
Chapter 215 headworms gift(2)

This was an incomparably exhilarating moment! Because now, it finally had its very own Stone Chime airship! For Maya, the Stone Chime airship was equivalent to …

Lin didn't know what it was equivalent to, but this airship truly made the headworm very excited. Back when the Leviathan carried the headworm, it was also very excited, but it wasn't as happy as it was now. Perhaps for the headworm, this was something that 'belonged to it', which was why it was so happy.

In order to express its feelings, the headworm prepared to give Lin a large amount of its most delicious food, the 'Giant Cockroach Wings'.

So that's how it was. Not only would a creature be forced to give up its most precious food when it was forced into a corner, but when a creature was extremely happy, it would also try to give up its most precious food.

This was a very interesting phenomenon.

The Giant Cockroach Wings were the horns of the black-horned Giant Cockroach that had been roasted with fire. Because the headworm didn't have any units that could create fire, it could only use dry branches to collect fire when there was a thunderstorm. Usually, during thunderstorms, there would also be heavy rain, so it was quite difficult for the headworm to collect fire, which also showed how precious this food was.

Although Lin didn't want it.

That was why the overmind ate it. While eating the 'Giant Venomous Serpent Wing', it rolled around in the airship. Looking at it, a word popped up in Lin's mind. It seemed to be called 'happiness'.

The headworm really liked to eat barbecued food, especially the 'Giant Cockroach Wings' or the Giant Vein Dragonfly's barbecued meat. In fact, Lin didn't understand why it had so little of these nutrients, and why it would cause its' betrayal cells' to produce food. This was probably an example of the difference between the 'brain' and the body's cells.

Lin discovered that many creatures would develop a fondness for things that their cells weren't good for. This had a lot to do with the brain. As for the brain. Lin discovered that there were quite a few secrets worth investigating.

However, because it didn't have many chances to eat barbecued food, the headworm had very few 'betrayal cells' in its body, which were easily killed by its immune cells. So its body was currently fine. Even if the betrayal cells were to successfully reproduce, Lin would help it kill them. Killing those things was too easy.

Right now, the airship was filled with the headworm's troops. Lin placed a monitor in the airship to communicate with the headworm.

"Flight, activate."

Following the excitement of the Overmind Worm, the connecting ropes began to break apart, and the gigantic Stone Chime Airship finally rose into the sky!

Although the brain worm was not lying outside the airship, it could feel the air flow outside through the troops that were lying outside the airship. The feeling of rising into the air made it very excited, but even so, the brain worm did not make a sound like it was angry.

The Stone Chime Airship ascended several hundred meters and stopped at a certain location. This was also the height where most of the floating islands, rocks, and soil were located.

Now. The problem the brainworm faced was how to make the airship move in the air.

Lin would observe from nearby, but she would not interfere. The Cerebrum liked to do all kinds of interesting things, so Lin also liked to observe it. In contrast, the other Cerebrum of the Maya race, Moketu, was more 'boring'. It was always hunting and developing the race, and it did not seem to like eating or doing anything.

This was their 'personality'. Even though they were the same species, their 'personalities' were very different. So far, Lin had not found any disadvantages caused by the difference in their personalities.

Maya's personality was more rich, so in fact, without counting experience, its intelligence level was higher than Moketu's. Thinking more helped to increase its intelligence, but this also caused the Cerebrum to have all kinds of inexplicable emotions.

Now, the Cerebrum seemed to have figured out how to move in the air.

The Cerebrum first observed the structure of the airship. The airship's overall shape was close to an elliptical streamlined shape. There were many entrances on the sides of the body and at the head, which were for troops to enter and exit. The back was relatively flat, suitable for placing large troops.

After the Cerebrum finished looking, it began to move.

The Cerebrum first let the second troop enter the stage. It was called 'Corn Uncle', but Lin now called it 'Gummy Worm'.

The Gummy Worm could grind food in its body and then use it to water plants, but it could also make a kind of soft glue to wrap food to prevent fungi from growing on it. This kind of soft glue was very elastic, so the Cerebrum was going to use this soft glue to achieve air movement.

The Gummy Worm stuck a line of soft glue at the exit of the airship's head, and then it let all the infantry line up in a straight line. Each infantry line grabbed the infantry in front of them, forming a line of more than 30 meters long.

Finally, the Cerebrum let two infantry line up to pull the soft glue back. When the soft glue was stretched to the maximum, it let the infantry in front of the line walk into the stretched soft glue.

Then, it let the infantry line up to release the soft glue.

At the moment when the soft glue was released, the infantry line, together with the team behind it, was suddenly ejected from the hole at the head of the airship and successfully caught on a floating island near the airship.

Lin's observer observed all of this from inside the airship. So that's how it is. Ejection? The Cerebrum actually thought of this method.

The last few infantrymen were not shot out and remained on the airship. Then, the brainworm let the other infantrymen in the airship pull the whole team back. The infantryman at the front of the team held on to a tree on the island.

Under the efforts of the infantry line, the entire airship actually moved, but the speed was quite slow.

The Cerebrum thought that this method of pulling the entire airship was indeed good, but this method was too troublesome. It seemed that the Cerebrum Worm also thought so, so it then used the same method of moving as it did.


This was much simpler. The Cerebrum Worm let all the troops run to one side of the airship, and then the airship would roll to one side due to the weight problem. This way, as long as the troops kept running, the airship would keep rolling, and it would be able to move slowly in the air.

But there were still some problems. Because the airship was rolling, some of the troops would fall down, and they would be very dizzy from rolling inside. This would cause the blood in the body to be out of order, and the Cerebrum Worm might be crushed to death by its own troops.

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