
Chapter 53

Additional chapter for power stones

200 power stones equal an additional chapter


"Are you the one who wrote this message?" I asked the skinny, one might even say emaciated, old man with a huge white beard, mustache, and long eyebrows, though his head was completely bald, not having a single hair.

"Hmm?" The bald old man turned to me. "Yes, I wrote it. But I was not expecting you. What brought you to me?"

"I was curious, how could you possibly teach an Avatar to enter the Avatar State, not being an Avatar yourself?" I asked, sitting down next to him on the ground.

"One does not need to be an Avatar to learn that."

"And what is that?" I asked.

"Have you ever heard of chakras?" the old man asked me, as birds landed on him and various animals were always nearby.

"I... I've heard of chakras, but I know nothing about them. I would be very glad if you could share this information with me."

"Oh! With pleasure! I am always happy to teach someone else about the teachings of chakras, as long as you yourself are willing to learn. Come with me, I'll show you something..."


What is fear? It's an emotion based on negative experience, which is extremely important for survival. But it also hinders the process. Fear - a phenomenon of instincts, and sometimes this phenomenon only hinders, not helps!

What are chakras? As Pathik, the old man himself explained, chakras are centers of power and consciousness located inside the human body and connect its metaphysical and biophysical energies. Each of them is closely linked to some human emotion and can be opened or closed, depending on his mood or state. The seven chakras are located along the vertical axis of the human body, but in different organs. If all of them are opened, then the life energy Chi will flow freely through the body.

Fear, this is the emotion that closed the first chakra, the earth chakra. It is responsible for survival. What does this mean? I couldn't understand. As much as Pathik tried to explain, I just couldn't grasp what opening this chakra provides, however, I decided that I would understand it through my own experience.

And here I am, four days sitting in meditations. Not my own, to which I had come by myself, of a different sort. And I was helped by a decoction that caused strong hallucinations.

Three days of constant hallucinations, this is a very big challenge. However, eventually, I found myself on top of a huge cliff, and in front of me stood Aang. I understood that these were hallucinations, understood that I was in an inadequate state, but part of my consciousness ignored reason and succumbed to irrational fear. Weak, but noticeable.

And then Aang turned to me. And in the next moment, all his tattoos lit up, as did his eyes. It became clear that he was about to attack me. I attacked first. Fire burst from my hands, streams clenched, rushing towards the Avatar, and oxygen intensified the fire, making it even hotter.

But the fire died down, and Aang did not even sweat, showed no signs of damage.

I attacked again and again, fire in huge streams burst from my hands, water collected in the air exploded into steam and then immediately froze, turning into ice, which with sharp spikes sought to pierce the enemy, stone spears rushed at the opponent, accelerated by air currents, and blades of compressed air continuously tried to slice the Avatar into many little Avatars along with water threads.

But minutes passed and I realized that all my efforts were in vain. My attacks meant nothing, the Avatar simply ignored all my efforts.

Fear in me grew with each second, until at some point it grew to such proportions that it paralyzed me.

I was afraid to move, I was afraid to breathe, I was afraid to live!

The fear of death engulfed me from head to toe, completely, leaving nothing more, and only for a brief moment, through the veil of death, I saw the Avatar raise his hand, and releasing it, sent a huge wave of fire at me, which seemed to cover the entire horizon!

I was afraid. Afraid of everything and anything! At that moment, I knew nothing but fear and terror.

I closed my eyes, preparing for the death I feared. I closed my eyes, preparing to feel the fire I feared.

And at that moment, in my mind, I noticed a small spark that was not fear. It was like the light of a small candle in absolute darkness. I focused on this spark and felt something familiar. And in the next moment, this spark, as if it grew and devoured everything around, turning all fear into something close, yet different.

Live! Live! Live! Live! LIVE!!!

This thought pounded in my head non-stop, and I couldn't ignore it. Fear disappeared and turned only into the desire to survive.

Opening my eyes, I saw the fire approaching me, but...

I stepped back and fell from the high cliff, the bottom of which could not be seen. I was falling, and the fiery tsunami passed over me, doing me no harm. And the Avatar flew after me.

Discharges pulsed in my hands. They became more and more, but the Avatar still flew at me determinedly, striving to catch me in the fall.

There was no land beneath me. There was only me, the fog around me, and the Avatar, flying after me, striving to kill me.

Am I afraid of the Avatar? Is this my fear?

No! I'm afraid of being weak! To be not strong enough to deal at least one significant blow to the enemy!

And the Avatar, the strongest of all opponents I've encountered in this world. He is a projection of my fear.

I'm not afraid of weakness, no, not anymore. It's pointless. I will become stronger, I will destroy every fear.


Thick lightning bolts ripped from my hands, followed by streams of fire, amplified by the air! I put all my strength into one strike! Everything, for the goal! However foolish or silly it may seem! It's my goal! My path! My meaning! And I WILL follow it!!!

The stream of lightning hit the Avatar, and the fire that followed destroyed the already dead greatest bender!

And the next second, I took a deep breath of clean and fresh air...

Looking around, I realize that I am still in the Eastern Air Temple. I realize that it was all just hallucinations...

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