
Another lost opportunity

The meeting of Rosalie and Edward was what can best be described as…dry.

The two were complete opposites of each other...kind of.

Both were very…moody individuals for the most part.

At least Edward is, Rosalie actually has a reason to be in a grumpy mood as it's only been a few days since she went through a very traumatic ending to her mortal life, while Edward was just always like that for no actual reason.

I might be able to help Rosalie deal with that, but I had helped Edward the best I could.

All of that could be dealt with later, today I had some business of my own to deal with.

The day after I had brought Rosalie home, I dressed myself and left for the diner where Evelyn worked, thinking it had been long enough since I had last seen her.

Pulling up to the curb, I stepped out and walked inside.

The atmosphere was the usual, and I found myself pondering how much I actually missed it.

Looking around, I looked for the familiar figure or Evelyn, but I didn't see her.

Walking over to my usual seat, which was open, I took a seat and waited.

But as I waited I continued to look around, still not seeing her, even though this was a time she normally worked.

After a handful of minutes, I waved down one of the passing waitresses.

The woman was older, and looked to be quite disheveled.

"Excuse me, miss?" I said as she passed by.

"What is it?" She asked, pulling out a notepad from her dress.

"Would you by chance know if Evelyn works today?" I asked.

The older woman harrumphed, "Evelyn doesn't work here anymore." She said, frowning.

My brows rose as she spoke, doesn't work here anymore? Seriously?

"Where did she go?" I asked.

"No idea," the woman said, "she came in and took the last of her pay before disappearing. No warning or anything. Now are you going to order or just keep questioning me?" The woman asked, tapping her pencil on the notepad.

"I'm okay, thank you." I said, leaning back in my chair as I pondered the news.

'she didn't mention anything about leaving last we saw each other. But that was nearly half a year ago…shit!' I thought, realizing I had just up and disappeared on her for over half a year.

'Damn it, damn it, damn it!' I thought over and over.

To me half a year might as well have been a couple of days, but to her, half a year was quite some time.

So She moved on to better things, most likely thinking of me as a person who she fancied for a few months before I up and disappeared on her.

Letting out a long sigh, I stood from my chair and looked around the diner I no longer had a reason to come back to.

Once I got my fill of the room, I left, getting into my car and driving back home, while smacking myself in the face mentally for the fact that I let the first live interest I've had since coming to this world slip away.

Pulling up in front of our apartment building, I gave the doorman my keys to park the car while I headed to our apartment.

Opening the front door, I could hear voices coming from the front room.

Stepping in, I saw everyone seated in chairs while they turned their heads to look at me, the conversation stopping.

"Everything alright?" I asked, taking my hat and jacket off.

"Yes, everything's fine." Esme said, giving me a smile as she gestured at an empty chair.

Walking over, I took the open seat and looked around at all of their faces.

"So what's happening?" I asked.

"We have all come to the agreement that it's time for us to leave." Carlisle said, looking over at me.

I nodded my head.

"Sounds good to me." I said, watching as Carlisle raised a brow.

"You want to come with us?" He asked, "but don't you have a~"

I cut him off before he could continue, "she moved on." I said, giving him a shrug, "Time moves differently to me. What I thought wasn't so long actually was a lot longer and I lost that chance. I have nothing tieing me here now." I said, rushed and wanting us to move on.

"So where have you decided?" I asked, clasping my hands together, hoping he wouldn't push the subject.

Everyone looked at me for a moment before Esme spoke, "we decided on Tennessee."

"Hmm. Tennessee…I like it." I said, standing, "when are we leaving?"

"In three days. A company will be shipping our non-essential belongings to our new home." Carlisle said.

I nodded my head.

"Right." I said, turning and walking to my room.

Closing my door, I didn't undress as I fell into my bed, quickly falling asleep unintentionally.

I woke up when someone knocked on my door.

Rolling over, I realized I had fallen asleep and it was now dark outside.

"Yeah." I asked in a normal tone of voice, sitting up in my bed.

Opening the door, I saw it was Carlisle.

"I wanted to see if you wanted to go with us on our hunt?" Carlisle asked.

"Don't you have work?" I asked, looking over the small clock on the bed stand, seeing it was a little past midnight.

"I've already put in for my leave," Carlisle said, opening my door some more to lean on the door frame, his face pensive, "How have you been?" He asked, his face concerned.

I looked up at him.

"I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"Well you really seemed to like this Evelyn. It would be completely reasonable to be a little upset." He said.

I stood from my bed, walking to the closet while a small smile spread across my face.

"Carlisle, I have lived for far too long to lament the loss of a girl I hardly knew. Sure I contemplated more with her then just knowing each other, but that's life, especially for those like us." I said, changing into a pair of jeans and a white shirt.

What I had said was true.

Sure I was upset about the lost chance to experience something I had yet to in this life, but I knew the chance would come again.

Maybe not today, but who knows, maybe tomorrow or a hundred years from now…I will wait for the right one.

Slipping on my shoes, we walked into the living room where everyone else was gathered.

We took two cars to reach a forest just outside of the city where Carlisle heard there was a large population of deer.

I drove my car with Rosalie in the passenger seat, while Carlisle drove in front of me in his own car with Esme and Edward.

The car was silent, beside the rattle of the car itself.

"How long have you known, Carlisle?" Rosalie asked, breaking the silence.

I glanced over at her, her blood red eyes meeting mine.

"Since about 1641. Why do you ask?" I asked, raising a brow.

She shrugged her shoulders.

"I was just curious. I didn't know how old Carlisle was…what about Esme and Edward?" Rosalie asked.

"They are both still relatively Young in vampire years. Edward was changed in 1918 while Esme was changed in the mid 20s." I said, turning the wheel as Carlisle pulled onto a side road.

"And you?" Rosalie asked, "Carlisle said you were a very old friend of his, but he didn't specify, or tell me what you are." Rosalie asked, shifting her weight on the seat to face me.

"Well for starters, I'm human, just with immortality and abilities like a vampire might have, without the additive of needing a liquid diet. And secondly…I'm nearly six thousand years old, as far as I can remember."

The car fell silent again.

"Six…thousand…years." Rosalie said, her words staggered as she tried to imagine all that time in her head.

I nodded my head at her words.

"And you are…an immortal?" She asked questionably.

"Yep." I said as we hit a bump in the road.

"how?" Rosalie asked, amazed.

I shrugged.

"That's a harder question to answer," I said with a snort. "I guess it kinda depends on who you ask. To some I'm Adam the first man, while to others, I'm just an oddity with powers in a world filled with other oddities." I chuckled.

"I'm sorry…did you just say Adam…The first man?" She questioned seriously.

I nodded my head.

"Yup." I said nonchalantly.


[Reminder- Rosalie wasn't raped in any way. I don't want to spoil how it is she dies so that's all I'm gonna say.]

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