
Shit happens

Stepping through the hole in the side of the cabin, Evelyn's motionless body came into view; her heart had already stopped.

She looked the same as the last time I saw her.

Carlisle walked up next to me, raindrops dripping off of us both.

"This will be complicated...won't it?" Carlisle asked, a worried look on his face.

I nodded my head, "Very," I said with a small shake of my head. "I don't have feelings for her anymore… but I can't say she won't still have feelings for me."

Carlisle slowly nodded his head, "True. But she might not. She left New York remember. For all we know she could care less about you nowadays." He said, before adding, "Rose won't like this. Even if you don't have feelings for her anymore or she doesn't have feelings for you. You know how Rose is," he said, gesturing down at the still lifeless Evelyn.

I nodded my head.

Looking around the small wooden cabin, I saw it was mostly barren, as if she had just moved in or something.

"Come on… let's get her home," I said, leaning down and picking Evelyn up in a princess carry.

While I did so, Carlisle went around the room grabbing anything that looked important, throwing them all into a sack he had found.

Clothes, books, jewelry, and other personal items like photos and what looked like her diary.

Once he had grabbed everything, he took a burning piece of wood from the steel furnace placed by the kitchen.

With the burning piece of wood in his hand, he placed it on her bed, making sure it caught fire before we left.

Quickly running, the rain pelted us, stinging my skin.

We made it home quickly where Rose and Esme met us by the door.

"Where are Emmett and Edward?" I asked, walking to one of the couches where I laid Evelyn down.

"Edward is watching Emmett in the wine cellar," Esme said as she walked with me to the couch, "making sure Emmett doesn't do anything stupid.

"Good," I said, stepping back to let Esme and Carlisle look Evelyn over.

Looking behind me, I saw Rosalie standing there with a small crease in her brow.

Walking over to her, I grabbed her hand, pulling her with me towards my room on the top floor.

Closing my door behind us, I turned to Rose, who had a confused look on her face.

"What's wrong?" Rose asked, worried.

I let out a long sigh, looking down at my drenched clothes, before looking back up at Rose.

"I… uh… I know her," I said slowly.

Rose raised one of her brows, crossing her arms over her chest, "Know her? Know her how?" Rose asked, her voice carrying an undertone of danger.

Pulling the wooden chair from my desk, I sat with a wet plop.

"Back when we were in New York, before me and you had met, I… was planning to court her. She was a waitress at a diner I liked to go to," I said, watching as the small frown on Rose's face deepened.

I didn't say anything else, waiting for Rose to respond.

"And?" Rose asked dangerously.

"And nothing," I said. "I had to leave for England to help Julius with some problems. By the time I got back to the States… she was gone," I said with a shrug as I pulled my wet shirt over my head, tired of being cold and wet.

"And did she like you?" Rose asked, following me with her eyes as I grabbed a towel from my closet.

I shrugged, "Hell if I know to be honest," I said, drying my hair and upper body with the towel. "It was the first time I thought about getting into any kind of relationship with a woman in well over five thousand years. I wasn't, and still am not, an expert in relationships. So she might or might not have had Some."

"So she might still want to get into a relationship with you?" Rose asked, the dangerous tone now cutting through the room like a knife.

I let out a laugh, "Maybe, but it doesn't matter if she does or doesn't. I'm not interested," I said, putting the towel over my shoulder as I walked towards Rose. "Because all I want and need is you," I said, leaning down and giving Rose a kiss.

She didn't stop or resist, but I could feel the tension in her.

Leaning back, I looked down at her. "What's wrong?" I asked,

She looked up at me, her brows still furrowed. "Nothing's wrong," she said, dropping her hands down to her side. "You wouldn't understand."

I raised a brow, "Try me?"

She let out a sigh. "Adam… you are irresistible. There isn't a sane woman alive who wouldn't fall head over heels for you. That's just based on your looks alone. Its when they get to know you though, when they would fall in love."

I raised a brow, "What?" I asked, confused.

"For someone as old as you are, you really are quite clueless," Rose said with a small grin.

"That should be a well-established fact by now," I said as Rose lightly pushed me away with a huff.

"What I'm trying to say, Adam, is there isn't a chance in hell she still doesn't want to get with you. She probably thought youll were never going to return so moved on. But that's not to say she won't still have lingering feelings for you."

I shrugged, "So? It doesn't matter if she does; I'm not interested."

She didn't say anything, glaring at me.

I raised a brow, "Do you not trust me?" I asked.

"I do trust you, Adam, but there will always be that nagging voice in the back of my head that tells me there's a chance."

I scoffed and shook my head. "Rose, I have waited to be with you for thousands of years. Do you think I would throw it away as soon as someone from my past shows up?" I asked.

She let out a long sigh. "No!" she said angrily.

"Then squash that small voice, because I'm not going anywhere."

Rose left shortly after, not as angry as before.

She was now a Molotov cocktail instead of a nuclear bomb with a ticking timer.

Taking off the rest of my wet clothes, I put on dry clothes, making my way downstairs.

I found Carlisle, Esme, and Rose in one of the spare rooms.

Standing by Evelyns bedside, Carlisle looked up at me. "He nicked her carotid artery. Other than that, I can't find anything wrong with her."

I nodded my head. "Let me know when she wakes up," I said, turning to leave the room, avoiding the glare from Rosalie as I did so.

Leaving the room, I made my way downstairs to the wine cellar.

Opening the large wooden door, I saw Emmett and Edward sitting at a small table with a single light hanging above them in the middle of the large room, completely surrounded by large barrels of wine, playing a game of Gin Rummy.

Emmett shot to his feet when he saw me, while Edward continued to look down at his cards.

"How is she?" Emmett asked.

I closed the door behind me, walking towards their table slowly.

"She's fine," I said, giving him a small smile.

A relieved smile spread across Emmett's face. "Thank God! I thought I had killed her," Emmett said, plopping back down into his chair.

"Oh… you did kill her," I said, leaning on one of the barrels behind Edward.

Emmett shot to his feet again. "WHAT!" he shouted, looking completely devastated.

"You bit her, Emmett. What happens when vampires bite normal people?" I asked.

It dawned on him almost immediately. "She will turn into a vampire," Emmett said, almost sounding like he was asking a question.

I slowly nodded my head.

"Shit!" Emmett exclaimed, his eyes glazing over as he spoke.

"I couldn't stop myself," Emmett said, looking up at me. "She just smelled so… good. I couldn't control myself."

I raised my hands. "No need to explain, Emmett; I get it," I said in an even tone. "Nobody's mad at you or thinks any less of you for it. Shit happens, man."

"He understands that more than any of us," Edward said to Emmett, dropping a card on the table.


Sorry for the wait everyone.

I had to wait a while for some glasses to help me with staring at computer screens to help stop me from getting migraines.

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