables were all round with people sited there and food was on each table, you just had to choose what you wanted. The end of the hall had a large table with people all in robes seated facing the student body, looking at their dressing and age they must be Professors.

A door opens behind their table and someone walks in taking the only empty seat which was the most exotic. The whole room goes silent as he enters. He stands up holding his cup in the hands. Who else but the Headmaster. He drops his cup then speaks.

"Welcome everyone to a new year in Healfard. I'm sure you have had a splendid holiday and we are back to business. For the returning students, your class schedules and stuffs are where they always are and your classes will be as usual. For the fresher, welcome to a world of magic and hell" all the staylites burst into laughter and murmurs

"your time here is sure to be something. Your class schedules, books and other stuffs will be in your room which will be given to you in this hall. Your classwill be given to you and they are your family in this school, you live together, attend some classes together and even train together" he says

"We have 5 levels of classes in this school, The Honour Class, The Wisdom Class, The Warrior Class, The Brawns Class and The Crest Class. They are in levels of power and supernatural. Each class contains 4 members each who share the same supernatural status and have the same power level. I will be sharing the Classes now. Have a wonderful year" he says and sits back followed by a resounding applause from the student body and staff. He snaps his fingers and cards start flying round the room. One lands on each of our hands. I look at the others and they start to open theirs.

"Oh my God I'm in the Wisdom Class" Nik screams and we all congratulate her, Meon was in the Brawns Class and Lei was in the Warrior Class. I look down at the paper and back to the table. Prof looks up and our eyes connect. He gives me a sly smirk and I return it with a smile before looking down at my card. I open it and lo and behold I saw the word THE OUTCASTS CLASS written boldly.

"So what team are you Kee" Lei asks and I show them my card, their eyes widen "You are freaking on the Outcasts class. Man your luck surpasses all" she says sarcastically and I glare her down "what exactly is even the outcast pack? It is not one of the classes we were given." Shortly after Prof leaves the crowd start to disperse. We finish our dinner and walk out the door.

My hall was the Outcasts Dorm. There are five dorms in the whole school. Every single supernatural had a dorm of their own. The Casters were in the Hulreat Dorm. The Shifters were in the Cunreon Dorm. The Magicians were in the Gultiem Dorm and the Undeads were in the Siler Dorm.

The Dorms are built so every sungle supernatural cannhave a conducive living in their natural habitats. The dorms have three floors each. The top floor was meant for the Honours Class. The next was meant for the Wisdom Class and Warrior class while the ground floor was for the Brawsns Class and Crest class with extras.

The only extra dorm was my own dorm. The outcast dorm which looked more like a shed of existence than a living quarter. I walk out the main building into the fresh air of the night. It was soothing. The walk to our dorm was quick since it was right behind the building. The moment I saw it I knew I was in for shit. The whole building unlike thr other dorm had a medievial structure and a dark aura around it. I was grtting some gothic vibes from the place and it really gave me the creeps. I walk up to the door and the moment my hand touches the knob it shines a dark Onyx for a while.

The door opens and I walk into a very large living room. It was massive and exotically decorated. I enter the place and to the right was a kitchen, very large at that, beside it was a game room and cinema (they called it the relaxation room). To the left was the training room and weaponry loft.

I soon realize it had the ground floor and one other floor. Looking at it outside you would really thing it was about 50 stories but it had only two. The moment I walk in I walk directly into the loving room I look at my card and my room was room 4 on the second floor. I walk to the stairs which takes me up. The stairs was twirly and it kept going for a while until ends at a door. My name was boldly pasted on the door in front of me at the moment and I hold the door. It shines very black before the door opens. 

 According to the school voucher there has not been an Outcast Class in 20 years so this is the first time it is happening. Explains why the interior decor looks a little old for a school as big as this. Not that I am complaining.

I don't even check the room as I feel a huge wave of fatigue and fall on my bed, I fell asleep with one thought.

"Another Year to be Special"

Next chapter